

1、 指頗有價值的或重要的事物,解作「了不起」、「重要」、「有道理」。如:
(1) He can run 100 meters in 10.5 seconds 。 That is really something 。 --他十秒就能跑完一百公尺,真是了不起!
(2) He thinks he is something 。 --他自以為了不起。
(3) Theory is certainly something but practice is everything 。 --理論固然重要,但是實踐尤為重要。
(4) There is something in this book 。 Have you read it ? --這本書頗有參考價值,你讀過嗎?

2、 or something 表示對某事物不十分肯定。恐怕把事情說的太絕,會承擔什麼責任,用以留有餘地。如:
(1) Mr Green is a scientist or something (does some job of science)。 --格林先生是一個科學家之類的人物。
(2) I heard that a fire broke out in his house or something 。 --我聽說他家著火了還是發生了別的事情。
(3) She made a fire near the oil tank or something 。 --她在油箱附近燃起了一堆火,或做出別的蠢事。

3、 something of 用來表示一種不確定的程度或沒有完全的把握。如:
(1) Arriving at the village , he found himself something of an honoured guest 。 --到達那個村子時,他發現人們把他當作貴賓。
(2) He is something of a liar 。 --他不是一個十分誠實的人。
(3) He is something of a programmer 。 --他略微熟悉程式編製。

4、 something like 表示稍似,有點像,大約等意思。如:
(1) The flying machine is shaped something like a bird 。 --那架飛行器的外型略微像一隻鳥。
(2) The total output of grain this year is something like one million kilograms 。 --今年糧食總產量大約一百萬公斤。

5、 something 還有時後接形容詞做表語。做「有些」、「似乎」解。如:
(1) He was something unhappy 。 --他當時似乎有點不高興。
(2) She is something better today 。 --她今天似乎好些了。

6、 something in one 指人的情緒、表情、神態等。如:
(1) Something in her was hostile to catholic , as to foreigners 。 --她對基督教有些敵對情緒,如同對外國人。
(2) Only something in her was manner prevented her husband from going out that evening 。 --只是她舉止有點異常,才阻止了她丈夫那天晚上的外出。

7、 something tells sb. 意思是好像感覺到,彷彿意識到或知道。如:
(1) Something tells me that the young man is a thief 。 --我好像感覺到那個年輕人是小偷。
(2) Something tells me this 。 --我似乎知道這點。
(3) Something told him that the accident would happen 。 --他好像意識到了那場事故會發生。

8、 have something going for one 表示某人有某種做事的條件,如能力、天資、容貌等。如:
(1) John’s got something for him 。 He would succeed in tackling the problem 。 --約翰身具才能,他會成功地處理好這個問題。
(2) Jenny has something going for her , she will surely gain love of a young man 。 --珍妮長的很美,她一定會贏得年輕人人的愛慕。

9、 make something of 找碴……如:
(1) He made something of what the worker said to fire him 。 --他以那工人說的話為藉口,把他解雇了。
(2) Tom accidentally shoved Bob in the doorway and Bob made something of it 。 --湯姆偶然在門口碰到了鮑波,而鮑波便以此找碴。

10、 start something 指無中生有地找碴,與人打架吵嘴。如:
(1) That boy is always starting something 。 --那孩子總是惹是生非。
(2) He started something but I made no reply 。 --他找碴,可是我沒理他。

11、 have something on sb. 手中有某人的把柄。如:
(1) He dare not have words with me because I have something on him 。 --他不敢與我吵嘴,因為我手裡抓著他的把柄。
(2) Because he has something on the boss , the boss does not rage against him 。 --因為他手裡抓著老闆的把柄,所以老闆不向他發火。
