

 2014-07-31 09:55 桌面版 简体 打賞 2

荷蘭外交部大臣 Mr.Timmerman 發表的講話(視頻截圖)

【看中國2014年07月30日訊】在本次馬航MH17的空難中,共有288名乘客遇難,其中有194名是荷蘭公民。聯合國於24日召開了主題會議,在這次會議中,荷蘭外交部大臣 Mr.Timmerman 發表了一篇講話,感人至深,在眾多外國媒體及社交平台上廣受關注。



Thank you very much Mr. President, thank you for allowing me to speak here today.

We are here to discuss a tragedy: the downing of a commercial airliner and thedeath of 298 innocent people. Men, women and a staggering number of children lost their lives, on their way to their holiday destinations, their homes, loved ones, their jobs or international obligations, such as an important HIV/Aids conference in Australia. Since Thursday, I have been thinking: how horrible must have been the final moments of their lives, when they knew the plane was going down. Did they lock hands with their loved ones, did they hold their children close to their hearts, did they look each other in the eyes, one final time, in a wordless goodbye? We will never know.


The demise of almost 200 of my compatriots has left a hole in the heart of the Dutch nation. It has caused grief, anger and despair. Grief for the loss of the loved ones, anger for the outrage of the downing of a civilian airplane and despair after witnessing the excruciatingly slow process of securing the crashsite and recovering the remains of the victims.


It is fitting that this august Council should take position on this matter,and I welcome the adoption of today’s resolution of the UNSC, which was tabled by Australia and which the Netherlands co-sponsored. I thank the countries whichexpressed support for it. And I particularly want to thank Julie Bishop personally. Julie, we are in this together.


Mr President,

For the Netherlands, one priority clearly stands out above all others: bring the victims’ remains home. It is a matter of human decency that remains should betreated with respect and that recovering victim’s remains should be done without any delay.

The last couple of days we have received very disturbing reports of bodies being moved about and looted for their possessions. Just for one minute, not addressing you as representatives of your countries, but as husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, just imagine that you first get the news that your husband was killed, and then within two or three days, you see images of some thugre moving the wedding band from their hands. Just imagine that this could be your spouse.


對荷蘭來說,把遇難遺體運回國是我們的最首要任務。人的尊嚴不因生命的消逝而被剝奪,所以我們在處理遺體時要秉懷著敬意,而且更多的遲延是絕對不能容許的。可悲的是,我們在過去的幾天收到了非常觸目驚心的報告:遺體被隨意移動擺放,個人物品被洗劫一空。就在這一刻,請允許我不將你們稱作各國代表 - 請允許我把你們當成一個普通的丈夫與妻子,父親與母親。請想像如果你們剛剛得知自己的親人已故,卻又再看到一群流氓把結婚戒指從遺體上搶走。請想像這樣的場景發生在你們的親人身上。而這,卻真真實實的發生在我們同胞的身上。

To my dying day I will not understand that it took so much time for the rescue workers to be allowed to do their difficult jobs and that human remains should be used in a political game. And somebody here around the table talks about apolitical game – this is the political game that has been played with human remains, and it is despicable. I hope the world will not have to witness this again, any time in the future.


Images of children’s toys being tossed around, luggage being opened and passports, including passports of children, being shown on television - they are turning our grief and mourning into anger of a whole nation. We demand unimpeded access to the terrain. We demand respectful treatment of the crashsite. We demand dignity for the victims and the multitudes who mourn their loss.

I call on the international community, on the Security Council, on anyone withinfluence on the situation on the ground: allow us to bring the victims’remains home to their loved ones without any further delay. They deserve to behome.


As we are currently taking the lead in the forensic examination of the human remains, I pledge that the Netherlands will do its utmost to make sure that all remains will be identified and returned home, wherever that home may be.

We will work intensively with all countries and international organizations involved to make this happen as soon as possible.


Mr. President,

I also welcome the setting up of a proper investigation into the cause of the tragedy of MH17, as envisaged in today's resolution. The Netherlands has agreedto assume a leading role in such an investigation, in close cooperation with the relevant countries, the United Nations and ICAO. I am fully aware of the great responsibility we now take upon ourselves and I give you my personal commitment that we will discharge this responsibility to the best of our abilities. As far as the safety and security of the site and international investigators is concerned, I underline the responsibility the Security Council took upon itself with today’s Resolution to take additional measures if circumstances so require.


我贊成對馬航 MH17 災難由因進行徹底的調查,正如今天的決議一樣。荷蘭將會在這次調查中擔當領頭的責任,我們也會全力和其他受害國,聯合國和國際民航組織進行最有力的合作。我深刻的意識到我們和大家賦予荷蘭的責任,義務和期望。我以個人名義擔保,我們會竭盡一切努力。對於遇難現場和國際調查員的安保問題,我們信賴和支持所有在今天的決議中提到的政策──如果需要,我們也決不會吝惜額外的措施。

Once the investigation ascertains who was responsible for the downing of the flight MH17, accountability and justice must be pursued and delivered. We owe it to the victims, we owe it to justice, we owe it to humanity. Please, providefull cooperation so that justice can be served. We will not rest until all facts are known and justice is served.


I thank you, Mr. President.


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