「海洋之門」(OceanGate)「泰坦尼克號勘測探險2019泰坦」標籤(圖片來源:David Ryder/Getty Images)
美聯社6月22日報導,美國海岸警衛隊第一區隊約翰·梅傑少將(John Mauger)證實,已經搜尋發現了失蹤多日的旅遊潛水器「泰坦號」碎片,這些碎片與壓力室的災難性失壓內爆相符。
#Tears come from the #heart!#Titan GONE!
— Dr. Sukanta Mishra (@SukantaPhdNou) June 23, 2023
Missing #Titanic #Submersible ends with ‘catastrophic #implosion’
#OceanGate #submarino #USCoastGuard #TitanicRescue #titanicsubmarine #titanicsub pic.twitter.com/UWALqpjMj6
美國《紐約郵報》(New York Post)報導,旅遊潛水器「泰坦號」發生在水下發生內爆的消息傳出後,也引發網友的熱議,並在社交媒體分享相關水中內爆的模擬視頻。
社交媒體TikTok用戶@sincerelybootz分享了一短視頻畫面顯示,一艘看起來象是軍用潛艇的潛水器在水中突然捲曲成墨西哥玉米卷形狀的金屬片,然後碎裂,最終只留下了碎片。短視頻題目為「潛艇在水下內爆的畫面」(Depiction of an submarine implosion underwater),視頻旁白說道:「對於潛艇內可能存在的任何生命來說,死亡都是瞬間發生的。」
The U.S. Coast Guard has confirmed the Titan “exploded from the inside”
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 22, 2023
It is likely that a crack caused the “catastrophic implosion” shortly after communication was lost on Sunday.
Video recreation of an implosion shows it would have occurred so fast, the passengers would… pic.twitter.com/kQrqP3itEp
Here’s an example of what the implosion of the Titan submersible would have looked like. #Titan #OceanGate #TitanicRescue #ShahzadaDawood #submarinemissing #implosion #titanicsubmarine #RestInPeace #titanicsubmersible #Titanic pic.twitter.com/qRKIAZ8TQZ
— PUNIT TIWARI (@punittiwari27) June 23, 2023
帳號@amstuart1994在推特發文寫道:「火車罐在1個大氣壓(atmospheric pressure)下真空內爆。泰坦號水下深度承受大約375個大氣壓。 在所有猜測下......一圖胜千言。」
Train Tank vacuum implosion at 1 atmospheric pressure. The depth at #Titan is around 375 atmospheres. All speculation.....but a picture is worth a thousand words. pic.twitter.com/sFgcSjhr5A
— Adam Stuart (@amstuart1994) June 22, 2023