图为2019年11月13日,女演员吉娜.卡拉诺(Gina Carano)在加州洛杉矶举行的“迪士尼+”(Disney+)的《星球大战》衍生剧系列《曼达洛人》(The Mandalorian)的首映式上走红地毯。(图片来源:Emma McIntyre/Getty Images)
【看中国2021年2月12日讯】(看中国记者程雯编译/综合报导)2月10日(周三),卢卡斯影业公司(Lucasfilm)因为一条社交媒体的帖子而解雇了保守派女演员吉娜.卡拉诺(Gina Carano),几小时后,标签“取消迪士尼+”(#CancelDisneyPlus)就迅速成为推特上的热门趋势,更有推特用户指出迪士尼的道德底线低下。
卡拉诺原是“迪士尼+”(Disney+)的《星球大战》衍生剧系列《曼达洛人》(The Mandalorian)的剧组演员,她于2月10日在社交媒体发布的一个帖子暗示了现在美国民主党政府对待共和党人的做法就如同当年的德国纳粹政府对待犹太人一样。
This is the post that the left canceled Gina Carano for.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) February 11, 2021
It's a hyperbolic comparison of the modern American left to nazis by showing how far things can go when you otherize people.
It doesn't deny the holocaust... it warns of it. pic.twitter.com/NcGLBPmQIC
You Guys Ready #CancelDisneyPlus
— 🍓🥤Drunk3P0 🍓🥤 (@Drunk3P0) February 11, 2021
保守派评论员保罗.约瑟夫.沃森(Paul Joseph Watson)发推文说:“吉娜.卡拉诺完全正确。#取消迪士尼+。”
Gina Carano was completely correct. #CancelDisneyPlus
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) February 11, 2021
记录片制片人劳伦.萨真(Lauren Southern)发推文说:“好吧,我们开始解雇与纳粹德国进行愚蠢比较的人们吧。
Ok, let’s start firing people for making silly comparisons to Nazi Germany 🙃
— Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) February 11, 2021
Your turn now progressive media. Chop chop! You’ve got quite the backlog to work on there! #CancelDisneyPlus
Well I’m not sorry to be going!#CancelDisneyPlus pic.twitter.com/R1GSyS1gQp
— XxCL0UDxX1990 (@XxCL0UDxX1990) February 11, 2021
作家兼记者迈克.切尔诺维奇(Mike Cernovich)发推文说:“把吉娜.卡拉诺列入黑名单,证明了左派的观点是,任何持异议的人都是必须被摧毁的人。他们恨你。不要否认或假装。停止尝试和他们成为朋友或和他们辩论。他们想要把你关进古拉格。在这个该死的游戏中你要当心啦!”
The blacklisting of Gina Carano is proof that the left views anyone who dissents as people who must be destroyed. They hate you. Don’t live in denial or pretend otherwise. Stop trying to be friends or debate them. They want you in gulags. Get your mind in the fucking game!
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) February 11, 2021
作家兼播客主持人斯蒂芬.米勒(Stephen Miller)发推文说:“只要迪士尼为了钱$$$迎合中国的侵犯人权行为和字面意义的集中营,就可以让迪士尼因为社交媒体帖子令人反感而解雇演员,这是过于荒谬。就这么简单。”
As long as Disney caters to China's human rights abuses and literal concentration camps for $$$, pretty much any excuse they use to fire an actor over offensive social media posts is beyond ridiculous. It's that simple.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) February 11, 2021
还有推特用户继续揭底迪士尼的道德底线——一个多年发推文“开玩笑”幻想强奸儿童和娈童的导演詹姆斯.岗恩(James Gunn),被迪士尼解雇后又重新请了回去。
记者伊恩.迈尔斯.张(Ian Miles Cheong)发推文说:“迪士尼取消了吉娜.卡拉诺,明显是因为她在社交媒体上的一个帖子,她在帖子里强调了对其他人剥夺人性的危险,但是他们却重新雇用了对强奸和恋童癖发表过无数令人不安言论的人。
来源:Disney canceled Gina Carano apparently because of a social media post where she highlighted the dangers of dehumanizing others, but they rehired someone who made numerous disturbing remarks about rape and pedophilia.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 11, 2021
Just so you know, this is where Disney stands on morality. pic.twitter.com/4PZ9pGUvAa