天马珠宝商老板夫妇:晚会演出生平未见 无以言表(图)

天马珠宝商老板夫妇:晚会演出生平未见 无以言表

【看中国记者明思纽约报导】记者在2月7日纽约无线电城音乐厅上演的新唐人全球华人新年晚会演出结束后采访了天马珠宝商(PEGASUS JEWELLER)老板和他的妻子。

珠宝商老板说:"中国文化深刻的影响了世界这么多的民族和国家。(The oriental culture did so much to the world. The Chinese culture has influenced so much nationality in the world.) 他的妻子感叹无法用语言形容演出的优美(It was absolutely beautiful. No word to discribe it.),说从未见过这么好的演出(I have never seen such a wonderful show.)

他们认为晚会的音乐很美,舞蹈鼓声很有气势,歌声很迷人,戏服很华丽。(Wife: It was beautiful, colorful. The musical was beautiful. The singing was mesmarizing. The costume was wonderful. Husband: The dancing was terrific. I love the drums.)

当被问及明年是否还会邀请朋友和员工来看演出是,珠宝商老板连声说:"当然,当然.(Definately yes,yes.)"

