中学生:晚会反映了一个伟大国家的最辉煌时代 (图)


约翰尼(Johnny Villani)是美国佛基尼亚州里市满市(Richmond City)圣·克里斯托弗(St. Christopher)中学九年级的学生。他说:"这是一台经过深思熟虑,设计的非常好的演出,它反映了一个伟大国家的最辉煌时代(I thought that it was a very well-thought out, well planed show that showed a great nation in its finest time)。"

约翰尼说:"晚会所展现的所有的文化,所有的音乐家们,所有的演员们都是非常的出色(All the cultures, all the musicians and dancers are wonderful)。我感到它是非常好的晚会(I just thought it was a great show! )。"

约翰尼说最喜欢那位女士演奏的二胡。"真是太令人惊奇了,她只用二根线,竟然演奏出那么美丽的音乐。我真太喜欢了(That was just amazing what she did with just two threads made all that beautiful music. I loved it)。"

约翰尼说:"我感受到每一位演员们都对中国文化引以为豪(they are very proud of their culture),他们爱护、尊重历史,并学习、欣赏历史文化(They take care their history and they respect and learn from it and enjoy it),这对我是一次很好的经历(It was a great experience)。"

约翰尼说他从歌唱家的歌声中得到了很多信息。"虽然我们种族不同,但我们能成为一体,共同学习中国文化(we can all unite and learn from the Chinese cultures),学习他们是怎样以和平方式处理事情(How the way peace and things like that)。"

约翰尼说他从打鼓的舞蹈中得到的信息是:许多独立的小鼓同时击打,可以发出巨大的洪音,非常有力量(many little drums can have a great sound and a great powerful message)。"真令人惊奇呀!"


