Call for official support for people’s choice to break away from the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)
Since the publication of"Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”in 2004,more than 340 million people have quit the CCP and its affiliates.People’s breaking away from the utterly sinful history of the CCP and its evil indoctrination has become the largest grassroots movement in history.
It offers help not only to people in China who have been trampled for decades,but to all nations and people who have been infiltrated,dominated,openly and insidiously tormented by the CCP.The USA is founded on the belief in God;the CCP hates all religions and has been the biggest religious persecutor on earth.We,the people,petition the White House to officially support every human being’s right to break away from communism and help bring China and the world to an era free from communism.
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