法律界黑衣静默游行 前法官越洋声明支持(图)
The legal fraternity's Silent March is of the greatest importance, as I hope it would be a public announcement by the lawyers of Hong Kong of the great concern in Hong Kong aroused by the alleged requirement of judicial patriotism stated in the Beijing White Paper. The alleged judicial patriotism has given rise to understandable alarm as it has wide implication for the Hong Kong Judiciary and for the Hong Kong legal system. All Hong Kong Judges ("independent judiciary" in the Basic Law) take a judicial oath on taking up the judicial appointment. There is nothing in the Hong Kong Judicial Oath requiring a judge to be patriotic or to love China. In Hong Kong we have many judges who are not nationals of China.
It is therefore most regrettable that: (1) The Hong Kong Government has not immediately taken steps to correct the above error ofjudicial patriotism in the White Paper; (2) The President of the Law Society has publicly supported the White Paper.
The most disturbing consequence of the White Paper and its judicial patriotism error (if uncorrected) is that in future all judges in Hong Kong will be exposed or suspected to be exposed to pressure of alleged judicial patriotism.
What is however of critical importance to Hong Kong and its people and to the outside world is that, in the long run no independent self-respecting lawyer will take up a Hong Kong judicial appointment.
I hope the Silent March will cause the Hong Kong Government and the Chinese Government to issue the appropriate correction statement.
William Waung
(Former Judge ofthe Court of First Instance)
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