
1.My stomach is growling. 我的肚子咕嚕咕叫嚕叫。
2.What’s that odor? 那是什麼味道。
3.This makes me sick. 這個東西讓我覺得噁心。
4.I eat like a bird. 我吃得很少。
5.I’ve decided to go on a stricter diet. 我決定要嚴格控制飲食。
6.You have a fat chance. 你機會不大。
7.Excuse me, but nature calls. 不好意思,我要上一下洗手間。
8.Number one or number two? 小號還是大號。
9.Get some z’s. 睡一下吧。
10.He went out like a light. 他一下就睡著了。
11.I can’t carry a tune. 我五音不全。
12.I’m feeling jet lag. 時差讓我覺得不舒服。
13.I’m a little bit tipsy. 我有點醉了。
14.Are you expecting? 你懷孕了嗎?
15.She is on maternity leave. 她正在休產假。
16.She has gone into labor. 她開始痛了。
17.She doesn’t nurse very well. 她不愛吃奶。
18.You don’t look it. 你看起來不像啊。
19.You look so well. 你氣色真好。
20.Do you work out? 你運動嗎?
21.He is a has-been. 他已經過氣了。
22.It’s tough to kick a habit. 要改掉習憒很難。
23.In the pink. 我身體很好。
24.Would you like a generic brand? 你要普通的藥嗎?
25.Do you have a prescription? 你有帶處方嗎?
26.My back went out. 我扭到腰了。
27.I am under the weather. 我身體不舒服。
28.I think I’ll call in sick today. 我今天想請病假
29.I’m afraid I have a cavity in one of my molars. 我有顆臼齒可能蛀掉了。
30.He turned white with fear. 他嚇得臉色發白。
31.She had a face-lift. 她去拉皮。
32.It gives me the creeps. 我渾身起溪皮疙瘩。
33.Get some fresh air outside. 到外頭透透氣吧。
34.I’m all thumbs today. 我今天笨手笨腳的。
35.You must have a green thumb. 你一定是園藝高手。
36.Is this seat taken? 這個座位有人嗎?
37.I’m expecting company. 還有人要來。
38.What’s good here? 這裡有什麼好菜。
39.What is the typical diet of the Taiwanese? 典型的臺灣料理是什麼?
40.This will whet your appetite. 這會增加你的食慾。
41.May I take your order? 可以點菜了嗎?
42.What’s your favorite dish? 你最喜歡什麼菜?
43.I want to have an American breakfast. 我要美式早餐。
44.I’m stuffed. 我吃飽了。
45.I’m fussy about foods. 我很挑嘴。
46.How would you like your steak? 你的牛排要幾分熟?
47.Would you like it with the works? 你所有的配料都要加嗎?
48.What flavor would you like? 你要什麼口味?
49.White or wheat? 白麵包還是全麥麵包?
50.Let’s go to a potluck dinner. 我們來聚餐吧。
51.Help yourself. 請用吧。
52.Care for seconds? 再吃一點吧。
53.This is on the house. 這是免費招待的。
54.I feel like a cup of coffee. 我想喝杯咖啡。
55.Give me a refill, please. 請再幫我倒一杯。
56.How do you like your coffee? 你想喝什麼樣的咖啡呢?
57.Drink your coffee before it gets cold. 趁涼掉以前把你的咖啡喝了吧。
58.Burping in public is bad manners. 大庭廣眾之下打嗝是不禮貌的。
59.You had one too many. 你喝醉了。
60.Can I have a doggy bag, please? 我可以打包嗎?
