北京宣布将立“港版国安法”后,香港壹传媒集团创办人黎智英宣示“我会战斗到最后”。资料照。(图片来源:Getty Images)
黎智英开推特批北京 宣示会战斗到最后
黎智英22日开启名称叫Jimmy Lai的推特帐号,并抨击北京以“港版国安法”打击香港的法治和自由,还称现在是开启推特的好时机,向世界展示北京对法律的不尊重以及不可被信任的事实。
China clampdowns on HK’s rule of law and freedom by a new National Security Act is now good time to start a Twitter a/c. to show the world CCP’s disrespect of law and the fact that CCP is not to be trusted.
— Jimmy Lai (@JimmyLaiApple) May 22, 2020
Beijing imposes direct rule in HK to safeguard national security. HK investors react in fear. The stock market dropped more than 1000 points. A communist regime’s security is built on fear of folks in streets now scares away investors. Ironic. #nationalsecuritylaw
— Jimmy Lai (@JimmyLaiApple) May 22, 2020
President Trump remarked “HK’s gone through a lot.“ Rarely have HK people heard more sympathetic words about their plight. Coming from the most powerful leader of the world means a lot. #StandWithHongKong @realDonaldTrump
— Jimmy Lai (@JimmyLaiApple) May 22, 2020
Mainlanders come to HK, buy real estate for our rule of law, freedom and safety. Our real estate price survived resistance movement, and Wuhan virus. Only now hints of collapse for 2 reasons: mainlanders fear the #nationalsecuritylaw and China’s real estate is collapsing.
— Jimmy Lai (@JimmyLaiApple) May 23, 2020
Reporter asked Carrie Lam if offenders would be sent to China for trial under the new #nationalsecuritylaw, even if the acts were committed in HK. Lam refused to answer. The riches are already shifting bank deposits offshore.
— Jimmy Lai (@JimmyLaiApple) May 23, 2020
HK was China’s last miracle. After the imposition of #CCPSecurityLaw, it marks the end of the miracle. CCP slaughters the proverbial golden goose, like they do with civet cats, rhinos, and other wild animals, to prove Xi’s manhood. HK becomes a wet market, and HKers, the virus.
— Jimmy Lai (@JimmyLaiApple) May 23, 2020
彭定康:北京背叛港人 西方不应再对北京低头
“泰晤士报”(The Times)则引述彭定康(Chris Patten)的话说,“香港人民遭到了北京背叛”,英国有“道德、经济与法律上的责任”为香港挺身而出。
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