


《旧约圣经》中《撒母耳记上》曾记载过大卫杀死一个名叫歌利亚 (Goliath)的巨人,他的身高是六肘零一虎口(six cubits and a span)。《圣经》中肘的算法有几种,最短的一种是一尺半为一肘,六肘便等于九尺。六肘零一虎口高,歌利亚至少有三米多高了!但这却不是《圣经》中关于巨人唯一的记载。

《旧约圣经》中的《创世纪》中记载在大洪水之前“有巨人在地上”(There were giants in the earth in those days)。


“那地的民强壮,城邑也坚固宽大,并且我们在那里看见了亚衲族的人”(the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there)。

“我们所窥探,经过之地是吞吃居民之地,我们在那里所看见的人民都身量高大”(The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size)。

“我们在那里看见亚衲族人,就是巨人。他们是巨人的后裔。据我们看,自己就如蚱蜢一样。据他们看,我们也是如此”(And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight)。

