政治独裁就是癌细胞。你明知故犯,将它养成了世界癌症 despotism is cancer cell. you know this, yet you feed it, until it grow to Cancer of world 养虎为患,养蛊反噬 grow up the tiger until kill you back grow up the poisonous insect, turn round bite you back 遏止其经济,就是遏止其军事。不战而克敌之兵。 whittle down its economy,result whittle down its military affairs,result refrain its army without fight
despotism is cancer cell. you know this, yet you feed it, until it grow to Cancer of world
grow up the tiger until kill you back
grow up the poisonous insect, turn round bite you back
whittle down its economy,result whittle down its military affairs,result refrain its army without fight