

 2007-07-10 15:42 桌面版 简体 打賞 0
Canada border in contrast to that of Hong Kong

As Canadians celebrate the country’s birthday on July 1. A parade was held during the Annual Steveston Salmon Festival in Richmond of BC.  Among the entries was a marching band with over 100 Chinese faces who received a warm reception from spectators. The band’s members are Falun Gong practitioners.  After the parade, Ms. Chen Zhiping who came from Seattle to join the marching band said in an interview, 「Thank you to Canada. We live in a landof freedom. When I was at the Border, the Customer officer asked me why I  came to Canada, I told him that I am a Falun Gong practitioner and will join a marching band in a Vancouver parade. He let me in andwished me good luck. The reception here is in stark contrast to the status of Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners who were barred entry to Hong Kong. Police officers violently removed Falun Gong practitioners at the Hong Kong airport, even using tarps to restrain them.」  According to the Falun Dafa information center, more than 800 Falun Gongpractitioners were denied entry to Hong Kong from June 24 toJuly 1.  They traveled there to take part in demonstrations during the ten-year anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to China. An email leaked by a Taiwanese travel agency details instructions from the Hong Kong Immigration Department to bar Falun Gong practitioners from boarding Hong Kong-bound planes in Taiwan.  It is said that Falun Gong adherents in Hong Kong have filed ajudicial review with the High Court of Hong Kong SAR asking the court todeclare the actions of the Immigration Department illegal. A court date ispending.  The Hong Kong government spokesman declined to comment on the incident. Meanwhile, in a written statement, the U. S. State Department called on the Hong Kong government to maintain high standards of personal and political freedom.Falun Gong is a spiritual practice including meditation. It was banned in mainland China in 1999 but it is legal to practice in Hong Kong.


7月1日加拿大人都在慶祝國慶節,大溫哥華地區的列治文史蒂文斯頓三文魚節遊行是當地的慶祝活動之一。在眾多參與遊行的團體中,一支由100多名華人組成的軍樂團受到觀眾歡迎, 其成員都是法輪功學員。遊行結束後,法輪功軍樂隊的一名成員陳治平女士接受了記者的採訪,(錄音)據法輪大法信息中心消息,從六月二十四日到七月一日, 800多名法輪功學員被拒絕入境香港,因為他們要在香港主權移交十週年時參與示威活動。從臺灣旅行社得到的一份電子郵件顯示,香港入境處要求在臺灣的航空公司禁止法輪功學員登上飛往香港的飛機。法輪功學員已經向香港特區高等法院遞交緊急司法覆核案,控告香港政府非法遣返大批法輪功學員。法院審理日期尚未確定。香港政府的發言人拒絕評論有關事件。美國國務院以書面回答媒體相關問題時表示,美國期盼香港能夠繼續堅持高標準的個人自由以及政治自由。法輪功是一種包括打坐的修煉功法。1999年在中國大陸被禁止,但在香港是合法的。
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