

 2007-10-15 21:26 桌面版 简体 打賞 0



在我的一生中,父親從來沒有幹過一份工作。 1983 年,也就是我出生前的兩年,他挨家挨戶地推銷書籍,那是他最後一次工作。我不知道他為什麼一直做著一個「家庭夫男」,也許因為我母親是個醫生,能掙足夠的錢來養活一家子,或許還有其它的什麼原因。





















不過我可以驕傲的說,數年以後我可以在爸爸走向死亡的時候,自豪並充滿愛意地望著病榻的父親並背誦「 不要溫和地走進那個良夜」。


【譯注】「 不要溫和地走進那個良夜」為著名 威爾士詩人狄蘭·托馬斯 (Dylan Thomas) 所作。

托馬斯是繼奧登( W.H. Auden )以後英國的又一位重要詩人。托馬斯的詩作大體屬於超現實主義流派,其詩中所蘊含的內容具有夢幻色彩,通過對於意象的描繪堆砌,托馬斯所創造出來的詩境往往引人入勝。另外,托馬斯很注重押韻,其詩以善於朗誦聞名。除了寫詩,托馬斯也寫過一些短篇小說幾個電影劇本。 1953 年,托馬斯逝世,享年 39 歲。

「 不要溫和地走進那個良夜」 作於其父逝世前病危期間。中文 翻譯:巫寧坤


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on that sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


INSTRUCTIONS: Using standard English, write a coherent, unified, multi-paragraph composition of approximately 300 words on the topic below. In your composition, you may apply any effective and appropriate method of development which includes any combination of exposition, persuasion, description, and narration.

Write a multi-paragraph composition on the topic below. In addressing the topic, you may draw support from the experiences of others or from any aspect of your life, for example, your reading and your experiences.

Topic: Certain experiences can mark the beginnings of maturity.

My father has never had a job in my life. His last job was a door-to-door book salesman in 1983, two years before my birth. I do not know why he has remained a 「house-husband」; maybe it is because my mom is a doctor and makes enough money to support our family, or maybe there are other reasons.

Whatever the cause of his situation, it always filled me with embarrassment. People never ask, 「What does your mom do?」, and I was sick of providing the same response, 「My dad is an author,」 (which is a lie, anyway), 「.... but my mom is a doctor!」

The time came, when I was in grade 7, when I was completely frustrated with lying for my dad. The opportunity to inform him of this came when I was attempting to quit piano lessons.

「 Dad, I don’t like playing the piano,」 I stated passively.

「 There’re lots of things we don’t like, but we have to do them,」 he responded.

「 I want to quit,」 I retorted quickly.

「 No,」 he responded firmly. I refused to become intimated.

「 Yes, dad. It’s my choice. I don’t like doing it so I can quit.」

「 No! You’re not quitting! You’ll learn that we all do things that we don’t enjoy, but we do them because we have to, and because we learn from them.」

I saw my opportunity to let him know how I felt, and I took it.

「 Well, dad,」 I stated, with a superficial importance, 「I know a lot of my friends’ dad’s don’t like working , but they still do it! It’s not an option. But you stay at home programming computers for fun and watching TV and you don’t look for a job because you don’t like it. You don’t want to!」

That was the end of that conversation. He did not mutter another word. He stared at me for a few seconds and averted his eyes back to the road. His breathing was heavy. I knew I had made my point.

I felt proud – it was the first time I had been able to silence my dad in an argument, and I was allowed to quite piano! During the next few weeks, we hardly acknowledged each other.

5 years later, I am in grade 12. I am taking Literature 12, but I want to drop it and only take English 12.

「 Son, you can’t do that,」 my dad said, less aggressively this time.

「 Dad, why? I want to.」

「 You can’t. You’ll learn a lot from this class. There’re things we do that we don’t always want to, we just have to.」

My previous response came to my head, but I felt wrong for even thinking it.

「 Actually,」 I started, 「you’re right. I probably should. It’ll help my writing and reading comprehension.

Why did I not repeat my first response? I think it may be a sign of my developing maturity. My dad may have made some mistakes in his life, and it should never be someone’s goal to end up without a job, but it’s his role – as a dad – to try to prevent his son from making the same mistakes as he did. Whenever I hear Beethoven’s 「Moonlight Sonata」, I wish I could play it myself. I may one day take up the piano again. I am proud to say, though, that in several years I will look at my father on his deathbed with love and pride, and be able to quote 「Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night」 by rote.

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