
高鐵負債逾兆 疑部長涉貪為仕途

 2011-03-03 11:54 桌面版 简体 打賞 0










China』s Railway Minister Suspected to have Embezzled for Advancement

After Ex-Minister of Railways, Liu Zhijun, was sacked,
Chinese media reported details of his corruption.
High Speed Rail project has over 1 trillion yuan in debt.
It has rampant safety issues and quality problems.
Liu alone has embezzled 2 billion yuan.
How did Liu put the 2 billion yuan to use?
Let』s take a look at the detailed report.

During Liu』s term as the Minister of Railways,
a retired engineer from the ministry announced
「I will not ride high-speed trains in my life."
High-speed rail is plagued by construction issues,
e.g. inadequate quality inspection of raw materials,
The Invited German experts were infuriated and left.
Now the high-speed rail project』s debt has exceeded
1 trillion yuan.

German-based engineering expert Dr. Wang Weiluo:
Construction quality is determined by people』s morals.
Reliance on the system is just an alternative.
In China, 1/3 to 2/3 of construction projects』 funding
goes into the pockets of large contractors.

At the same time, media reports revealed Liu and
female millionaire Ding Shumiao colluding for illegal
profits through railway construction tenders.

Liu used his power to handpick the bid winners.
Ding obtained commissions from these companies,
totaling 822 million yuan.
She compensated Liu by getting him women.

The media reported that Liu embezzled 2 billion yuan.
Liu told Ding, "I will have a big use for the money."

What did Liu Zhijun, 58, want to do?
It is an open secret in the railway sector.
Liu』s family once claimed that Liu was "obsessed"
with the position of vice premier and wanted to
entering the Politburo.
He was planning to buy that position with the money.

Zhu Yufu of China Democracy Party believes that
the selling of offices by CCP is extreme corruption,
involving the highest level of CCP.
Liu』s case is by no means single.

Zhu: Under CCP』s dictatorship and monopoly,
The wealth created by people all goes to the regime.
High-ranking positions are bought with illegal profits.
The CCP's corruption is terminally ill.
Their real enemy lies within their corrupted body.

Zhu said, the CCP will eventually be ruined
in the hands of the exposed and unexposed
corrupt officials like Liu Zhijun.

来源:NTD【禁聞】 --版權所有,任何形式轉載需看中國授權許可。 嚴禁建立鏡像網站。

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