


 2013-04-24 23:52 桌面版 正體 打赏 0

The Second Open Letter to Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang

Chinese Dream, My Bitter Dream


President Xi, Premier Li:

I have a dream that one day I could wake up from my Nightmare.


This March, I filed an application by law to Changsha Municipal Government for information disclosure of the Declaration on Land Acquisition Project by People’s Government of Changsha Municipality ([2005] No.014). According to rules in the Regulation on Government Information Disclosure, no matter that the document could be disclosed or not, Changsha Municipal Government should make an answer within legal term. But by now, the legal term had passed earlier, Changsha Municipal Government made no answer, no reply and no response, never fulfilling its legal obligation for information disclosure.

无奈之下,今年4月12日,我向海外媒体发表《我的中国梦 —— 致习近平、李克强的公开信》,强烈抨击长沙市“伪法治政府”,并深刻指出,在人民与政府的博弈中,人民遵守法治规则,政府不遵守法治规则,不公平的博弈,人民不可能赢得他们的中国梦。

I have no way but publish My Chinese Dream – An Open Letter to Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang in media abroad on April 12, this year, roughly blamed on Changsha Municipal “False Legal Government”, and deeply pointed out that in the wrestling between people and government, people follow the rule of law, while government not, an unfair play that it is impossible for people to win their Chinese Dream.


As soon as published in foreign media, calls came from Changsha Municipal Government, eager to make a talk with me. In the afternoon April 18, the Municipal Government Legal Office’s Director Luo and a comrade named Yue who represent Mayor Zhang Jianfei interviewed me. At first, I had thought this time the government would fulfill its legal obligation of reply in writing, unexpectedly, they just said words of mouth, deadly refused any written reply, let alone sealing. It seemed that once words were left, official seal was borne, the government’s live was claimed. In contrast, they strongly urged me to write a statement to revoke any complaints against their municipal government. Of course, I would not revoke any letters especially those open letters abroad. In words confrontation, Director Luo warned me not to be against them. I am surely unafraid of any evil threats. The negotiation ended up in unhappiness. The negotiation makes me clearly realize that Changsha Municipal Government not fulfilling its legal obligation of information disclosure is subject intent other than a simple negligence of duty. According to Article 35th of Regulation on Government Information Disclosure, anyone not in his line of duty intentionally should be strictly punished. In my opinion, Zhang’s mayor title should be deprived.


Premier Li, you awe to the Constitution, but not so for those “False Legal Governments” at your hand. President Xi, you advocate Chinese Dream, why not advocate Constitutionalism Dream? No national constitutionalism, no governmental legality.


I had applied to Changsha Municipal Government for information disclosure by law, the government, neither disclosing nor replying, did not follow the rules in article 24th of Regulation on Government Information Disclosure. Tell me how could I make my Chinese Dream happen?


I had applied to Hunan Provincial Government Legal Office for normative document review by law, the Provincial Legal Office, neither reviewing nor replying, did not follow the rules in Article 53th of Regulations on Administrative Procedure of Hunan Province. Tell me how could I make my Chinese Dream happen?


I had applied to the State Council Legal Office for administrative review by law, the State Legal Office, neither accepting nor replying, did not follow the rules in Article 17th of Administrative Review Law. Tell me how could I make my Chinese Dream happen?


In my view, the so-called Chinese Dream is just a sweet dream for government, and a bitter dream for general people.


My Chinese bitter dream started from my house demolished by government. Last Tomb-Sweeping Day when we were outside sweeping tomb, government destroyed the no-one house. When we backed home, no home existed, but a full ruin in eye and a deadly grief left to us. That’s my Chinese bitter dream.


That demolishing day saw me arrested by police without any reason at a place 10 kilometers away from home to the demolished scene, arrested with no excuse and released with no explanation, arrest randomly and release casually. That’s my Chinese bitter dream.


Just a wink, I was homeless; over a night, I fell into beggary, set a shed roadside to reside, begging for living. That’s my Chinese bitter dream.


A compensation fee of 148,000 Yuan for our house with a legal area of 180m2 was nearly all cut, to be as a demolition fee, just remained five thousands Yuan. Comrades, five thousands Yuan for 189m2 house, and no settlement, you say, is it the Communist Party demolishing? No, it is truly communist reactionary robbing. That’s my Chinese bitter dream.


My house, Dear Premier Li, that is my bonus;

My “Negative Energy”, Dear President Xi, please let me spread;

My Chinese Nightmare, my dear fellow Chinese, which day we awaken.


鲍学熙 Bao Xuexi
电话(Telephone): 18874151946
April 23, 2013



1)《政府信息公开条例》第24条 行政机关收到政府信息公开申请,能够当场答复的,应当当场予以答复。行政机关不能当场答复的,应当自收到申请之日起15个工作日内予以答复;如需延长答复期限的,应当经政府信息公开工作机构负责人同意,并告知申请人,延长答复的期限最长不得超过15个工作日。



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