英国王子哈利与妻子梅根8日透过Instagram发布重大声明,夫妻俩声称将退出资深(senior)王室成员身份。(图片来源:Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
英国王子哈利 (Prince Harry)与妻子梅根(Meghan Markle)8日透过Instagram发布重大声明,夫妻俩声称将退出资深(senior)王室成员身份,实现工作走向财务独立,未来会将时间分配在英国与北美两地,并持续全力支持英国女王。
据《BBC》报导,哈利王子与妻子梅根 经过几个月的反思与内部讨论,决定在现有的制度下开展出有发展性的新角色,包含地理上的分配,他们在声明中表示,这项决定将促使两人好好扶养儿子亚契(Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor)长大,提升他对王室传统的理解,也利于他们一家人开展新的篇章,其中包含新成立的慈善工作,至于相关细节的部分,会在适当的时机再行宣布,另一方面,抛出震撼弹的哈利夫妇表示,他们也将持续同时履行对女王、国家、王室赞助者的责任。
“After many months of reflection and internal discussions, we have chosen to make a transition this year in starting to carve out a progressive new role within this institution. We intend to step back as ‘senior’ members of the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty The Queen. It is with your encouragement, particularly over the last few years, that we feel prepared to make this adjustment. We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages. This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity. We look forward to sharing the full details of this exciting next step in due course, as we continue to collaborate with Her Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cambridge and all relevant parties. Until then, please accept our deepest thanks for your continued support.” - The Duke and Duchess of Sussex For more information, please visit sussexroyal.com (link in bio) Image © PA
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal)分享的贴文 于 PST 2020 年 1月 月 8 日 上午 10:33 张贴
报导指出,这份声明发出前,并未咨询过女王 伊莉莎白二世及其他任何王室成员,白金汉宫方面对此回应表示,“我们理解他们希望采用不同途径”,但对于哈利夫妇声明的回应还在初步讨论阶段,“但这是一个复杂的问题,需要花点时间解决。”
英国 和国外代表着君主立宪制,所谓王室资深成员,意指继承顺位较前的王室成员,且是王室的全职人员,须履行王室职责,一般来说,包括英国女王、菲利普亲王、查尔斯王子和妻子卡蜜拉、威廉王子和妻子凯特、哈利王子与妻子梅根等都属于王室全职人员。
哈利王子与梅根在2018年结为连理,2019年5月迎来第一个儿子亚契。(图片来源:AFP/Getty Images)
现年35岁的哈利是英国王位第6顺位继承人,他在2018年与梅根结为连理,2019年5月迎来第一个儿子亚契(Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor)出生。
但梅根自嫁入王室 以来,屡被传出不适应英国王室生活。她在怀孕期间受访时就曾透露:“并不是很多人问过我‘还好吗’,但在这么多事情的背后要承受一切的感觉是很真实的。”当时顶着大肚子的她坦言,“任何女人,尤其是怀孕的时候都是非常脆弱,因此这是非常艰难的。”
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