假设4口之家,30万(20% down)的房子,一人的401K及两人的IRA等避税养老金全存满, 两辆车:
Income -- $100,000
减去 One 401K $13,000 = $87,000
减去SSTax (7.65% * 87,000) $6,600 = $80,400
减去Federal Income Tax $7,300加上Child Income Credit $2,000 = $75,100
减去State Income Tax (3%) $1,800 = $73,300
减去Property Tax $4,000 = $69,300
减去Mortgage ($250,000 30yr 6%) $18,000 = $51,300
减去Property Tax and Insurance $4,500 = $46,800
减去Medical/Dental Insurance $2000 = $44,800
减去Roth IRA for two people $6,000 = $38,800
减去Two Car (loans, maintenance, insurance) $15,000 = $23,800
Income -- $100,000
减去 One 401K $13,000 = $87,000
减去SSTax (7.65% * 87,000) $6,600 = $80,400
减去Federal Income Tax $7,300加上Child Income Credit $2,000 = $75,100
减去State Income Tax (3%) $1,800 = $73,300
减去Property Tax $4,000 = $69,300
减去Mortgage ($250,000 30yr 6%) $18,000 = $51,300
减去Property Tax and Insurance $4,500 = $46,800
减去Medical/Dental Insurance $2000 = $44,800
减去Roth IRA for two people $6,000 = $38,800
减去Two Car (loans, maintenance, insurance) $15,000 = $23,800
平均每月剩下约$2,000, 要用于吃饭,穿衣,水电,房子维修,电话,cable,上网,手机,玩,旅游,电器,计算机,家具,小孩教育,看病的co-pay,等等。
送交者: us-redfox
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