在进入正题前,我们首先要对"观光旅游"英语有一个基本认知: 和 "新闻", "商务" 等其他英语一样,它们都是使用同样26个字母,遵循同样文法规则, 发音读法一样,拼字句型如一, 若有不同,只不过是在字义上(例一:"security", 安全, "securities",期货) 或类型上,(例二: "How are you?" (正式), "How's going?" (半正式), "What's new?" 或 "What's happening?" (非正式), 因领域范围功能等因素不同而有所差异。所以"如何学"? 就如在学校内学习任何科目一般: 多读,多听, 多背,和多用,自然而然就可熟能生巧!
除了上述认知外,我们还要有一个正确观念,那就是能在"语文" 和"语言"之间做区分。"语言"旨在沟通,所以流利(fluency)与否成为衡量基准;所以精准(accuracy) 则成为评鉴依归。若就四技来分隔,"听" 与 "说"应属前者表现; "读" 与 "写"则是后者重心。但上述区隔绝不代表绝对地分割;能使用语言少不了语文基础,能欣赏语文又少不得对语言精练使用。所以"如何学"? 答案: 就如同在学校内修习任何科目一样:多读,多听,多背,多用,自然而然就可熟能生巧!
1. Getting Ready! (工欲善其事,必先利其器)
applying for a valid passport(申请有效护照),visa to the U.S.(美签), booking/reserving airline ticket through travel agency/on Internet (透过旅行社或泡网预订机票),vaccination (检疫),money exchange (兑换外币),packing (行李打包) 等基本准备。
2. Welcome to the U. S. A. (入境)
arriving at the airport (到达),filling out immigration for(I-94) (填写移民局表格), going through customs (海关申报),asking for directions (搞清东南西北),making connecting flights (转机) 等流程。
3. Communicating by computer, phone, and mail. (连系)
Using Blackberry (机场无线泡网),pay phone (公共电话),mail services (邮政服务),talking to the operator (电话对答),taking and leaving messages (受话留言), sending and picking up mails, telegrams and messages (寄发收取邮件消息) 等运作。
4. Getting around (行无碍)
riding public transportation in the city (市内大众运输工具),renting a car: asking for and giving detailed information on fees, insurance and maintenance (租车自由行), reading schedules (看懂时刻表), getting from city to city by bus, train, car and plane (跨市越州旅行)。
5. Places to stay (居不易)
finding a room for the night (打尖住宿),having things for you (旅馆住处内各种设施服务),taking care of your clothes (自住洗衣或外送),finding what's nearby (认识周遭环境)。
6. Handling your money(金钱处理)
banking services, cash, credit card and traveler check (金融服务,现金,信用卡,和旅行支票),having money wired (汇款),going shopping (血拼)。
7. Getting something to eat(食为先)
finding restaurants you like(遍尝美食),reading the menu and ordering (点餐),asking about and describing food (餐饮查询),trying to cook on your own (君子近庖厨)。
8. In case you get sick(天有不测风云:卫生保健)
seeing doctors (看诊),making appointment (预约),asking and talking about your health (说明身体状况),describing your symptoms (病况说明),getting medicines and prescriptions you need (购药与处方签)。
9. Enjoy your free time (快乐逍遥游)。
using newspapers and magazines to find out what's happening 娱乐活动艺文资讯), reading ads and posters about different events (海报文宣)。
10. Being a welcome guest (做客之道)
Staying at someone's house(借宿),agreeing to/turning down your host's suggestions/offers or getting out something politely (同意或婉拒之道),being invited to parties (应邀赴宴), arranging to get together again (后会有期)。
人:Who is going to the States with you?
Whose bags are those?
Whom are you going to visit while you are in the States?
事:What's the purpose of your visit here?
What are you going to do when you are here?
What are the Dos and Don'ts(该做及不该做)while one visits a
foreign country?
时:When will the plane take off?
When will we arrive?
When is the connecting flight?
地:Where is the bus terminal?
Where can I find the nearest convenience store?
Where is the souvenir shop located?
物:What's the thing crawling over there?
Which would you prefer? Chicken or beef?
What is the drink made of/with?
如何:How far is the train station from here?
How can I get to the Metropolitan Museum?
Why is that he could play it twice and only once for me?
说明句:I am going there with my friends.
I want to visit some relatives, and friends as well if I have time.
I have been dreaming of going to the States since I was a kid.
疑问句:How much is that red sweater?
Do I have to get a valid passport before I can apply for the visa to
the U.S.?
Is there any place you would recommend that's worthy of visiting?
否定句:I don't think that's such a good idea to go there alone.
We have decided not to spend the rest of our trip shopping.
I would rather go somewhere else instead of /than just staying
in the hotel.
命令句:Don't do anything local people won't/Do in Rome as Romans do!
Leave it there! The janitor will take care of it.
Watch out! You are too close to the cliff!
惊叹句:What a magnificent view!
What a sight for sore eyes!
What a bargain!
1 主词+完全不及物动词:
Plane flies high in the sky.
People laugh happily around the pool.
Stores usually close at 6 pm on weekdays.
2 主词+不完全不及物动词+主词补语:
The trip was great!
The food is excellent!
The price is just about what I can afford.
3 主词+完成及物动词+受词:
I bought this blouse at the Macy's.
I had the Persian food for the first time last night.
We went to the Disneyland yesterday and had a wonderful time there.
4 主词+不完全及物动词+受词+受词补语:
I found the whole trip interesting.
I ran into Ms. Wang who is my math teacher in the States.
I saw the bag that I have been wanted for a long time in the mall yesterday.
5 主词+授与动词+间接受词+直接受词:
I want to buy my family some souvenirs. I want to buy some souvenirs for my family.
They want to give the guide a big tip./ They want to give a big tip to the guide.
We asked the receptionist places to visit before we left the hotel.
I want to buy my family some souvenirs./ I want to buy some souvenirs for
my family.
They want to give the guide a big tip./ They want to give a big tip to the guide.
We asked the receptionist places to visit before we left the hotel.
peak/high season(旺季),off/slow season(淡季),book/reserve(预约),tour package(套装旅游),paper work(文档),passport(护照),apply(申请),visa(签证),certificate of employment(工作证明),financial statement(财力证明),AIT, American Institute, Taiwan(美国在台协会),purpose(目的),staff(工作人员),office clerk(职员),itinerary(行程),sightseeing(观光),cultural shock(文化冲击),guidebook(旅游指南),travel agent/agency(旅行社职员;旅行社),one-way ticket(单程机票),round-trip ticket(来回机票),direct flight(直飞班机),discount(折扣),internet(信息网),web page(网页),web site(网站),valid(有效的),budget(预算),insurance(保险),pamphlet(文宣传单),brochure(小册子),flight attendant(空服员),reasonable(合理的),hotel chain(连锁旅馆),check-list(列表),organizer(笔记本),money belt(秘密钱袋),(photo)copy(影本),stash(藏塞),carry-on bag(随身行李),check-in bag(寄运行李),expiry date(到期日)。
shopping list(购物列表),snack(零食),produce(农产品),organic(有机的),yummy(好吃的),GMF(Genetic Modified Food;基因改造食品),calorie(卡路里),coupon(折价卷),grocery(杂货),label(标签),cash or charge(现金或记帐),dairy product(奶类制品),super market(超级市场),food mart(食物商场),convenience store(便利商品),mom-and-pop store(街坊小铺),waiter/waitress(男/女服务生),order(点餐),house wine(例酒/招牌酒),roast(烤),grill(炙),allergic to(对、、敏感),bite(吃;当名词用:to grab a bite),brunch(早午餐;breakfast+lunch),caffeine(咖啡因),de-cafe(无咖啡因),combo(套餐;combination),deli(熟食店;delicatessen),dressing(沙拉酱),dipping(沾酱),stuffing(填充物),topping(浇汁,浇酱),hors d'oeuvres(开胃菜),hostess(餐厅领班),junk food(垃圾食品,泛指高热量),recipe(食谱)。
ad(广告;advertisement),shopping mall(购物中心),outlet(物流或畅货中心),menswear/womenswear/childreswear (男/女/童装部),sportswear(运动衣),footwear(鞋部),luxuries(精品),formal(正式),casual(一般),XL(加大;extra large),M(中号;medium),S(小号;small),XS/petite(超小号;袖珍),price tag(标签价),fade(退色),shrink(缩水),10% off(九折),shirt(裙),dress(洋装),pants(长裤),suit(西装;套装),dress shirt(搭配西装的衬衫),blouse(女性衬衫),apparel(服装配饰),fitting room(试衣间),alternate(更改),gift-wrapping(礼品包装),exchange(以物易物),refund(退货换钱),invoice(发票),receipt(收据)。
accommodate(留宿),B&B(民宿;bed & breakfast),hotel(旅馆),motel(汽车旅馆),lodge(旅店),room and board(膳宿),hostel(青年旅馆),camp(宿营;营区),single/single bed(单人房;单人床),double/double bed(双人房;双人床),suite(套房),twin bed(较标准双人床大些的床),queen-size bed(大床),king-size bed(加大床),facilities(设施),equipment(设备),kitchenette(附设小厨房),laundry(洗衣店),laundromat(自助洗),cafeteria(自助式餐厅),banquet hall(宴会厅),lounge(酒吧),business center(商务中心),receptionist (接待人员),check-in/out counter(住房/退房柜台),cashier(出纳),house-keeping(房间整理),room service(客房服务),wake-up service(叫起床),service change(服务费),lobby(大厅)vacancy(有空房间),Jacuzzi(按摩浴缸),whirlpool(漩涡式浴缸)
shuttle bus(接驳公车),door-to-door pick-up service(到府接送),bus stop(路边巴士站),bus terminal/depot(巴士总站),cab/taxi/cabbie(计程车),meter rate(照表收费),flat rate(不二价),car rental(租车公司),international driver's license(国际驾照),daily/weekly/monthly rate(日/周/月租),weekly/monthly pass(周/月月票),bus/boat/airplane fare(巴士/船/机票费),fee(费用;用在使用某种设备或服务时),timetable(时间表),rest stop(休息站),subway(地下铁),token(进出车站的代币)。
classified ads(分类广告),billboard(广告看板),box office(卖票处),cable TV(有线电视),prime time(黄金时段),soap opera(午间连续剧),theater(戏院),movie theater/cinema(电影院),concert hall(音乐厅),sports events(体育活动),football stadium(足球场),volleyball/basketball court(排/篮球场),gym(体育馆),fitness center(健身房),pump iron(健身),comedy(喜剧),melo-drama(戏剧),thrill/horror(惊悚恐怖),musical(音乐),suspense(悬疑),R&R(摇滚乐;Rock & Roll),R&B(节奏蓝调;Rhythm & Blue),classical music(古典音乐),rap(饶舌歌)。
- 关键字搜索:
- 旅行