公爵夫人梅根产子 哈利王子升格当老爸(视频)

公爵夫人梅根顺利产子,哈利王子升格当老爸。(图片来源:Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

英国哈利王子(Prince Harry)与37岁非裔美籍女星梅根马克尔(Meghan Markle)去年5月19日结婚后,一举一动都成为焦点,小俩口于10月15日宣布怀孕喜讯,孩子的性别未揭露,甚至连哈利和梅根也不知道,他们表示要当作一个惊喜。英国王室6日也透过梅根和哈利共同官方Instagram证实,梅根上午产下男宝宝,母子均安,哈利王子陪伴在侧,小俩口今天开心迎来第一个孩子的出生。

哈利王子与梅根去年5月在温莎城堡(Windsor Castle)举行婚礼,5个月后宣布怀孕的好消息。(图片来源:Getty Images)

据悉,哈利王子与梅根去年5月在温莎城堡(Windsor Castle)举行婚礼,5个月后宣布怀孕的好消息,之后,这位英国女王第8位曾孙的名字与性别都成了外界关注焦点,甚至引发全民疯狂投注。

由于梅根先前表示希望在家自然产,她于上个月(4月)就先搬进温莎城堡附近的浮若阁摩尔小别墅(Frogmore Cottage)待产。不同于威廉王子的妻子凯特王妃,过去的生产都是由王室妇产科外科医生法辛(Alan Farthing)和毕斯顿(Guy Thorpe-Beeston)负责接生,梅根马克尔(Meghan Markle)自己请来一名女医师接生,还特别组织了属于自己的接生团队。


Just one week ago, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex asked that you kindly consider supporting various organisations around the world in lieu of sending gifts for the upcoming arrival of their first born. Not only did many of you lend your support, you took action. Their Royal Highnesses wanted you to know the impact of your support – the direct effect your donation, energy, and action made! YOU chose to be part of the collective good, and you have made a real difference. Whether a $5 donation, £1000 contribution, offering to volunteer, or spreading the word – you’ve played your part. And on behalf of The Duke and Duchess (and Baby Sussex), we thank you so much. YOUR IMPACT: @thelunchboxfund will now be able to provide a minimum of 100,000 additional hot nutritionally fortified meals to children in dire need across South Africa @littlevillagehq received donations from all over the world (from UAE to Hong Kong and the US), they’ve increased their monthly donors, had a surge in volunteer applications, and re-energized their hard working team of 200+ staff and volunteers @wellchild can now provide 300+ additional hours of specialist care by a Well Child Nurse for a child with serious health needs, allowing families to stay together at home vs in hospital @Baby2Baby have received over 5,000 products to disperse to children in need, including cribs, books, backpacks, diapers and have received monetary donations from around the globe - from Guadalajara to Italy. You made this happen. Thank you.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex(@sussexroyal)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 4月 月 15 日 上午 6:51 张贴

梅根马克尔(Meghan Markle)生产前最后一次露面是在3月19日,和哈利王子在伦敦参加一个向新西兰基督城(Christchurch)清真寺扫射案牺牲者致哀的活动,随后才搬进温莎城堡附近的浮若阁摩尔小别墅(Frogmore Cottage)待产,并由母亲拉格兰(Doria Ragland)和朋友在其身旁陪伴。



哈利王子出面对媒体证实喜讯,他兴奋地频频搓手,表示:这是他人生中所能想像最美好的经验。(图片来源:Steve Parsons - WPA Pool/Getty Images)



哈利和梅根的孩子是英国女王伊莉莎白二世的第8个曾孙,将是英国王位第7顺位继承人。(图片来源:Getty Images)

这个孩子日后会使用哈利的公爵封号“萨塞克斯”当做姓氏,根据英国王室规矩,哈利与梅根的宝宝没有“王子”或“公主”的封号,但男孩可使用哈利婚后承袭的另一个封号“邓巴顿侯爵”(Earl of Dumbarton),女孩可承袭蒙巴顿温莎的爵位。



We are pleased to announce that Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex welcomed their firstborn child in the early morning on May 6th, 2019. Their Royal Highnesses’ son weighs 7lbs. 3oz. The Duchess and baby are both healthy and well, and the couple thank members of the public for their shared excitement and support during this very special time in their lives. More details will be shared in the forthcoming days.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex(@sussexroyal)分享的贴文 于 PDT 2019 年 5月 月 6 日 上午 6:37 张贴








