

爱诗丽(Ashley Huh)是美国佛基尼亚州里市满市(Richmond City)圣天主教学校(St. Catherine's School)的学生。她说:"晚会绚丽多彩,有舞蹈、音乐、乐器展现了不同的文化(The show is various, dancing, music, instrument and all the culture)。"

爱诗丽说:"中国舞更活泼,动作幅度大(Chinese dance is more active and has big action)。"

爱诗丽说她除了喜欢韩国舞《长白仙子》外,还喜欢《仙女踏波》(I liked the Korean dance. Other than that, I liked the fans making the waves like water flowing)。她还说,"我听过许多神话传说,关于中国、韩国、日本的神话传说,就象晚会演的那些,但是从没有看过把神话搬到舞台上表演(I heard of lot the legends like played in the show, China, Korea and Japan, but I never seen them in the actions)。"

爱诗丽说晚会使她知道中国人非常珍惜中国的文化(Chinese people are really value their culture)。同时,她还了解到人们在中国是不允许炼法轮功(people can't practice Falun Gong in China)她说:"晚会告诉在美国的中国人关于中国正在发生的事情(They send the message to other Chinese people in America about their county situation)。"她说,明年她还会来看演出的。


