

 2007-07-10 15:34 桌面版 正體 打赏 0
Child slave labour in brick kiln stirs uproar

According to China Digital Times, a group of fathers from Henan province recently ventured to brick kilns in Shanxi province to rescue theirchildren, who were abducted and illegally forced to work as slaves. There were an estimated 2,000 children, about 400 of whom were from Henanprovince. After rescuing around 40 children, the fathers’ rescue efforts wereobstructed by the local police, who were in alliance with the kiln owners. Exhausting all reasonable approaches and obtaining no responses from the government, the fathers published an open letter on June 5 on the Internet fora. The letter said their children, some as young as 8-years-old, were hoodwinkedor forcibly dragged into cars by human traffickers at railway or busstations, underneath pedestrian overpasses or on the roads. Theywere sold for 500 yuan apiece to the owners of illegal brick kilns in Shanxito work as slave laborers. The children were forced to work at least 14 h a day without enough food. Some of them have been isolated for seven years, others were severely beaten and disabled after they were caught escaping.  The letter brought about an outburst of public opinion supporting the rescue campaign and calling for the central government to interfere. It became headlines in both Chinese and foreign media. Chinese authorities’top leaders Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao ordered an investigation into the incident anda rescue of the slave workers on June 15. So far nearly 600 people have beenrescued and 168 suspects detained.  In the mean time, China Digital Times posted a translation of a notice released by the CPC Central Office of External Communication, one of the party’s main propaganda arms. The notice says:  All External Communication Offices, Central and Local Main News Websites:  Regarding the Shanxi “illegal brick kilns” event, all websites should reinforce positive propaganda, put more emphasis on the forceful measures that the central and local governments have already taken, and close the comment function in the related news reports. The management of the interactive communication tools, such as online forums, blogs, andinstant messages, should also be strengthened. Harmful information that uses this event to attack the party and the government should be deleted as soon as possible. 


中国数字时代消息,一些河南籍父亲最近到山西砖窑去解救他们的孩子, 这些孩子被拐卖后被非法强制作奴工。估计大约有2000名作奴工的孩子,其中约400名是河南人。在救出四十名河南籍的孩子后,营救受到当地警方阻扰,因为警方与黑砖窑主相勾结。父亲们向有关政府部门求救也没有答复,只得写公开求救信,呼吁社会各界帮助解救他们的孩子。6月5日这封信发表在网上论坛中。信中说,他们的孩子是在火车站、汽车站、立交桥下、马路边等地方,被人贩子或诱骗或强行拉上车,以人民币五百元一个的价格,卖到山西的黑砖窑做苦工。最小的孩子只有八岁。这些孩子每天工作十四个小时以上,还不让吃饱饭。 有的孩子已经整整和外界隔绝七年,有的因逃跑未遂被打致残。这封信引起公众支持营救,要求中央解决的声浪。山西黑砖窑童奴工事件成为中外媒体的关注点。胡锦涛和温家宝于15日下令要求严查。到目前为止,近600 人获救, 168名涉案人被捕。与此同时,中国数字时代公布了一份由中共中央对外交流办公室发布的通知,通知说:所有对外交流办公室,中央和地方主要的新闻网站:关于山西“非法砖窑”事件,所有网站应该加强肯定的宣传,把重点放在报道中央和地方政府采取的有力措施上,关闭相关报道的评论窗口。加强交互的交流工具的管理,例如在线论坛,博客和快讯。尽快删除利用这桩事件攻击党和政府的有害信息。
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