高峰論壇時間: 2006 年11月10 (星期五),下午1時
高峰論壇地點: 華爾道夫大旅館、希爾頓舞廳 ( Wardorf Astoria Hotel, Hilton Ball Room )
● 中共政權與北朝鮮在唱雙簧嗎?
● 中共政權對歐洲、臺灣和日本採用何種戰略?
● 中共政權為何放棄非洲對中國100億美元的債務?
● 為何中國每年有超過90,000起的抗議示威暴動?
● 正在中國展開的退黨運動是個什麼運動?
高峰論壇演講主題: 貼近的觀察中國
主講者: 尊敬的歐洲聯盟議會副主席,愛德華. 麥克米蘭.司格脫先生 (Edward McMillan-Scott)。
愛德華.麥克米蘭 .司格脫先生是英國政治家,歐盟議會議員,選自英國約克郡和休伯地區保守黨。他是歐洲民主基金會創始人,擁有基金4,000萬歐元。2006年5月21日,他在北京一家旅館會見 2位因宗教信仰而被服刑的人士,牛京平先生(Mr. Niu Jinping)和趙東先生(Mr. Cao Dong)。會見後,趙東先生被捕至今未釋放。愛德華先生將在高峰論壇上談述他對中國戰略的見解,和他在中國的經驗。同時,他將呼籲中共政權釋放趙東先生和著名的人權律師高智晟先生。
● 尊敬的麥克 .白傑明先生(Michael Benjamin), 美國紐約州眾議員。
● 魏京生 先生,著名的中國人權提倡者。他曾獲得許多人權民主奬,其中包括1996年羅伯特.肯尼地紀念人權奬、1997年國家民主基金會奬、 1994年沃爾夫.伯爾姆紀念奬和格爾特斯曼基金會國際活動家奬等。
● 郭軍 女士,《大紀元時報》總編輯。
● 賈甲 先生,中國山西省科技專家協會祕書長。2006年10日23日在臺灣宣布退出中共政權。
● 《未來中國論壇》 www.futurechinaforum.org 本論壇以網路為平臺,由中國和海外網民研究、討論和辯論中國的政治和經濟體制。
● 《魏京生基金會》 www.weijingsheng.org 本基金會推動中國民主,和改善中國人權條件。
● 《看中國》時報 www.secretchina.com ,www.kanzhongguo.com 《看中國》時報是在美國紐約創建的獨立報紙,現為週報,在紐約、舊金山、洛杉礬、香港、澳門、悉尼和多倫多等地出版。每日有200萬點擊量來自中國網民訪問本報網站。
Shawn Lin 678-548-5356
Jianfeng Zhou 718-760-5011
媒體網站Media/RSVP: forum@edoors.com
Media Alert
For Immediate Release Contact: Shawn Lin
November 6, 2006 Cell: 678-548-5356
Welcome to A Summit Forum on:
China's Global Strategy and Inner Crisis
"中國全球戰略和內部危機" 高峰論壇
Time: November 10, 2006 (Friday), 1pm
Location: Wardorf Astoria Hotel, Hilton Ball Room
o Are China and North Korea playing Duo?
o What is China's strategy on Europe, Taiwan and Japan?
o Why China waived Africa's huge debts of 10 billion dollars?
o Why China has more than 90,000 riots every year?
o What is the Quitting Communist Party Movement inside China?
Keynote Speech:
A Closer Look into China
Honorable Edward McMillan-Scott
Vice President of European Parliament
Edward McMillan-Scott is a British politician, Member of the European Parliament for the Yorkshire and the Humber region for the Conservative Party. He is the founder of the European Democracy Initiative, with a budget of some €140 million. On 21 May in a hotel room in Beijing, Edward McMillan-Scott held a meeting with Mr Niu Jinping and Mr. Cao Dong, who had served time in prison for their religious beliefs. They were guilty of no crime. Following this meeting, Mr. Cao Dong was arrested and he has not been seen since. Edward McMillan-Scott will share his understanding on the China's global strategy and his experience in China, call for the release of both Mr. Cao Dong and the renowned human rights lawyer in China-Mr. Gao Zhisheng.
Panel Discussions with Invited Speakers:
* Honorable Michael Benjamin, Assemblyman, New York State Council
* Mr. Jingsheng Wei, renowned China Human Rights Advocate
a winner of numerous other human rights and democracy awards, including the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Human Rights Award in 1996, the National Endowment for Democracy Award in 1997, the Olof Palme Memorial Prize in 1994, and the International Activist Award by the Gleitsman Foundation, etc.
* Ms. Jun Guo, Editor-in-Chief, the Epochtimes Newspaper
* Mr. Jia Jia, 10/23/2006 Defected Chinese Official (in Thailand),
Secretary General, Shanxi Sciences and Technology Experts Association
Event Sponsors: the Future China Forum, the SecretChina Newspaper
Media/RSVP: forum@edoors.com
Shawn Lin, cell: 678-548-5356; Jianfeng Zhou, cell: 718-760-5011
The Future China Forum(www.futurechinaforum.org ) is an internet-based platform that fosters studies, discussions and debates of future China political and economical systems for Chinese inside and outside China;
The Wei Jingsheng Foundation( www.weijingsheng.org) is to promote the democratization of China and the improvement of human rights condition in China.
The Secretchina Newspaper is an independent newspaper established in NYC and currently has weekly publication in NYC, San Francisco, HongKong, Macau, Sydney and Toronto. And its website ( www.secretchina.com, www.kanzhongguo.com ) has daily 2 millions hits of visitors from China.
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