
【川普】中國是我們在世界舞台上要面對的(全文翻譯 三)

 2019-10-07 08:56 桌面版 简体 打賞 4



以下是川普講話全文翻譯(全文翻譯 三 結束)。

And just so you know — just so you know, I was investigated.  I was investigated.  Okay?  Me.  Me.  In my campaign — I ran, I won.  I was invest- — you won’t say that, will you?  I was investigated.  I was investigated.  And they think it could have been by UK.  They think it could have been by Australia.  They think it could have been by Italy.  So when you get down to it, I was investigated by the Obama administration.  By the Obama administration I was investigated.  So when these people talk —
總統:如你所知了- 就你所知,我被調查了,我受到了調查。行了吧?就是我。就是我。我參加了競選,我贏了。我被調查了。你不會這麽說,你會嗎?我被調查了。我被調查了。他們認為可能是英國搞的。他們認為可能是澳大利亞搞的。他們認為可能是義大利搞的。當你深入進去時,會發現我是受到了歐巴馬政府的調查。歐巴馬政府對我進行了調查。所以當這些人說話時 -

But as far as I’m concerned, what I want to look at and what we want to investigate: anything having to do with corruption.

Q    In your view, Mr. President, do you view China as an ally, a partner, or an adversary?

THE PRESIDENT:  I view China as somebody we’re trying to make a deal with; we have a very good chance of making a deal with.  We’ve had good moments with China.  We’ve had bad moments with China.  Right now, we’re in a very important stage in terms of possibly making a deal.  If we make it, it will be the biggest trade deal ever made — if we make it.
總統:我認為中國是我們正在努力與之達成協議的人;我們很有可能達成協議。我們與中國有過愉快的時光。我們與中國也有過糟糕的時候。目前,就可能達成交易而言,我們處於非常重要的階段。如果我們做到了,那將是有史以來最大的貿易協議 - 如果我們做到了。

But I view China as somebody that we deal with on the world stage.  I would like to get along with China if we can.  And if we can, that’s great.  If we can’t, that’s okay, too.

But what we’re doing is we’re negotiating a very tough deal.  If the deal is not going to be 100 percent for us, then we’re not going to make it.

And I will — and I will say this.  I will say this.  I will say this: China very much wants to make this deal.  China is getting killed.  The tariffs are killing China.  What’s happened is they have now 3 million loss of jobs, their chains are broken up.  If you look at their supply chain, which is a disaster — companies are going to other countries, including us.  China, right now, is a total disaster.
我會,我會這樣說。我會這樣說。我要說的是:中國非常希望達成這一協議。中國正在崩潰。關稅正在扼殺中國。已經發生的是他們現在有300萬人失業,他們的供應鏈正在斷裂。如果你看一下他們的供應鏈,那是一場災難 – 公司正在前往其它國家,包括我們在內。目前,中國是一場徹底的災難。

Q    Mr. President, does a trade with China have anything to do with an investigation into Joe Biden?  And will you ask Xi to investigate?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, no, no.  Let me tell you: I’m only interested in corruption.  I don’t care about politics.  I don’t care about Biden’s politics.  I never thought Biden was going to win, to be honest.  I picked somebody else a long time ago.  And we’ll see what happens.

But I never thought Biden was going to win.  But I don’t care.  I mean, frankly, if he won, I’d be very happy.  I think he’d be an easy opponent.  But I never thought Biden was going to win.  I don’t care about politics, but I do care about corruption.  And this whole thing is about corruption.  This whole thing — this whole thing is about corruption.

This is about corruption, and this is not about politics.  This is about corruption.  And if you look and you read our Constitution and many other things, we — I have an obligation to look at corruption.  I have an actual obligation and a duty.

Q    Are you going to comply with the House subpoenas?


Q    Are you going to cooperate with the House in this investigation?

THE PRESIDENT:  I don’t know.  That’s up to the lawyers.  I know the lawyers think they’ve never seen anything so unfair.  They’ve never seen anything so unjust.  I’ve been President now for almost three years, and I’ve been going through this for almost three years.  It’s almost become, like, a part of my day.

But in the meantime, we have the best economy we’ve ever had.  We have the best job numbers we’ve had in 51 years.  The best unemployment numbers that we’ve had in a half a century.  The best numbers that we’ve ever had — African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, women — everything.  We have the best numbers that we’ve had in many, many, many decades.
但是與此同時,我們擁有有史以來最好的經濟。我們擁有51年以來最好的就業數字。我們有半個世紀以來最好的失業率數字。有史以來最好的數字 – 對非裔美國人,西班牙裔美國人,亞裔美國人,婦女 – 全都這樣。我們擁有許多、許多、許多年以來最好的數字。

And you know what?  People understand that.  People are working.  They’re making money.  The — if you look at one very important number that was just announced: wages up 3 percent.  That’s unheard of.  That’s unheard of.  So, it’s a great thing.

Q    What about other Democrats?  What about other Democrats?

THE PRESIDENT:  I didn’t hear you.  Go.

Q    Mr. President, when did you first get the idea to investigate the Bidens’ activity in Ukraine?  Who advised you to look into that?

THE PRESIDENT:  We’re investigating corruption.  We’re not investigating campaigns.  I don’t care about his campaign.  As I said, I didn’t think — I didn’t think and I don’t think Biden is going to win.  All right?  I don’t think.

And maybe to answer your question, when you say, “Who is going to win?” — I’d rather not make a prediction, but I do have a feeling about it.

I didn’t think — because I’ve watched Biden over the years, and Biden is not the brightest person.  I never thought he was going to win.  I never felt he was going to win.  If you look at his other two campaigns, he was a one-percenter.  He got very few votes.  He got taken off of the garbage heap by Obama.  Obama took him off the garbage heap.  So it’s one of those things.
我沒有想過 - 因為多年來我在觀察拜登,拜登並不是最聰明的人。我從沒想過他會贏。我從來沒有覺得他會贏。如果再看他的另外兩個競選活動,他就是一個百分點的人物。他得票很少。他是被歐巴馬從垃圾堆裏帶出來的。歐巴馬從垃圾堆裏把他帶出來的。這就是事實之一。

But I never thought that Biden — I didn’t think Biden was going to win.  I guess that everybody has a shot.  But I don’t think he would be, frankly, my toughest opponent.
但是我從沒想過拜登 - 也不認為拜登會贏。我想每個人都有機會。但坦率地說,我認為他不會成為我最棘手的對手。

And just to finish off — just to finish off, I don’t think that he will win.  I didn’t think he was going to win, and I don’t think he’s going to win.
只是要結束這個問題 - 只是要結束這個問題,我認為他不會贏。我認為他不會贏,我認為他不會贏。

Q    Joe Biden’s poll numbers are dropping pretty badly.  Elizabeth Warren’s are rising.  Bernie is sick.  What do you think about facing Elizabeth Warren?
問:喬·拜登的民意測驗數字下降得非常厲害。伊麗莎白·沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)正在崛起。伯尼生病了。對於伊麗莎白·沃倫您怎麼看(Elizabeth Warren)?

THE PRESIDENT:  That’s fine.  I mean, it’s fine.  She’s a socialist and maybe worse than that.  But we’ll see.

I heard — I haven’t seen his poll numbers.  I haven’t seen Biden’s poll numbers.  Look, Joe Biden was never going to make it.  All right?  He was never going to make it.  He tried it twice.  He’s at 1 percent.  There’s a reason.
我聽說了 - 我還沒有看到拜登的民意測驗數據。我還沒有看到他的民意測驗數據。看,喬·拜登(Joe Biden)永遠都做不到。是吧?他永遠都做不到。他試了兩次。他只有百分之一。這是有原因的。

When I announced, I went to number one, day one, and I stayed there the entire primary season.  I never was off center-stage.  I was never given credit for that, but that’s okay.  Except by Steve.  The only one that gave me credit was Steve.

Q    Did you try to talk to Rouhani at the UN?


Q    Did you try to talk to Iran’s President?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, they were trying to set up a meeting but he wanted sanctions lifted.  And I said, “You must be kidding.”  We had no interest.  Rouhani wanted a meeting at the UN. 

We did talk.  I didn’t speak to him personally, but our sides talked.  He wanted sanctions lifted or partially lifted, and I said no.

Q    (Inaudible) socialism in Venezuela for political campaign.

THE PRESIDENT:  We’re watching Venezuela very, very closely.  The people are suffering, and we are watching it very closely.  We’re also giving big aid to Venezuela.

Now, one thing.  I’m now going to Walter Reed Hospital.  We’re going to be giving out five Purple Hearts to unbelievably brave young people.

And I’m going to meet you — some of you are going over.  I don’t know.  I think some of you are going over.  So we could talk further over there.  Although, when we’re there, I would like you to respect the process.  We’re giving out Purple Hearts to very brave people, wounded warriors, people that have been — I mean, they’re just incredible people.  And I’m going to be back here in probably two hours.
我還會見你們 - 有些人要跟過去。我不知道。我想你們有些人要過去的。所以我們可以在那兒再談。雖然,當我們在那裏時,我希望你們尊重這一程序。我們向勇敢的人們,受傷的戰士,曾經的人們 - 我的意思是,他們是了不起的人,獻上紫心勛章。我大概會在兩個小時後回到這裏。

Thank you.  Good job.


11:06 A.M. EDT

請勿錯過:【川普】要中国调查拜登 与贸易无关(全文翻译 一)
請勿錯過:【川普】有權尋求外國協助調查腐敗(全文翻譯 二)

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