最近我一直在心中问自己一个问题:为什么这么多有名的政论家、记者、政客,他们反复不厌其烦地拿川普曾经“夸”过俄罗斯总统普京是强大的领导人(strong leader)来进行攻击。而川普已经不下一百次地反复澄清,他这样说并非在夸他,他只是在陈述一个事实。可是,这些人却从来没有提及美国几乎所有的当代领导人都曾经肉麻地吹捧中共历届领导人,从毛泽东到周恩来(基辛格曾经说周恩来是世界上最优秀的外交家),从邓小平到江泽民(时代杂志两次将邓小平评为年度人物),从胡锦涛到习近平,美国历届领导人几乎都夸过他们有智慧甚至有魅力。据报导,奥巴马的夫人还曾在白宫自家圣诞树上挂上毛泽东的头像。他们为什么不去攻击这些领导人。这些所谓菁英为什么如此选择性地失明?为什么如此颠倒黑白?这个问题一直挥之不去。看来美国确实需要一场深刻地变革了。否则,华尔街和媒体菁英真的会把持美国的命运,而且会为了他们自身的利益,把美国引入岐途。
Read to the Bottom:
“He’s been divorced and remarried. He can’t commit to anything.”
“He’s dangerously ignorant about international affairs. The Russian leaders will walk all over him.”
“He has no filter – doesn’t think before he speaks.”
“Until recently, he was a Democrat. He’s not a real Republican. He hasn’t paid his GOP dues.”
“He used to be Pro Choice. Now, suddenly he’s Pro Life?”
“That can’t be his real hair!”
“He’s a loose cannon. No one wants HIS finger on the nuclear button.”
“His opponent has the experience and political savvy to be president. He does not.”
“He’s just not presidential.”
“His temperament disqualifies him from ever being Commander-In-Chief.”
“He’s proven himself to be mentally unstable.”
“The military will never accept him as Commander-In-Chief. He’s not smart enough.”
“The GOP doesn’t want him to be the head of the party. He could never reach across the aisle to get anything done.”
“Most Republican voters will just stay home rather than go out and vote for him.”
“He’s almost 70 – much too old to be president.”
“Evangelicals will never support him.”
“He says ‘(Let’s) Make America Great Again’. How dare he say we aren’t still great?!?!”
“His intellect is thinner than spit on a slate rock.”
“90 percent of Republican state chairmen judge him guilty of ‘simplistic approaches,’ with ‘no depth in federal government administration’ and ‘no experience in foreign affairs.’”
“His spontaneity with reporters and voters plays well but also gives him plenty of space to disgorge fantasies and factual errors so prolific and often outrageous that he single-handedly makes the word gaffe a permanent fixture in America’s political vernacular. He confuses Pakistan with Afghanistan. He claimed once that trees contributed 93 percent of the atmosphere’s nitrous oxide…”
“After all his gaffes, he doubles down on them instead of admitting he made a mistake.”
“He’s threatening to upend our treaties and relationships with our allies by demanding that they pay for their own defense!”
“Because of his gross factual errors, he might take rash action and needlessly lead this country into open warfare!”
“He’s racist, xenophobic, and fuels the fires of hatred!”
“You shouldn’t take him seriously. He has a penchant for offering simplistic solutions to hideously complex problems and a stubborn insistence that he is always right in every argument.”
“The rising turnout of his voters are not loyal Republicans or Democrats and are alienated from both parties because neither takes a sympathetic view toward their issues.”
“He wears the disdain he draws from the GOP elites as a badge of honor. Henry Kissinger’s championing the other GOP candidate and attacking him are actually helping him!”
“The fact that he could be deemed a serious candidate for president is a shame and embarrassment for the country.”
The New Yorker observed that his appeal “has to do not with competence at governing but with the emotion he evokes… [He] lets people get out their anger and frustration, their feeling of being misunderstood and mishandled by those who have run our government, their impatience with taxes and with the poor and the weak, their impulse to deal with the world’s troublemakers by employing the stratagem of a punch in the nose.”
“His unpopular opponent presided over the current Iranian crisis… and a reeling economy, yet surely the Democrat will prevail over him.”
“Is he Safe? …he shoots from the hip … he’s over his head … What are his solutions?”
“Voters want to follow some authority figure, — a leader who can take charge with authority; return a sense of discipline to our government; and, manifest the willpower needed to get this country back on track — or at least a leader from outside Washington.”
Sound familiar? You’ve heard this all about Donald Trump, right? Try again.
All this was said of Ronald Reagan in 1976 and 1980. Most of it was BY OTHER REPUBLICANS – and Reagan turned out to be one of the greatest presidents of the 20th Century, if not of all time