

 2005-04-04 23:46 桌面版 简体 打賞 0








The New York Times:

China's lost leader

Friday, January 21, 2005

Few figures have played a larger role in shaping today's China, particularly its most positive features, than Zhao Ziyang, the former Communist Party leader who died Monday after more than 15 years of house arrest. In trying to treat his death as virtually a state secret, China's current leaders reveal more than they intend about their own profound feelings of political insecurity..Powerful as they are, China's rulers have let themselves be spooked by a ghost, even to the point of defying the tradition of granting full official funeral honors to ranking former leaders, regardless of ideological differences. It may be possible to airbrush Zhao temporarily out of official Communist iconography. In the long term, China's people will surely reclaim a more honest history..Zhao lived quietly and obscurely after being purged during the Tiananmen Square upheaval of 1989. But his great legacy, the market-based reforms of which he was the principal architect, have fundamentally reshaped China, liberating pent-up economic energy, powering decades of growth and lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty..Official history books now credit those reforms to Deng Xiaoping, Zhao's early mentor and later persecutor. Yet it was Zhao, at considerable political risk and personal cost, who largely designed them and put them into effect, first as a provincial leader in the 1960s and 1970s, and then nationally, as prime minister and party leader in the 1980s..In agriculture, where most Chinese still work, he led the way in dismantling the failed and stultifying commune system, replacing it with private land plots and economic rewards for increased production. Then he moved on to industry, loosening state controls and promoting the coastal special economic zones that became the primary engines of China's long export-led boom..Zhao also had the long-term vision to recognize that economic liberalization would need to be complemented by political liberalization: greater democracy, freer speech and the growing rule of law. Those views cost him Deng's support and led to his ouster when he argued against sending troops against the students in Tiananmen Square. .The outcome of that 1989 power struggle, a model that uneasily joins freewheeling economic pragmatism to Soviet-style political dictatorship, has been official orthodoxy ever since. That's what makes Zhao's memory so inconvenient. Only when political freedom revives in China will he be given his due..

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