
官媒總編上微博 人人喊打

 2011-02-28 12:51 桌面版 简体 打賞 5










Chief-in-Editor of Official Media Denounced at Blogs

Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of Global Times, posted a blog on on Feb 25 and received many posts of criticism. Why did so many people come to attack him?
What kind of newspaper is it? Let』s take a look.

Editor-in-chief of Global Times Hu Xijin opened an account at He expressed 「hopes for Global Times to speak truth and not avoid any sensitive topics.」「Let our reports display the complexity of the world and a true and sophisticated China.」 Instantly it provoked netizens』 attack and accusation.

Many netizens are angry with its false reports.Internet user 「ddrose Pingping」 said, 「I bought one issue of Global Times, because a German friend wrote a report for them. The report, however, was cut and edited from beginning to end. The friend was very angry.」

Netizen 「The Night of Dark」 analyzed: What else does Global Times have
except that it pieces together articles from overseas media to indicate China』s power, to incite nationalism, and to demonize America? Another netizen 「Spring After the Rain」 said, 「Chinese media has rotten to such an extent. Why does everyone attack Global Times? Because you are pilots in the rotten newspapers.」

Global Times is affiliated with People』s Daily. It was founded in 1993 and is one of the most widely distributed newspapers in China. It elicits a lot of anger due to its propaganda.

On Feb 21, Global Times published an editorial titled 「Intellectuals Shall Take Lead in Support of Society Control,」 reprimanding scholars with independent thinking as unpatriotic and demanded them to 「clearly show their stands and
contribute their bits to maintain social order.」 It corresponds with the tone of CCP』s official files.

Regarding democratic revolution in the Arabic world, Global Times English version published an article, 「Color Revolutions Will Not Bring Real Democracy,」
describing Egyptians』 efforts for freedom, democracy, and human rights as 「riots.」 Again it is in the same tone as that of defending the Tiananmen massacre.

Netizens leave such comments to Hu Xijin: Global Times Chinese version creates false image of internal peace and external crisis, inciting nationalism to fool Chinese people while its English version exposes dark side of society and points out problems, to create a false image of 「independent media watchdog」 to fool the world.

One web post said to Hu Xijin, 「You are only a screw in the corrupted state machine and will eventually be drowned in the historical wave of democracy and freedom.」

来源:NTD【禁聞】 --版權所有,任何形式轉載需看中國授權許可。 嚴禁建立鏡像網站。

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