
《冰雪奇缘》安娜公主的配音员克莉丝汀贝尔(Kristen Bell)当好心房东,决定不向承租房子的房客收取下个月房租,“疫”起过难关。(图片来源:维基百科/Myles Kalus Anak JihemㄥCC BY-SA 4.0)

迪士妮动画《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)的安娜公主的配音员克莉丝汀贝尔Kristen Bell),不仅仅只是公主代言人,真实生活中的她,心地善良也宛如公主般美丽。因中共病毒肆虐全球,重创欧美影视圈,她和丈夫戴克薛普德(Dax Shepard)决定不向承租房子的房客收取下个月房租,以减轻租客的经济压力。



NKH has always been there for kids who need them. They work tirelessly to provide food for the hungry bellys all over this country. I encourage anyone with the means to share to donate as well, any amount helps, so we can get through this together. (The reason the number is odd, is because when my kids overheard me making the donation, they asked if they could also donate the money from thier piggy bank. I couldnt have been prouder to add that extra, and important 7 dollars and 96 cents.😍😍😍) #Repost @nokidhungry with @make_repost ・・・ We’re BEYOND grateful to our friend and #HungerHero @kristenanniebell for her gift of $150,007.96! Thank you for helping us send out even more grants to schools and community groups working to feed kids during the #COVID19 outbreak.

kristen bell(@kristenanniebell)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 18 日 下午 2:42 张贴


美国女演员克莉丝汀贝尔(Kristen Bell),不仅在《冰雪奇缘》系列电影中担任主角安娜公主配音演员,出道至今她可是演出多部经典作品,包括《侦探小天后》、《甜心大姐头》、《阿姐万万醉》、《阿姐响叮当》等等。

HBO Max宣布要重拍《花边教主》(Gossip Girl)后,原编剧已经确定回归,曾在原剧中担任旁白的克莉丝汀贝尔(Kristen Bell),也将同样将出任这次的配音的角色,让不少剧迷相当期待。


