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Korean War 1950-1953


1945 - Korea divided at 38th parallel
1945 – 朝鮮從38線被一分為二

1947 - elections in south created Republic of Korea (ROK), president Syngman Rhee - north became People's Democratic Republic of Korea, president Kim Il Sung
1947 – 朝鮮半島南部舉行選舉,產生了「大韓民國」,總統為李承晚。北部成為「朝鮮人民民主共和國」,總統為金日成。

1948 - Russians withdrew troops
1948 – 蘇聯從朝鮮半島撤軍。

1949 - US began to withdraw troops in June
1949 – 美國於6月開始撤軍。

1949/12 - Mao arrived in Moscow for 2-month visit with Stalin, resulting in Feb. 1950 Sino-Soviet alliance; Stalin invited Ho Chi Minh to join Mao in Moscow in Feb. 1950: "Let's add to China's population of 475 million, the populations of India, Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines."
1949/12 – 毛澤東到莫斯科,進行為期兩個月的訪問,會晤斯大林,結果於1950年2月產生中蘇聯盟。斯大林於1950年2月邀請胡志明在莫斯科會見毛澤東時說:「咱們在4億5千萬中國人後面,再加上印度,緬甸,印尼和菲律賓的人口數吧。」

1950/03/10 - CIA predicted NK attack in June - Charles Willoughby, G-2 in Asia, filed 1195 reports to MacArthur in 12 months after June 1949, reported massive buildup of NK troops on border, large numbers Chinese troops of Korean descent entered NK, but MacArthur ignored the reports, said May 1950: "I don't believe a shooting war is imminent"
1950/03/10 – 美國中央情報局預測北朝鮮要於6月發動進攻 – 負責亞洲情報與安全的查爾斯-威勒比於1949年6月開始連續一年時間,給麥克阿瑟寫了1195份報告書,向他匯報說北朝鮮軍隊在邊境大量集結,中國軍隊裡大批朝鮮族人已進入北朝鮮。但麥克阿瑟全然不理會那些報告書。他於1950年5月說道,「我不認為真刀真槍的戰爭已經迫在眉睫。」

1950/04 - Stalin met with Kim Il-sung in Moscow but would not support Kim's plan to invade SK unless Mao agreed to help: "If you should get kicked in the teeth, I shall not lift a finger. You have to ask Mao for all the help." Kim visited Mao in Beijing and assured Mao as he had assured Stalin that the U.S. would not respond. Mao gave his approval because Mao was planning to invade Formosa and wanted Stalin's help. Stalin began to send Soviet supplies to NK and to plan the invasion, using the cover story that it would be a "counterattack" provoked by an alleged attack by SK. Mao was preoccupied with planning the Formosa attack and was surprised when the sudden invasion began in June.
1950/04 – 斯大林在莫斯科會見了金日成,但對金入侵南朝鮮的計畫不予支持,除非毛澤東同意幫忙:「即使你的牙齒被人給踢了,我都不會動一動手指頭。你必須請毛澤東伸出援助之手。」金於是到北京見毛澤東,並如其跟斯大林打保票一樣,向毛澤東打保票說,(一旦統一了整個朝鮮,)美國不會有什麼反應。毛澤東表示了贊同,因為毛澤東正計畫攻佔臺灣,希望得到斯大林的幫助。斯大林開始將蘇聯(軍需)物資派送到北朝鮮,並計畫入侵南朝鮮。但卻堂而皇之地說,南朝鮮假如攻打過來的話,它將進行「反擊」。毛則一心扑到攻打臺灣的計畫之中。卻沒曾想,6月突然發動了入侵行動。

1950/05/30 - Syngman Rhee lost elections, about to lose control of SK government.The war was planned and initiated by Stalin and Kim.
1950/05/30 – 李承晚輸掉了選舉,也即將失去對南朝鮮政府的掌控權力。這場戰爭是由斯大林和金策劃併發動的。

1950/06/24 - (U.S. time = Saturday, June 24) (Korea time= Sunday, June 25) at 4 am NK invaded SK with 90,000 troops equipped with Soviet weapons and Soviet T-34 tanks, quickly overran SK defenses, captured Uijongbu highway center 20 mi. north of Seoul in 2 days, captured Seoul by June 28 as ROK fled south blowing up Han River bridges, killing refugees, trapping 44,000 own men north of river
1950/06/24 – (美國時間 = 6月24日,週六)(朝鮮時間 = 6月25日,週日)凌晨4點正,北朝鮮9萬名士兵,攜帶蘇制武器和蘇聯T-34型坦克,入侵南朝鮮。軍隊很快衝過南朝鮮防線,僅用兩天時間,就佔領了離漢城北部只有20英里的議政府公路段。6月28日,攻克漢城。南朝鮮軍隊朝南部撤退,炸毀了漢江上的所有橋樑,殺死無數難民,誘捕了4萬4千名江北人。

1950/06/25 - Sunday, Truman returned to Blair House from Independence, and met with NSC - ordered U.S. Navy and AF into SK to stop invasion (but not Army ground troops)
1950/06/25 – 週日。美國總統杜魯門從獨立城回來到布萊爾宮,召見了國家安全委員會成員 – 命令美國海軍和空軍進入南朝鮮,以阻擋(北朝鮮)入侵(但沒有命令陸軍部隊進入)。

1950/06/26 - Monday, Truman asked and received support from UN - Russia was absent because boycotting Security Council until seat given to Communist China
1950/06/26 – 週一。杜魯門請求並獲得了聯合國支持 – 蘇聯沒有出席,因為它在抵制安理會,以希望共產黨中國獲得席位。

1950/06/27 - Tuesday, 2nd UN meeting approved use of ground troops; Truman ordered the 7th Fleet to the Taiwan Strait to protect Formosa. - 11 days later, a 3rd meeting authorized a UN command under Gen. Douglas MacArthur - 15 nations would contribute 40,000 troops, plus 300,000 from the U.S. and 500,000 from ROK
1950/06/27 – 週二。聯合國第二次會議贊同使用陸軍部隊。杜魯門於是下令第七艦隊直奔臺灣海峽,以保護臺灣。- 11天後,聯合國第三次會議授權聯合國軍隊指揮權交美軍的道格拉斯-麥克阿瑟上將。由15個國家出兵4萬,美國出兵人數30萬,南朝鮮出兵50萬。

1950/06/29 - Thursday, MacArthur went to the front, saw disintegration of ROK army, committed 13,000 U.S. troops of 24th Division, but were outnumbered 20 to 1, many surrendered or captured
1950/06/29 – 週四。麥克阿瑟來到前線,看到南朝鮮軍隊已土崩瓦解,於是,下令美軍24師13000名士兵接防。但這支部隊很快在20比1懸殊比例寡不敵眾情況下,或投降或被俘。

1950/07/07 - MacArthur proposes his plan to "compose and united" all Korea in a great counterattack, but Truman delayed approval until NK attack was stopped.
1950/07/07 – 麥克阿瑟提出計畫,提出「聯合」整個朝鮮,以進行猛烈反攻,但此計畫遭杜魯門耽擱,直到北朝鮮的進攻行動被阻止。

1950/07/19 - Truman speech before Congress requested $10b for the "police action" and made radio speech to the American people that was vague and ambiguous - no mobilization for complete victory as in WWII
1950/07/19 – 杜魯門在國會發表講話,為這場「警察行動」申請100億美元經費,並向全美國發表了廣播講話。但講話主旨有些含混,模棱兩可 – 並沒有像第二次世界大戰時為爭取全面勝利而進行動員。 

1950/07 - "July debate" over strategy - MacArthur supported by John Allison that U.S. should liberate and unite Korea - but Omar Bradley supported by George Kennan that U.S. should only restore boundary of 38th parallel and seek a political settlement rather than a military solution.
1950/07 – 因戰略問題發生「七月爭論」。獲得約翰・埃利遜支持的麥克阿瑟認為,美國應該解放並統一全朝鮮。但由喬治・坎南和參謀長聯席會議所支持的一方的奧馬爾-布萊德利則認為,美國只需要恢復三八分界線即可,最好通過政治途徑而非軍事手段解決問題。

1950/07/23 - MacArthur gives JCS the details of his Inchon plan
1950/07/23 - 麥克阿瑟向參謀長聯席會議呈遞了詳細的仁川登陸計畫。

1950/07/26 - MacArthur orders Gen Walton "Johnnie" Walker to "stand or die" at Taegu - Pusan defense force increased to 92,000 U.S. with 91,500 ROK and 1500 Brit vs. 98,000 NK
1950/07/26 – 麥克阿瑟命令瓦頓(外號叫「威爾士名酒」的)將軍在太谷「死守」。釜山防衛部隊裡美軍人數增至92000名,南朝鮮部隊人數為91500名,英軍參戰人數為1500名,對陣北朝鮮的98000名士兵。

1950/08/07 - MacArthur begins counterattack from Pusan and stops NK attack
1950/08/07 – 麥克阿瑟從釜山開始反擊,並阻擋住了北朝鮮的進攻。

1950/08/28 - JCS approve Inchon plan - no order from Truman; only JCS recommendation "let action determine the matter"
1950/08/28 – 美國參謀長聯席會議批准了仁川計畫 – 這一命令並不是來自杜魯門;而是由參謀長聯席會議建議道「讓行動決定一切」。

1950/09/01 - NSC papers support Inchon plan, but only with UN support, with an offer of peace terms, and with only ROK forces to be used in northern border with China
1950/09/01 – 國家安全委員會文件支持仁川計畫,但附加條件是須先得到聯合國支持,並提出和平條款,而且要求在與中國接壤的北部邊界,只能部署南朝鮮軍隊。

1950/09/12 - "bomb at the Waldorf" - Acheson meeting with Brit and French to expand NATO troops with 10 German divisions and 4 U.S. Divisions
1950/09/12 - 「沃多夫豪華賓館裡的炸彈」- 美國務卿艾奇遜在這裡會晤了英國和法國領導人,討論增派北約組織裡的軍事力量。德國出兵10個師,美國再出4個師。

1950/09/15 - Inchon landing at high tide
1950/09/15 – 潮漲最高時,開始仁川登陸。

1950/09/30 - public warning from China's Chou En-lai to stay away from the Yalu border - called by MacArthur "diplomatic blackmail" - but G-2 reported massive buildup of Communist China Forces (CCF) along northern side of Yalu
1950/09/30 – 中國的周恩來公開警告(聯合國軍),不要貼近鴨綠江的中朝邊界。這一警告被麥克阿瑟斥為「外交敲詐」。但美國情報安全部門則報告說,在鴨綠江北岸有共產黨中國軍隊在大量集結。

1950/10/08 - MacArthur crossed 38th line into NK at 3:14 am., 12 hours before UN passed resolution calling for a "unified, independent, democratic Korea" and instructing MacArthur to "insure conditions of stability throughout Korea"; Kim Philby passed to the Russians and the Chinese secret information about MacArthur's troop movements; on this same day, U.S. jets attack Soviet air base near Vladivostok as part of the "Secret Air War" between Russia and the U.S. on both sides of the Yalu.
1950/10/08 – 麥克阿瑟於凌晨3點14分,提前12小時跨過三八線,進入北朝鮮。聯合國12小時後,通過一項決議案,呼籲建立「一個聯合、獨立、民主的朝鮮」,並指示麥克阿瑟「確保全朝鮮情況穩定」。(蘇聯著名間諜)金・菲爾比已經給蘇聯和中國發出關於麥克阿瑟軍隊行動的秘密情報;同一天,作為蘇聯與美國之間在鴨綠江兩岸的「秘密空戰」的一個部分,美國飛機攻擊了蘇聯海參崴附近的空軍基地。

1950/10/15 - MacArthur and Truman meet privately on Wake Island
1950/10/15 – 麥克阿瑟與杜魯門在維克島秘密會晤。

1950/10/25 - 1st CCF attack across Yalu with 250,000 troops and Russian MIG-15 jets - but after two weeks, retreat back into China
1950/10/25 – 共產黨中國軍隊共25萬人,在蘇聯米格15飛機的掩護下,進行了第一次進攻。兩週後,又撤回到中國。

1950/11/24 - MacArthur starts final offensive toward Yalu, at the same time as Chinese delegates arrive at UN to begin peace negotiations
1950/11/24 – 麥克阿瑟朝鴨綠江開始了最後進攻。這時,中國代表團已抵達聯合國,開始和談。

1950/11/25 - 2nd CCF attack against MacArthur's weakened center line - UN and ROK forces retreat back into SK
1950/11/25 – 共產黨中國軍隊開始第二次進攻,削弱了麥克阿瑟的中心防線 – 聯合國軍和南朝鮮軍全部撤回到南朝鮮。

1950/12/25 - CCF stopped at 38th; UN sought armistice but not MacArthur who urged all-out war against China
1950/12/25 - 共產黨中國軍隊在三八線停了下來;聯合國尋求停火,但麥克阿瑟卻不同意,他敦促發動對付中國的全面戰爭

1951/01 - "great debate" by 82nd Congress over Truman's Dec. 19 declaration of national emergency, wartime controls, increase in U.S. troops for NATO to 6 divisions with Ike in command, $50b defense budget, doubled air groups to 95, increase Army to 3.5m troops, Japanese peace treaty, admit Greece and Turkey to NATO and add new bases in Libya, Saudi Arabia, Spain
1951/01 - 美國國會就杜魯門12月9日發表的國家緊急狀態聲明,戰時控制,和由艾克指揮的美國為北約組織增兵6個師,5百億國防預算,空軍集團軍增至95個,增加步兵到350萬人兵力,日本和平協議,允許希臘和土耳其進入北約組織,在利比亞,沙特和西班牙增設軍事基地等問題,進行第82次「大辯論」。

1951/02/11 - 3rd CCF attack pushed UN forces back to Han River
1951/02/11 - 共產黨中國軍隊發動第三次進攻,將聯合國軍擊退到漢江。

1951/02/21 - Matthew Ridgeway's "Killer" counterattack pushed CCF back to 38th line by April 21
1951/02/21 - 到4月21日,馬修・李奇威的「屠夫」反攻計畫將共產黨中國軍隊再次逼退回三八線。

1951/04/11 - Truman fires MacArthur
1951/04/11 – 杜魯門解除麥克阿瑟總指揮職務。

1951/04/22 - 4th CCF attack - CCF commander Peng Teh-huai ordered by Mao "win a quick victory if you can; if you can't, win a slow one." - drove Ridgeway back to Seoul by May
1951/04/22 - 共產黨中國軍隊發動第四次進攻。毛澤東派出總指揮彭德懷,並命令他「(朝鮮戰爭)能速勝則速勝,不能速勝則緩勝」。彭德懷於五月將李奇威趕到了漢城。

1951/05/02 - Malik speech hints at possible settlement
1951/05/02 – 前蘇聯駐聯合國代表馬利克發表講話,暗示有可能解決衝突。

1951/06/01 - Ridgeway's "Ripper" counterattack pushed CCF 40 miles north of the 38th line
1951/06/01 – 李奇威的「撕裂者」反攻行動再將共產黨中國軍隊推回到了三八線以北40英里處。

1951/06/05 - Malik began talks with Kennan about possible settlement
1951/06/05 - 前蘇聯駐聯合國代表馬利克與美國代表坎南開始談判,討論可能的解決方案。

1951/07/10 - Panmunjon talks began, but settlement delayed by Stalin (until Stalin's death March 5, 1953)
1951/07/10 – 開始板門店和談。但最後解決問題時間被斯大林推遲(直到斯大林於1953年5月斯大林死為止。)

1953/06/26 - armistice signed
1953/06/26 – 簽署停戰協議。

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