
【白宮】川普劉鶴在會議上的談話 (全文翻譯四 结束)

 2019-10-14 23:05 桌面版 简体 打賞 2

美中达成第一阶段协议,川普和刘鹤在椭圆形办公室会见媒体。( 圖片來源: / Getty Images)



Q    Your teams have been working together for over a year and a half now.  Can you comment on the progress — I mean the performances of the teams, of both sides?
問:你們雙方的團隊已經一起工作了一年半以上。您能否評論團隊的表現 - 我是指雙方團隊的表現?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I think — are you from China?
總統:好吧,我想 - 你是中國人嗎?

Q    Yes.  China (inaudible).
問: 是的。中國(聽不清)。

THE PRESIDENT:  I think the people of China have to be very proud of your team.  They are unrelenting.  I say that in a positive way.  But they’re unrelenting.  They’re tough.  They’re smart.  And they have negotiated a great deal.

But I think the people of China should be very proud of this team, starting with the Vice Premier.  He’s a very extraordinary man, and we’ve gotten to know each other well.  And everybody on my team respects your team.  So, I think they’ve really handled themselves incredibly well.

Q    Mr. President, (inaudible) tariffs, sir — are the December tariffs also suspended as this process goes on?

THE PRESIDENT:  So the tariffs on the increase from 25 percent to 30 percent, that will be suspended.  We’ll be paying 25, but we’re not increasing it to 30.  And then you might want to mention the additional tariff.

AMBASSADOR LIGHTHIZER:  The addition — the additional tariffs are scheduled to go into effect, as many of you know, the second half of the September.  That is scheduled into effect on December the 15th.  And the President has not made a final decision on that, but there’s plenty of time to make that decision.  And that is certainly a part of this process that the Chinese are working their way through.

So, the first one has been suspended.  The second one is subject to the President making a final decision.  But, the way this timing works out, that will be well in advance of that date.

Q    Mr. President, when can students who are (inaudible) in this country —


Q    — that have difficult- — I mean, many Chinese students have difficulty in this country with their visas.
問:這個有困難 - 我的意思是,很多中國學生在這個國家遇到簽證上的困難。


Q    Yes.  Chinese students in this country.

THE PRESIDENT:  No, no, no, no, no, no.

Q    Can you clarify to us —

THE PRESIDENT:  We’re going to be very good to Chinese students.  Nope.  I’ve heard this question many times before, including from our own security people.  We want all the people that want to come over from China.  We have the greatest university system in the world, and we’re going to keep it that way.   And one of the reasons it’s great is we have a lot of students from China.

No, we’re not going to make it tough.  We’re going to make it like for everybody else.  Okay?  We’re going to make it — I think that’s important.
不,我們不會使它變得困難。我們將使其與其他所有人一樣。行了嗎?我們要做到這一點 - 我認為這很重要。

I think, Steve, I think it’s very important, Bob, our universities are available.  The world comes in.  They use our universities.  We have the greatest system in the world.  And China is not going to be treated any differently.

I think it’s important for you to say that, too, to the people of China.  Our system is open.  People get in based on merit.  We have incredible talent coming in from China.  They occupy a big space in our universities, and we want to keep it that way.  Okay?

Because there was a false — there was false rumors going on that we were going to close the schools to China.  That is so false.  It’s just false.
因為有一個錯誤的 - 錯誤的謠言,說我們將對中國關閉學校。那是錯的,是假的。

VICE PREMIER LIU:  Some Chinese (inaudible) already exchanged our opinion.

THE PRESIDENT:  You’ve already exchanged.  Yes.

VICE PREMIER LIU:  With (inaudible).

Q    Mr. President, any chance of —
問:總統先生,任何機會 -

THE PRESIDENT:  Wait, one second.

SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  Mr. President, I think you’ve been very clear in your directive all along, through the trade negotiations, on your view on the universities.  And we will follow up.

Q    Are you going to do anything to reassure the students?

THE PRESIDENT:  Yeah.  I can give them my word.  I want them coming here.  We want the greatest talent in the world coming to our great universities — to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, the great Wharton School of Finance — (laughter) — to Stanford, all of these great schools.  We want them — we want them coming here.  And that’s what we have.  And that’s one of the reasons we have the great system.
總統:是的。我可以告訴他們我的話。我要他們來。我們希望世界上最棒的人才進入我們的一流大學,進入哈佛大學、耶魯大學、普林斯頓大學、偉大的沃頓金融學院(笑聲)、斯坦福大學以及所有這些一流的學校。我們想要他們 - 我們希望他們來這裡。這就是我們所擁有的。這就是我們擁有這些出色系統的原因之一。

And there have been discussing about that — not by me, because I ended them very quickly.  I want to let you know, I end those discussions very quickly.
一直有人在討論這些 – 不是我本人,因為我很快結束了這些討論。我想讓你知道,我很快結束了這些討論。

Q    (Inaudible) rescinding the currency manipulation designation?

SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  We’ll be making a decision on that and evaluating it.  Although I would comment that, assuming we close the agreement and we have the assurances, that will be a big step in the right direction for our evaluation.

Q    What about Chinese business?  Do you still welcome Chinese business to invest in the U.S.?

THE PRESIDENT:  Absolutely we do.   We do.  We’re doing a lot of business with Chinese companies.  We do have to be — you know, security companies and certain companies — we have to be careful with and we have to pay very close attention.  But we’re doing tremendous business with China and with Chinese businesses.
總統:絕對歡迎。我們的確實歡迎。我們與中國公司有很多業務往來。我們確實必須 - 安全的公司和某些公司 - 我們必須謹慎,我們必須非常關註。但是,我們正在與中國以及與中國的企業進行大量商務交往。

It’s tailed off.  We’ve tailed it off.  We’ve purposefully tailed it off.  But that’ll start building up very quickly again.  We expect that to build up to a much bigger extent, I think, than even before.

Q    When you’ve talked about a big trade deal with China, is this what you’ve envisioned?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, this is phase one, and it’s a big part of it.  The farmers, the intellectual property — a lot of — a lot of areas are covered here that, frankly, are in great shape — intellectual property.  Financial services is going to be a massive boon to the banks and credit card companies and all of these companies, including ownership interests.
總統:嗯,這是第一階段,這是其中很大的一個部分。農民,知識產權 - 很多很多領域都包含在內,坦率地說,都會進入佳境。金融服務將對銀行、信用卡公司以及所有這些公司(包括股東權益)大有裨益和推動作用。

You know, before you had to do certain things that made it very difficult for banks and institutions to really go into China.  China has really been opened up now, for the first time, to financial services and to the big banks and credit card companies and other types of financial services.  So that’s a tremendous thing.  And I think we have complete agreement on that.

Intellectual property — a lot of agreement.  But we’ll have some of that included in phase two.
知識產權 - 很多協議。但是我們將在第二階段中包括其中一些。

Agriculture should be done.  I don’t think the farmers can handle any more than what they’re getting.  Don’t forget: We just signed a big deal with Japan.  And that was a very big deal.  And a lot of that had to do with agriculture also.  So the farmers are doing well.

In currency, foreign exchange — we’re all set on that.  That we’ve been able to do.  And not only through simplification, but the importance of it — it’s very important.
在貨幣、外匯方面 - 我們都完成了。我們已經能夠做到了。不僅程序簡化,這種簡化本身也很重要,非常重要。

And technology transfer — so we’re going to have some technology transfer here, and some will be in phase two.  We think we’ll probably be able to conclude it with phase two, but it may be phase two, phase three.  Okay?
技術轉讓 - 我們在此處也將有一些技術轉讓條款,一些將放到第二階段。我們認為我們可以在第二階段完成它,但是可能在第二階段,第三階段。行了嗎?

Q    Mr. President, how did you come around to the idea of doing a phase one?  You’ve been saying, as recently as earlier this week, that you wanted one big deal.  What changed your mind?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Because it’s such a big deal and it covers so much territory that doing it in sections and phases is, I think, really better.  And we’re talking about very big — don’t forget, we’ve covered, fully, agriculture — even in terms of agricultural structural issues, and then in terms of $50 billion of agriculture.
川普總統:因為這筆交易這麼大,而且涉及的領域如此之多,所以我認為分部分分階段進行確實更好。而且,我們談論的是非常大的 - 別忘了,我們已經全面涵蓋了整個農業 - 甚至包括農業結構問題和500億美元的農產品。

So that will be covered in its entirety.  Currency foreign exchange will be covered in entirety.  Financial services, I think, will be covered pretty much in its entirety.  So the banks and lending institutions — all institutions — are covered.

Some of technology transfer, a large part of intellectual property will be covered.  So I think it actually works out to be a very neat package.  And now we can focus on phase two.

Q    Mr. President, how much time are you going to allow to go by as this goes through?  So you said it might take four or five or six weeks to put it in paper.

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Whatever it is.

Q    At what point would you raise tariffs again if you don’t have a deal that you can actually sign?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Well, we’ll see.  Only — only good faith and faith.  And I think we have a lot of good faith right now going on.  I think we have —
川普總統:好吧,我們拭目以待。只有 - 只有信譽。我認為我們現在有很多誠意和信譽。我認為我們有 -

Q    So no new tariffs in the foreseeable future?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  What we’re doing is we’re going to start, Jon, right away, in getting this papered.  Right now it’s — it’s already partially papered.  Much of this has been pretty much completed, from the standpoint of paper.  But we think it’ll take four weeks, five weeks — something like that.  Now, we happen to be together in Chile.  So that could be a point, or maybe not.  President Xi will be there and I’ll be there for the big summit.
川普總統:我們正在做的是,喬恩,我們將立即開始把這個協議書面文字化。目前 - 已經部分文字化。從文字化的角度來看,其中大部分已經完成。但我們認為這將大致需要四至五個星期的時間。屆時,我們碰巧在智利在一起。所以這可能是一個要點,也可能不是。習主席屆時將在那裏,而我屆也時將在那裏,舉行大型首腦會議。

Q    Mr. President, the last time the Vice Premier was in the Oval Office, in April, you said a deal, at that point, was about four weeks away.  I would love to hear from both of you why this time is different?  What’s changed in the relationship?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Well, I think we got to know each other a lot better.  Don’t forget, there’s been a lot of back-and-forth since that happened.  We thought we had a deal, and perhaps they didn’t, but it didn’t work out that way.  This deal is a bigger deal than the last deal, relatively speaking.  Now, we’re talking about big parts of it, with financial services and agriculture.

But when we talk about $50 billion in agriculture, we never had that in mind in the first deal.  We were thinking about $20 [billion].  We were thinking about anywhere from $16 [billion], I would say, to $20 billion.  Now we’re talking about $50 billion.

So this is actually a much bigger deal.  It’s a big chunk of it, but it’s a much bigger deal than we had in mind — certainly, in terms of — I would say, Steve — financial services is bigger and more complete.  Intellectual property will be in both phases of the deal.  Currency foreign exchange — we didn’t really discuss that very much in the last deal; now we’re including it in this deal because a lot of things have happened during the course of the last year (inaudible).  So —
因此,實際上這是一個更大的交易。這是其中一個很大的部分,它比我們當時的想法要大得多 - 當然,就我所言,史蒂夫,金融服務更大,更徹底。知識產權將分布交易的兩個階段。在上一筆交易中,我們沒有真正很多地討論貨幣外匯的交易;現在我們將其包含在這筆交易中,因為去年發生了很多事情(聽不清)。所以

Q    I thought that was agreed in the spring.

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  I think this is actually, when you add it up, going to be a more important deal — a bigger deal.  And more precise.
川普總統:我認為,實際上,當你將其綜合起來時,它將成為更重要的交易 - 更大的交易,更精確的說。

Q    So the (inaudible) on currency had been agreed last spring as well, before talks broke down, right?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Well, now we have currency — the currency foreign exchange is included.  The foreign exchange aspect of it is much more complete now than it would have been under the other system.  And don’t forget, a lot of things have happened with currency and foreign exchange that we weren’t talking about a year ago.  Things have happened.
川普總統:好,現在我們有貨幣 - 包括外匯。與其它系統相比,它現在的外匯方面要完整得多。而且請不要忘記,一年前我們沒有討論的貨幣和外匯現在發生了很多事情。許多事情發生了。

Q    On the summit —

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Yes.  From China.

Q    You mentioned about the summit.  When and where would you like it to be?  And also —
問:您提到過峰會。您希望峰會何時何地召開?並且 -

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Well, we’re going to find that out.  That’ll be up to the Vice Premier and to President Xi.  So we’ll find that out.

Q    Okay.  On the global economic slowdown, do you think this kind of win-win will help the global economy?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Well, the United States has been doing very well.  China, I think, will — I think this will be a tremendously positive — this is going to be a tremendous thing for China.  We’ve been doing well and I think we’ll do better.  I mean, we’ve been doing really well.  We’ve been leading the world in many aspects of what we’re talking about.  I think we’ll do even better.  And I think China will do tremendously well with this deal.  This is a great deal for China.  It’s a great deal for us.
川普總統:嗯,美國一直做得很好。我認為中國將會 - 我認為這將是非常積極的 - 對中國而言這將是一件巨大的事情。我們一直做的不錯,我認為我們會做得更好。我的意思是說我們確實做得很好。我們一直在談論我們在各個方面引領世界。我想我們會做得更好。我認為中國將在這筆交易後做得非常好。這對中國來說是一個很大的交易。對我們來說這也是筆很大的交易。

Q    This $40 [billion] to $50 billion — is that an annual figure?  Will it rise to that figure?  Is that over two or three years?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Do you want to define that, please?

SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  It will scale up to an annual figure.  Yes.

Q    To an annual figure of $40 [billion] to $50 billion?


Q    Can you say over how long, Mr. Secretary?

SECRETARY MNUCHIN:  Within the second year.

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Over the — over the — less than two years.
川普總統:兩年 - 兩年之內。

Q    Mr. President, did Hong Kong and the Uyghurs come up at all?  That’s a big issue in other parts of — on Capitol Hill, for example.  Or is that separate to trade to you?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  We discussed Hong Kong.  And I think great progress has been made by China in Hong Kong.  And I’ve been watching.  And I actually told the Vice Premier it really has toned down a lot from the initial days of a number of months ago, when I saw a lot of people.  And I see far fewer now.

We were discussing it, and I think that’s going to take care of itself.  I actually think this deal is a great deal for the people of Hong Kong to see what happened.  I think this is a very positive thing for Hong Kong.

But — but it really has — it’s — the escalation, it really has deescalated a lot from the beginning, and we were discussing that.
但是 - 確實有升級,但它確實從一開始已降級了很多,我們正在討論這個問題。

Q    Would you put a stop on the blacklist of Chinese companies, which seems to be expanding these days?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Well, we’ll be looking at the blacklist, and we’ll be making a determination as to which companies would be on that list.

Q    Mr. President, if this deal goes forward — helps the economy, economic growth, et cetera — do you still think that the Federal Reserve needs to cut rates?  And if so, by how much?
問:總統先生,如果這項交易繼續進行 – 有助於經濟,經濟增長等,您是否仍然認為美聯儲需要降息?如果是這樣,降息幅度應是多少?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Yeah, I do.  I do.  I think the Federal Reserve should cut rates regardless of this deal because we’re higher than other nations.  Germany is loaning money, and when it has to be paid back, they get paid, okay?  It’s ridiculous.

And I think that the Federal Reserve should cut rates regardless of how good this is.  We have a great economy, but we have a Federal Reserve that’s not in step with the rest of the world.  So I think they ought to get in step.  And if they were in step, we’d — we would — regardless of the China deal — the China deal is much more important than the interest rates, but —
而且我認為美聯儲應該降息,無論經濟有多好。我們的經濟很棒,但美聯儲與世界其它地方的步調並不同步。所以我認為他們應該採取行動。如果他們採取了行動,那麼我們將 - 無論與中國達成何種協議 - 中國協議比利率重要得多,但是 -

Because this has to do with more than trade; this has to do with world peace.  This has to do with getting along.  This has to do with the rest of the world.  This isn’t just a deal on trade.  This has to do with a lot of friction, a lot of bad things that are happening in the world.

So, this is far more important than the Federal Reserve and interest rates.  But the Federal Reserve should cut interests rates.  Absolutely.

Q    Did you tell them anything about the impeachment process and how that might affect your ability to complete this deal?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I think it’s helped me, because yesterday we had the biggest crowd.  We broke a stadium record.  We broke the record in Minnesota.  Nobody has ever seen anything like that.  And you saw it, and you understand it, too.  And my poll numbers are going way up.  And so, the impeachment, it’s a hoax.

No, we didn’t discuss it, but I would tell him it’s a hoax.  It’s a hoax done by people that are losing.  And they want to try and use it to try and win an election, and I don’t think it’s going to happen.  And I don’t think China believes it’s going to happen, because if they did, they’d rather deal with a Sleepy Joe Biden, who is failing badly.  He’s not going to make it anyway.  But whoever does emerge on the other side, they’d probably be better off maybe waiting.

But they also know that when I win, the deal gets even tougher.  It gets even tougher.  And they expect that I’m going to win, otherwise they wouldn’t sign the deal.  It’s very simple.


Q    Mr. President, you’ve made clear that you like putting tariffs out.

THE PRESIDENT:  I do like tariffs.

Q    How are you — what’s your inclination then, about December?

THE PRESIDENT:  I think then we’re going to have a deal that’s a great deal, that’s beyond tariffs.  This is a deal that’s a very important deal for China, a very important deal for the world, a very important deal for the United States.  I think this is a deal that is beyond tariffs.

I really mean that.  I think that world peace — you know, there was a lot of friction between the United States and China.  And now, it’s a lovefest.  That’s a good thing.  But that’s good for China and it’s good for us, but it’s good for the world.

The Vice Premier said the same thing.  And he said it better than anybody could have said it.  He said, “This is a great thing for the world.”  He didn’t say “China” or “us”; he said this is a great thing “for the world.”  And he’s absolutely right.

Perhaps you’d like to comment on that.

VICE PREMIER LIU:  Yes, I fully agree with you.  It’s good for China.  It’s good for U.S.  But it’s good — also good for the whole world.

THE PRESIDENT:  Yeah.  The whole world is watching.

VICE PREMIER LIU:  Yes.  Whole world is watching.

THE PRESIDENT:  And it is amazing, and I say —

VICE PREMIER LIU:  Not only (inaudible).


VICE PREMIER LIU:  Not only a treaty.  It provides peace and prosperity and development for the whole world.  I think it’s very important.

THE PRESIDENT:  He said, “peace and prosperity… for the whole world.”

So, it’s beyond the trade deal.  It really is.  And, you know, talk was getting tough, rhetoric was getting tough.  We have ships and they have ships, and we have planes and they have planes.  And, you know, bad things could happen.  Stupid things could happen.  But this is a great — a great thing that’s taken place.  We have a very good bond and relationship.

And I have very little doubt that we’ll be able to get this thing finalized now.  It’s not overly complex.  And then they’ll start phase two.  But this was a very important deal for a lot of reasons.

Thank you very much.  I hear a helicopter.  I hear a helicopter.

I’m going down to Louisiana.  We have a totally sold-out crowd in Louisiana.  And hopefully the governor of Louisiana, who is not doing a very go- — you know, he’s not doing a very good job in Louisiana.  Hopefully, he won’t get the 50 percent, we’ll have a runoff, and you have a nice, new Republican governor of Louisiana.
我要去路易斯安那。我們在路易斯安那州有一個完全售罄的集會。希望路易斯安那州州長做得不是很好 - 你知道,他在路易斯安那州做得不太好。希望他不會拿到50%的選票,我們會有一個第二輪競選,而你會有一個很好的,新的共和黨路易斯安那州州長。

And I hope a lot of you are going to join us.  You’re joining us, Jon?  You’re going to be joining us to Louisiana?

Q    I’ll be watching, sir.  I’ll be watching.

THE PRESIDENT:  Did you watch last night?

Q    Yes, yes.

THE PRESIDENT:  Did you enjoy it?

Q    You know, it’s my job to watch.  (Laughter.)
問:您知道,觀看是我的工作。 (笑聲。)

THE PRESIDENT:  A lot of people enjoyed it, Jon.  Have a good time everybody.

Q    Would you take Huawei off the blacklist, sir?  Would you take Huawei off the blacklist, possibly?

THE PRESIDENT:  I — I — we’ll talk about that later.

END 4:11 P.M. EDT

【白宮】川普劉鶴在會議上的談話 (全文翻譯 一)
【白宮】川普劉鶴在會議上的談話(全文翻譯 二)
【白宮】川普劉鶴在會議上的談話(全文翻譯 三)

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