
联合国人权委员会期间,IED 呼吁国际社会制裁中共(附英文)

 2005-03-15 08:00 桌面版 正體 打赏 0
----对中共当局进行经济,政治,外交上的制裁, 抵制北京奥运会。

(法轮功人权报道) 3月14日联合国人权委员会第61次会议在日内瓦召开,国际教育发展组织 (IED) 向联合国提交书面声明呼吁联合国,各国政府与国际社会对中共政府进行经济,政治,外交上的制裁,暂停与中共的军事或其它方面的合作,抵制中国产品,特别是那些在劳改营或其它拘留设施生产的。呼吁国际社会抵制北京奥运会。

IED 在声明中,再次强调了中国法轮功学员被严重迫害的情况,列举了中共当局在海外对法轮功学员的骚扰与迫害。同时介绍了近年来联合国人权委员会和高级人权专员所采取的行动。

IED 在声明中指出“国际社会通过很长的时间已经了解到, 中共当局无视要求改善其人权状况的呼吁,继续残酷迫害法轮功学员。中国还存在其它需要关注的紧迫性的人权状况,中共当局也同样藐视国际和联合国人权机构。”

“如果中共当局继续藐视国际人权标准,国际社会,从联合国人权委员会开始, 必须制订实行一系列的相应步骤。这些步骤应该针对中共当局, 包括政治上和外交上的制裁,暂停外国军事或其它方面的合作,抵制中国产品,(特别是那些在劳改营或其它拘留设施生产的),和其它类似的行动。应当注意采取这些针对中共政府的制裁措施不是让普通民众承担过度的负担,而是为了促进民众了解国际人权标准,并就地组织行动以迫使中共当局服从国际人权标准。应当注意避免纵容中共政府,譬如允许中共当局主办奥林匹克运动会,除非中共当局在人权问题上有实质性的改进。在中国人权没有得到实质性的改善之前, 国际教育发展组织呼吁国际社会抵制北京奥运会。”

“最后,国际教育发展组织敦促所有国家应采取更加果断的行动保护法轮功学员在他们自己的国家免受来自中共当局及其附属机构如媒体、商业、企业、学 校、大学等的直接或间接的迫害或恐吓。参与迫害的外交官应被要求离职。各个国家与中共当局的双边关系的方方面面应取决于中共当局是否停止对法轮功学员的迫害和在人权问题上整体的重大改善。”







2. 国际教育发展组织认为,对法轮功的镇压是来源于中共的政治斗争,不断上升的党员修炼法轮功的人数被中共视作一种对其控制政府的威胁。为了掩盖这些真正的原因,中共当局将法轮功歪曲为对中国社会有害的邪教。前中共共产党的总书记,江泽民亲自指挥了这场镇压,并将镇压带到外国领导人和国际媒体面前。

3.我们很高兴的注意到,许多联合国人权委员会的特别人权调查专员,和“非法拘捕”工作组在其报告中都谈到了中共当局对法轮功学员的疯狂杀戮,监禁,酷刑折磨,和迫害。例如,“非法拘捕”工作组发现,在他们所处理的许多案例中,法轮功学员被随意的监禁。他们发现,没有任何证据能够支持中共政府认为法轮功是暴力信仰的这一观点,相反的,他们认为法轮功是一种修炼,而且应该完全受到人权宣言中第18条和第19条的保护 。 在2004 关于“酷刑问题”的报告中,特别人权调查专员列举了100个法轮功学员被酷刑折磨和被致死的案例 。在关于“随意处决,未经审判致死”的报告中,特别人权调查专员在连续几年中报告了大量法轮功学员在监禁期间被致死亡的案例 。上一任和现任的关于“对妇女暴力”:的特别调查也以相似的方式报告了许多关于法轮功学员的案例 。最后,关于“言论自由和宗教信仰自由”的特别报告员也报告了对法轮功学员非常严酷的镇压,并和其它特别人权调查专员一起联合处理有关法轮功学员的案例 。



6.我们也对中共政府不停地骚扰和攻击中国以外的法轮功学员事件感到不安。骚扰和攻击在很多国家都曾发生,其中包括,冰岛,德国,澳大利亚,俄国,罗马尼亚,泰国,柬埔寨,南非,加拿大和美国。中共外交官员甚至在加拿大国会大楼前攻击一位加拿大国会议员,罗伯-安德斯(Rob Anders)。安德斯议员报告说,当一名记者试图拍摄当时的现场时,中共外交官员试图抢夺他的照相机,并试图驱赶他离开。安德斯议员还说到:“如果他们认为,在加拿大的土地上,在我工作的地方─加拿大国会大楼前,他们可以这样对待我而没有事,你就可以想象在他们自己的国家他们是怎样对待他们的人民的。他们还对加拿大的自由媒体的记者发号施令。”正如我们给联合国人权委员会的报告中所说,2004年6月,一组在南非访问的澳大利亚法轮功学员遭到了中共政府雇用的枪手的袭击,其中一人受伤。在美国发生的攻击事件包括威胁法轮功学员所创办的,播放中国传统艺术的的华语电视台新唐人电视台。2004年11月24日,华尔街时报曾报道过一件案例:中共驻洛杉矶领事馆曾写信给一名法律教授,警告他不得在新唐人电视台的一个节目中露面。这个节目披露了一系列中共外交官员攻击美国媒体的反法轮功事件。中共外交官员还在领事馆内散发反法轮功的材料。由于在美国发生的中共官员及其代理威胁和暴力事件是如此之多,2004年10月4日,美国国会一致通过一项决议案,要求中共政府停止一切在美国和中国国内的针对法轮功的行动 。

7.联合国人权委员会和高级专员所采取的行动,以及美国国会通过的决议案都是很重要的举措;然而,这些都应与让中共承担严重后果相结合。国际社会通过很长的时间已经了解到, 中共无视要求改善其人权状况的呼吁,继续残酷迫害法轮功学员。中国还存在其它需要关注的紧迫性的人权状况,中共当局也同样藐视国际和联合国人权机构。本组织也一直提出以下的人权状况:在西藏和西土库曼斯坦的镇压, 反对“民主” 运动,严厉压制新闻自由, 言论自由和宗教信仰自由,等等。所以,如果中共当局继续藐视国际人权标准,国际社会,从联合国人权委员会开始, 必须制订实行一系列的相应步骤。这些步骤应该针对中共当局, 包括政治上和外交上的制裁,暂停外国军事或其它方面的合作,抵制中国产品,(特别是那些在劳改营或其它拘留设施生产的),和其它类似的行动。应当注意采取这些针对中共政府的制裁措施不是让普通民众承担过度的负担,而是为了促进民众了解国际人权标准,并就地组织行动以迫使中共当局服从国际人权标准。应当注意避免纵容中共政府,譬如允许中共当局主办奥林匹克运动会,除非中共当局在人权问题上有实质性的改进。在中国人权没有得到实质性的改善之前, 国际教育发展组织呼吁国际社会抵制北京奥运会。

8.最后,国际教育发展组织敦促所有国家应采取更加果断的行动保护法轮功学员在他们自己的国家免受来自中共当局及其附属机构如媒体、商业、企业、学 校、大学等的直接或间接的迫害或恐吓。参与迫害的外交官应被要求离职。各个国家与中国的双边关系的方方面面应取决于中共当局是否停止对法轮功学员的迫害和在人权问题上整体的重大改善。

UNITED NATIONS Commission on Human Rights
Sixty-first session
Item 9 of the provisional agenda

The Question of Violations of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Any Part of the World

Human Rights in China

Written statement submitted by International Educational Development (IED)

1. Since 2001, International Educational Development/Humanitarian Law Project (IED) has raised strong concerns over the situation of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Falun Gong is a type of cultivation practice involving both physical and mental exercises that had been part of Chinese culture for thousands of years, but which were violently suppressed in the early years of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, by the 1970’s the Chinese authorities allowed cultivation practice, now renamed “qigong,” to reenter Chinese culture, in part due to the noticeable decline in the health of the Chinese people. The Falun Gong style of cultivation practice became public in 1992, and enjoyed an immediate and wide popularity. While the authorities always showed concern over this popular practice, in July, 1999, the authorities suddenly began a brutal crackdown on Falun Gong and its practitioners that continues today.

2. IED considers that the crackdown on Falun Gong came about because of political rivalries within the CPP, and that its growing popularity among CPP members was viewed a threat to CPP control of the government. To draw attention away from these motives, the Chinese authorities began to characterize Falun Gong as an evil or secret cult and as harmful to Chinese society. General Secretary Jiang Zemin personally directed the anti-Falun Gong campaign, raising the issue with foreign government officials and the international media.

3. We are pleased that many of the Commission’s special rapporteurs as well as its Working Group on Arbitrary Detention have addressed the rampant killings, imprisonment, torture, and oppression of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese authorities. For example, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has ruled in the many cases before it that the detention of Falun Gong practitioners is arbitrary, finding no reason to support the Chinese view that Falun Gong is a “violent” belief but rather a practice fully protected by Articles 18 and 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 2004 report of the Special Rapporteur on Torture lists nearly 100 cases of torture and death of Falun Gong practitioners. The Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions has reported for several years on numerous cases of custodial deaths of Falun Gong practitioners. In similar fashion, the former and current special rapporteurs on violence against women have reported on many cases involving Falun Gong practitioners. Finally, the special rapporteurs on the right to freedom of expression and freedom of religion or belief have addressed the severe repression of Falun Gong practitioners and have joined with other special rapporteurs regarding certain cases.

4. Unfortunately, the government of China continues unabated in its severe crackdown on Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. Because of this and other serious human rights problems in China, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights began a program in China as part of its promotion of the rule of law. The program has presented a number of recent workshops and training courses for police and others, including a round-table in Geneva with 16 prison administrators and other officials in September - October 2003. China appears to ignore the advice and suggestions provided by the OHCHR’s technical assistance program as well the mandates of the Commission’s working groups and rapporteurs.

5. We have previously commented on the large number of cases involving Falun Gong practitioners -- at least 1400 custodial deaths, mass arrests (including over 5000 in Changchun in 2003), perhaps as many as 60,000 detained, most of them tortured in some fashion. United Nations procedures and mechanisms cannot possibly address all the cases, all the more so when China refuses to change its practices. We believe that China is emboldened by its defiance of the United Nations because there have not been any negative consequences for China as a result of its bilateral or multilateral relations with other States.

6. We are also disturbed that China continues to harass and attack Falun Gong practitioners outside of China. Assaults have occurred in, inter alia, Iceland, Germany, Australia, Russia, Romania, Thailand, Cambodia, South Africa, Canada and the United States. Chinese diplomats even assaulted Rob Anders, a Canadian Member of Parliament in the Parliament building itself. MP Anders also reported that when a member of the press tried to photograph that incident, the Chinese diplomats tried to grab his camera and get him to leave the premises. MP Anders further stated: “[if they} think they can get away with doing that to me as a Member of Parliament, on Canadian soil, in my place of work, in the House of Commons -- can you imagine what they are doing to people back home in their own country! [and] they were issuing orders to members of the free press here in Canada.” As we reported to the Sub-Commission, in June 2004 a group of Australian Falun Gong practitioners who were visiting South Africa was shot at by alleged Chinese agents, injuring one of them. Attacks in the United States have included intimidation of television stations that planned to air Chinese cultural shows produced by a Chinese language production company called NTDTV owned by a Falun Gong practitioner. One incident, reported in the Wall Street Journal on 24 November 2004, involved the Chinese consulate in Los Angeles, which sent a letter to a law professor warning him not to appear in a NTDTV story. The story goes on to report a series of other anti-Falun Gong activities of Chinese diplomats targeting United States media outlets. The diplomats also hand out anti-Falun Gong literature in their consulates. There has been so much violence and intimidation by Chinese officials or their agents in the United States that on October 4, 2004, the United States House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution calling on China to cease all actions against Falun Gong practitioners in the United States as well as in China.

7. As important as it is for actions undertaken to date by the Commission and the Office of the High Commissioner as well as resolutions such as that passed by the United States House of Representatives, such action should, however, be coupled with serious consequences for China. The international community has learned through time that China ignores calls for improvements in human rights and continues its active persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. There are also other pressing human rights situations in China that need to be addressed and about which China has also ignored international and United Nations human rights mechanisms. Our organization has also repeatedly raised these situations as well: the oppression in Tibet and West Turkmenistan, the action against the “democracy” movement, serious curtailment of freedom of the press, freedom of expression and freedom of religion to name a few. Therefore, the international community, beginning with the Commission, must develop a series of steps to be mutually undertaken if China continues to defy international human rights standards. These steps should focus on the Chinese authorities and can include political/diplomatic sanctions, withholding of foreign military or other assistance, boycotts of Chinese products (especially those made in labour camps or other detention facilities), and other similar actions. Care should be taken to ensure that any actions undertaken against the Chinese government do not unduly burden the civilian population and should be undertaken with an aim to empowering the civilian population to educate themselves about international human rights standards and organize local ways to force compliance on Chinese authorities. Care should be taken to avoid rewarding China, such as allowing China to host Olympic Games, until and unless major improvements are made regarding to human rights. Without a major improvement, International Educational Development expects the international community to boycott the Beijing Games.

8. Finally, IED urges all States to take far more decisive action to protect Falun Gong practitioners in their own countries from direct or indirect persecution and to stop the intimidation by Chinese authorities or their agents of Falun Gong practitioners, media outlets, commercial enterprises, schools and universities or any another facility. Diplomats who participate should be required to leave their posts. States should make all aspects of their bi-lateral relationships with China contingent on stopping the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and on an over-all significant improvement in human rights.

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