

 2006-12-19 11:13 桌面版 正體 打赏 3
熊若磐 梁联发

我们俩都是七十多岁,意外获得邀请, 出席了2006年11月25日至28日在澳大利亚墨尔本举行的“中国自由文化运动第一届年会”,得以与袁红冰先生等一些对中国自由文化有杰出贡献的英豪们聚集一堂,聆听了他们的精彩演说,包括观赏了著名诗人黄翔和贝岭两位先生亲自朗诵的诗作,深感荣幸。演说者不仅都在文化学术方面有突出成就,并都曾为捍卫自由而经受牢狱之苦或其他磨难。没有发表演说的,除我们两人外,也都是可敬佩之人。例如在会场为中国民运英国友人罗杰;加赛德先生当同声翻译的年轻而温文秀丽的曾铮女士,过去我们从未闻其名,这次认识后,了解到,她作为一名法轮功修炼者,英勇捍卫了人权和自由,在赠给我们的一本她自己写的书《静水流深》里,她叙述了自己在牢狱中亲身经历以及亲眼见证的令人难以置信的人间苦难。又例如,在会上未演说也未发言﹑已有白发但仍算中年的文思先生,接触中只觉得他和蔼风趣,后来才知道他是位自由作家和文艺评论家,在网上发表过不少好文章。总之,和其他到会者相比,我们只是两个极平庸的老人,却也获邀参加了这样一个盛会,既感荣幸,又感惭愧。

我们只不过编译了一本汉英对照中外老歌歌本,(即上海音乐出版社出版的“怀旧金曲“),在歌本的补白语录中有一些阐述民主自由理念的名言,算是一种自由文化,正好切合这次大会的主题,因此被邀出席。我们做的这点区区小事,能被纳入一场伟大的自由文化运动,就像一滴水能在挥发掉以前汇入一股千古浩瀚洪流,这种幸运,首先要感谢自由作家黄河清先生,他在E-mail中向袁红冰先生介绍此书时说:“这本书能够在上海音乐出版社成功出版,其本身就是一种象征和标志,象征着自由文化运动不灭。” 当然,更要感谢袁红冰先生,他一再盛情邀请,使我们终于打消了觉得自己不够与会资格并担心远途飞行万一身体不适给大会添麻烦的顾虑,在他的热情鼓励下,我们立即连买机票带打行李,第二天便飞往美丽的城市墨尔本,参加了这次让我们终生都会感到光荣的历史盛会。

开会期间,演说者和发言者对“中国自由文化运动”贡献了各自的宝贵思想和理论,而我们俩思想和知识贫乏,又不善讲话,故在会上没敢发言,只给每位到会的朋友赠送了一本“怀旧金曲”作纪念。已故著名自由作家王若望先生的夫人羊子女士(她本人也是一位自由作家)对我们编译此歌本特别表示称赞。过去从未谋面的黄河清先生这次见面后也再度给我们鼓励,尤其是在墨尔本大会结束近半个月后,我们打开E-mail,意外地收到他写的一篇已在几个网站发表的短文,文中极力表扬我们本人及我们的歌本,我们理解黄先生是想尽量为我们的歌本作宣传,因此,虽明知他对我们实在太过奖,但还是十分感谢他的一片真诚和善意。其他许多朋友,例如七十年代便因撰写《特权论》坐牢的民运思想理论家陈泱潮先生及中国民主组党先锋徐文立先生等,都对我们的歌本给予鼓励。徐文立先生还说,此歌本,尤其是其中的语录,有益于对青年的民主教育,应予推广,因此他欢迎我们给 www.cdp1998.com网站投稿。我们感谢这种支持,虽不善于写作,仍然决定来投一篇稿,简单介绍一下此歌本编译初衷,然后主要将歌本补白的语录,首先是论术民主自由的部分,汉英对照抄录出来。抄录这些语录,是为了表明,我们之所以支持“中国自由文化运动”,是基于对先哲们民主自由思想的认同 ,也可算是我们事后补上的会上发言吧。

正如我们在过去给黄河清先生的信中说过的,我们编译这个歌本,除了由于自己在中国国内教过英语,觉得唱歌是学习外语一种很好的课外辅助活动,同时也由于深感中国需要民主自由,特别是言论自由,而国内很多人似乎不大明白这一点,因此需要这方面的宣传教育,却苦于自己不大会写文章,即使写了也无法在国内出版,于是收集了一些自己觉得好听的中外老歌,英译汉,汉译英,凑成103 首,成为一个歌本,同时选了一些名人语录,包括关于民主自由特别是言论自由重要性的论述,有美国及其他西方国家的,也有中国的,包括王若望先生说的一句话。我们把语录插到歌间做补白,用此法来宣传一点民主自由的理念。2003年底出了第一版,发现一些错误,(主要是打印方面),而且当时的时局使我们又想添加几条新的语录,例如蒋彦永和焦国标等先生说的话,于是争取重新出修订版。出修订版的事,费了不少周折,但最后总算成了。新版书扉页上写的是“2005年11月第三次印刷”。新版虽仍不尽如人意,但看到其中包含了我们想添加的几条我们认为对青年人有启蒙意义的语录,心中很高兴。


最近有个消息,说有朋友到某地新华书店洽购“怀旧金曲”,被告知说,“出版社正在整顿,无法供书。”我们联想到,几个月前,有位好心的朋友看到中国共产主义青年团中央委员会公布的一项为广大农村青少年建设“移动书屋”而征求捐书的计划后,写了一封信,介绍了我们的《怀旧金曲》和他自己的一本篆刻集《论语选刻》,(对篆刻他虽只是业余爱好者,但长期钻研使其艺术已具有一定水平,于是针对世风日下的社会现状选了论语中一些句子,用篆字刻出,成为一本篆刻艺术集。看来他也和我们一样,在无奈中总希望尽力做点什么),他认为这两本书对青少年有益,并在给共青团中央写的信中表示,我们虽都是收入不高的退休老人,但如果需要,都愿意尽绵薄之力捐赠一些书给农村青少年。共青团中央立即回信表示欢迎,并写道:“请寄来书样,由相关部门确定后,我们再商议具体捐赠事宜。” 于是我们这位朋友立即(大约在今年 八月中旬)将这两本书样寄去,此后一直老老实实盼回信,如今四个多月过去了,他寄出的书样如石沉大海,渺无回音。(顺便说一句:在此期间,美国国会图书馆的中文馆驻北京采购小组倒是采购了我们这两本书。)这位朋友哪里知道,那本《怀旧金曲》一旦被“相关部门”注意,事情就会不妙,现在,果不其然,已经有了“无法供书” 的说法。此说法是否确实,尚待查证。但我们已有此思想准备。

如果说书中有任何敏感的歌曲,唯一可能的是著名语言学家赵元任配曲的明末民谣《老天爷》,此歌1949年前颇受自由知识分子欢迎,但1949 年后便消失了,故今天的中年和青年多半不知此歌。80 年代改革开放后,此歌在上海文艺出版社出版的一个歌本中曾一度出现,但后来又销声匿迹。不过,除此以外,《怀旧金曲》中的所有歌曲都是五十年代以来中国大陆人们熟悉的中外名曲,应当不会导致“停止供书”。如“停止供书”消息确实,其原因无疑是补白中有些语录带敏感性。现在我们将书中全部补白语录汉英对照,按内容分成A,B,C,D,E五部份,抄录于下,供有兴趣者参阅。第一部份(Part A)就是关于自由﹑民主﹑正义的论述。各部份内的各条都按汉语拼音次序排列,每句话后括弧内数字指该句话在歌本中页数。下面就是这些语录:



Part A : 自由,民主,正义 / Freedom, Democracy, Justice.
Part B : 生活,家,学习 / Life, Home, Study
Part C : 爱情 / Love
Part D : 音乐,艺术,文学 / Music, Art, Literature
Part E : 教育,环保 / Education, Environment

Part A :自由,民主,正义 / Freedom, Democracy, Justice.

A 1: 必须纠正脱离群众的做法。(p24)
── 胡耀邦(1915-1989),中国共产党前总书记。
The practice of being divorced from the masses of people must be corrected.
── Hu Yao-bang(1915-1999),former general secretary of
the Chinese Communist Party

A 2: 不自由,毋宁死。(p 4)
── 帕特里克;亨利(1736-1799),美国演说家和革命家;
Give me liberty or give me death.
── Patrick Henry(1736-1799),American orator and revolutionary;
a famous quotation from his revolutionary declaration
to the Virginia Assembly on 23 March, 1775.

A 3: 除非人民有表达思想的自由,否则你不可能制订出英明的法律,也不可能无阻碍地执行它。人民的思想中蕴藏着智慧,当然,也会带有愚昧,但是只要思想有表达的自由,愚昧会因自身的毒害而消灭,而智慧则会保留下来。(p124)
── W. 威尔逊(1856 -1924),美国政治家,第28届总统。

You can have no wise laws nor free enforcement of wise laws unless there is free expression of the people --- and, alas, their folly with it. But if there is freedom, folly will die of its own poison, and the wisdom will survive.
── Woodrow Wilson(1856 -1924),
U.S. statesman and the 28th president.

A 4: 除了由人民自己掌握社会的根本权力以外,我不知道还有任何其他安全的办法;如果我们认为他们文化程度太低,不能以英明的决断来行使这种权力,那么补救的办法不是从他们手中拿走这种权力,而是通过教育来告诉他们应当如何对事情进行判断。(p228)
── 托马斯; 杰斐逊(1743-1826), 美国第三届总统。

I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.
── Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), 3rd U.S. president.

A 5: 从英国移居北美洲的侨民们的天赋人权中包括以下权利:第一,生存权;第二,自由权;第三,财产权;同时还包括以最佳方式支持和捍卫自己这些权利的权利。(p340)
── 塞缪尔 亚当斯(1722-1803),美国政治家,美国革命领袖之一。

Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: first, a right to life; secondly, to liberty; thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can.
── Samuel Adams (1722-1803),
American statesman, a leader in the American Revolution.

A 6: 当富人发动战争时,死的是穷人。(p196)
── 萨特尔 (1905-1980),法国哲学家,小说家,戏剧家。
When the rich wage war, it’s the poor who die.
── Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980), French philosopher, novelist, dramatist.

A 7: 对于已经发现的错误应当采取怎样的态度呢?是就事论事,敷衍一时,事后再犯呢?还是穷根究底,正本清源,保证今后不再犯或尽量少犯呢?(p132)
── 谌震,湖南文史员,短论作家,报人;

What attitude should we take towards our mistake? Should we deal with it as it stands and handle it perfunctorily, which would end up in making the same mistake again, or should we get to the bottom of it and tackle the issue at its root to ensure that the same mistake will never be committed again or at least to minimize the possibility of its recurrence?
── Chen Zhen,
researcher of Hunan history and culture, essayist, newspaperman:
Hunan--- A Miraculous Place With Outstanding People,
2001 publication by Hunan Research Institute of Culture and History.

A 8: 封杀一个(关于小民被欺的)报道,就是纵容继续欺压小民,作恶人的帮凶。(p102)
── 焦国标,北京大学新闻传播学院副教授,

To block a news report on the common people being ridden roughshod over is to connive at continual bullying of the common people, which is tantamount to serving as an accomplice of the villains.
── Jiao Guo-biao,
associate professor of journalism and Media at Beijing University;
(for reasons known to all, the source,
Castigating the CCP Propaganda Department,
was omitted in the songbook .)

A 9: 何用扬汤来止沸,只求去火要抽薪。(谱120)
── 熊伯鹏(1902 -1987),湖南弹词作家,企业家,报人;
Boiling is stopped not by scooping the broth out of the pot and then pouring it back, but by putting out the fire and taking the fire-woods out from under the pot.
── Xiong Bo-peng(1902 -1987),
Hunan tanci writer, entrepreneur, newspaperman;
Hutuboshi Tanci, 1987 Hunan People’s Publishing House.
Tanci is a genre of folk entertainment popular in southern China.

A 10: 衡量我们的进步,不看是否给富有者富上加富,而看是否给贫困者提供足够的资源。(p4)
── 富兰克林;罗斯福(1882-1945),1933-1945美国总统。
The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.
── Franklin Roosevelt(1882-1945), US president 1933-1945.

A 11: 将行使政治权力的机构分为几个相互制衡的部门,责成各个部门保护公众福利使之不受其它部门侵犯,这种做法的必要性,已经被古代和现代许多实验所证明,其中有些实验是在我们国家,我们眼皮底下进行的。(p162)
── 乔治;华盛顿(1732-1799)美国第一届总统;

The necessity of reciprocal checks in the exercise of political power, by dividing and distributing it into different depositories, and constituting each the guardian of the public weal against invasions by the others, has been evinced by experiments ancient and modern, some of them in our country and under our own eyes.
── George Washington (1732-1799), first president of the U.S.
Farewell Address after declining a third term as U.S. president.

A 12:  民有,民治,民享(p316)
── 亚伯拉罕; 林肯(1809-1865),美国第十六届总统;
; ; ; of the people, by the people, for the people ; ; ;
── Abraham Lincoln (1809-1965), US 16th president;
Gettysburg Address, Nov. 19th, 1863.

A 13: 民主的政体,民主的生活方式,是要以长时期实行免费公共教育为前提;并且是要以培养个人责任感的教育为前提,而这一点往往被忽视了。(p292)
── 埃莉诺 ; 罗斯福(见第228页)
A democratic form of government, a democratic way of life, presupposes free public education over a long period; it presupposes also an education for personal responsibility that too often is neglected.
── Eleanor Roosevelt (see page 229)

A 14: 民主主义的国家彻头彻尾都是靠大多数国民,不是靠几个豪杰。(p276)
── 摘自北京社会经济科学研究所《改造和建设》网站开篇词

A democratic nation relies entirely on the majority of its people, instead of just a few heroes.
── from the opening message of REFORM AND CONSTRUCTION,
a website run by Social-Economic Science Research Institute.

A 15: 民族主义是一种幼稚病。它像麻疹一样是人类当中的一种传染病(p358)
── 爱因斯坦(见142页)

Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.
── Albert Einstein (see page 143)

A 16: 你们都是父母官,父母官就要给老百姓做主啊!昨天我看了场电影,叫《七品芝麻官》,里头有句话说得好:当官不为民做主,不如回家卖红薯。(p80)

── 贺渌丁(1903 -1999),中国作曲家;

As grass-roots public servants with direct contact with the common people, all of you should support them in their needs. Yesterday I saw a movie called “A Grade-7 Petty Official,” in which there is a good saying: “If, as an official, you don’t support the common people, you’d better go home to peddle sweet potatoes.”

── He Lu-ding (1903-1999), Chinese composer;
a quotation from his 1988 speech at a reception in Zhuzhou, Hunan,
cited in an article attached to Collected Works of Yan Guai-yu,.
1999 Hunan Yuelu Publishing House.

A 17: 人有一张嘴,一是要吃饭,二是要说话:要说话就要讲真话。讲假话,不敢讲心里话,这张嘴就剩光能吃了,还有什么用?(p172)
── 吴祖光(1917-2003),中国剧作家,戏剧家:

Everyone has a mouth and this mouth has two functions: to eat and to speak. Be sure to tell the truth if you care to speak at all. When you don’t tell the truth for being afraid of speaking your mind, this mouth of yours is left with but one function, i.e., to eat, and nothing else.
── Wu Zu-guang. (1917-2003), Chinese playwright, dramatist;
from his talk with Jiang Yan-yong (see pag 89);
quoted by Jiang in a letter written in February of 2004,
which appeared on a website in March of the same year;
(for reasons known to all, the songbook doesn’t mention that
this letter was written to the CCP Central Committee appealing for
a redress of the wrong verdict of the 1989 Tiananmen students demonstration,
which was crushed on June 4th in a bloody suppression.

A 18: 如果说哪一项原则比其他原则都更迫切需要附加到宪法上去的话,那就是思想自由的原则——不是指那些和我们意见相同者有表达思想的自由,而是指让那些我们不喜欢的思想也有表达的自由。(p358 )
── 小O.W.霍姆斯(1841-1935),美国法学家,

If there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other, it is the principle of free thought——not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate.
── Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841-1935),
US jurist, associate justice of the US Supreme Court (1902-1932),
Known as the great dissenter.

A 19: 世界历史就是世界正义的法庭。(p84)
── 席勒(1759 -1805),德国戏剧家。

The history of the world is the world’s court of justice.
── Friedrich von Schiller(1759 -1805), German dramatist.

A 20: 死者无法说话,我还活着,还能说话,当然要说啰。(p340)
── 王若望(1918-2001),中国作家, 记者;

The dead cannot speak. I am still living and can speak. So, of course, I must speak.
── Wang Ruo-wang (1918-2001), Chinese writer, journalist;
quoted by Perry Lin, literature professor at Princeton University
in U.S. in the speech mourning Wang’s death.

A 21: 痛定思痛,我们得弄清楚一下:这一切究竟是怎么发生的?必须弄清这个问题,才谈得上吸取教训,才谈得上避免悲剧的重演。(p176)
── 朱正,中国作家;《思想的风景》,1997东方出版中心。

We should think hard about the bitter experience to understand: how did all this come about? This question must be answered before a lesson can be drawn and further tragedies avoided.
── Zhu Zheng, Chinese writer;
The Landscape of Thoughts, 1997 the East Publishing house.

A 22: 我对于自由社会的定义是:在那里做个不出名的人是安全的。(250页)
── A.W.史蒂文森(1900-1965),美国政治家和外交家。

My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular.
── Adlai E. Stevenson (1900-1939), U.S. .statesman and diplomat.

A 23: 我们不应把“持不同意见”与“不忠诚”相混淆。(p238)
── 爱德华; 默罗(1908-1965),美国时事评论家;

We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.

── Edward R. Murrow (1908-1965), US commentator;
in a 1954 TV report on McCarthyism,
which is a 1950’s US senate practice of
making accusation of disloyalty, especially of
procommunist activity, often unsupported by proof.

A 24: 我们都知道书是能烧掉的,然而我们更知道书不能被火消灭。人会死,但书永不会死。没有任何人或任何力量能够消灭人们的记忆。; ; ; 我们知道,在这次战争里,书就是武器。(p316)
── 富兰克林; 罗斯福(1882-1945),1933-1945年美国总统
We all know that books burn ── yet we have the greater knowledge that books can not be killed by fire. People die, but books never die. No man and no force can abolish memory ; ; ; In this war, we know, books are weapons.
── Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945), US president 1933-1945,
the only one in US history who assumed the office of president
for three successive terms;
Message to American Booksellers Association, 23 Apr. 1942.

A 25: 我们服从法律,为的是我们能够享受自由。(p162)
── 西赛罗(公元前106-43),罗马政治家,演说家,作家。
We are in bondage to the law in order that we may be free.
── Cicero (106-43 B.C.), Roman statesmen, orator, writer.

A 26: ;;;;;;我们期盼一个建立在四大基本自由之上的世界。
── 富兰克林;罗斯福(1882-1945),美国第三十二届总统;
1941年1月6日向国会发表的讲话 。

We look forward to a world founded upon four freedoms.
The first is freedom of speech and expression everywhere in the world;
The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way everywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear ---- which, translated into world terms, means a worldwide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor --- anywhere in the world.
── Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), US 32nd president;
from his annual message to Congress on January 6, 1941.

A 27: 我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的,即:一切人生来平等,他们都有着某些天赋的﹑不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生存权﹑自由权和追求幸福的权利。(p362)
── 杰斐逊(1743-1826),美国第三届总统;
美国独立宣言,1776年7月4 日。

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
── Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), US 3rd president;
Declaration of Independence of the United States, July 4th 1776.

A 28: 我们应当永远警惕自己那种想制止别人把我们不喜欢的意见发表出来的企图。 (p162 ) ── 小O.W. 霍姆斯(见第358页)
We should be eternally vigilant against attempts to check the expression of opinions that we loathe.
── Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (see page 359)

A 29: 我们政府的基础是民意,那么最首要目标就应当是保障人民发表意见的权利:假设要我在“没有表达民意的报刊而只有政府” 或者“没有政府而只有表达民意的报刊” 这两者之间作一选择的话,我会毫不犹豫地宁愿选择后者。(p264)
── 杰斐逊(见第228页)

The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
── Thomas Jefferson (see page 229)

A 30: 我是有宪法保护的,因为宪法允许我自由地发表我的看法。当然,也可能最后有各种意想不到的事请,那我也是做了这种准备的。(p88)
── 蒋彦永,中国军医;
I am protected by the Constitution, which allows me to freely express my views. It’s possible, of course, that various kinds of things unexpected may finally come up, for which I am also fully prepared.
── Jiang Yan-yong, Chinese military surgeon;
quoted by Moli, a journalist, in her report
carried in the internet Duowei Chinese News.
In spring of 2003, when most people were still not quite aware
of the sars spreading, it was Jiang who first warned against this danger.

A 31: 限制出版自由,是对一个民族的侮辱;禁止阅读某些书籍,等于宣布民众不是傻瓜就是奴隶。(p350) ── C.A. 赫尔维曲斯(1715-1771), 法国哲学家。

To limit the press is to insult a nation; to prohibit reading of certain books is to declare the inhabitants to be either fools or slaves.
── Claude Adrien Helvetius (1715-1771), French philosopher.

A 32: 新闻出版自由是每个英国人一切公民权利﹑政治权利和宗教信仰权利的保障。(p162 ) ── 朱尼厄斯,1769 至1772 伦敦一家报纸刊登的一系列

The liberty of the press is the palladium of all the civil, political and religious rights of an Englishman.
── Junius, the pen name of the unknown author of a series of letters published in a London newspaper (1769-1772), attacking the British king and
his ministers’ abuse of royal prerogative.

A 33: 新闻及出版等的审查制度反映一个社会对自己缺乏信心。(p102)
── P. 斯图尔特(1915 -1985),美国最高法院副职法官(1958-1981)

Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself.
── Potter Stewart(1915 -1985),
Associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1958-1981).

A 34: 言论自由对一个伟大的民族的作用,如同风对海洋和疟疾猖獗地区的作用,它吹走导致疾病的因素,带来健康的因素。哪里的言论自由被堵塞,哪里就会滋生瘴气,死亡就会很快到来。(p264)
── 亨利; 比彻(1813-1887),美国传教士和作家。

Free speech is to a great people what winds are to oceans and malarial regions, which waft away the elements of disease, and bring new elements of health. Where free speech is stopped, miasma is bred, and death comes fast.
── Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), American preacher and writer.

A 35: 要提高人民的素质,只有大规模地,长时期地,扎扎实实地,认认真真地进行这几十年社会上,学校里不存在,甚至没有听说过的公民教育。(p34)

The only way to enhance our people’s qualities is to carry out a large-scale, long-term, down-to-earth and serious citizenship education that never existed and even unheard-of in our society and schools during the past decades.
---Li Shen-zhi (1923-2003), Chinese International Affairs specialist.

A 36: 一次战争已经够受了,我不愿意再看到另外一次战争。(p284)
── 杰斐逊(1743-1826),美国第三届总统。
I have seen enough of one war never to wish to see another.
── Thomas Jefferson (1792-1822), US 3rd president.

A 37: 一个新闻工作者,争的是正义,护卫的是真理。(p238)
── 冯英子,中国作家,新闻工作者,编辑;
What a journalist strives for is justice, and what he defends is truth.
── Feng Ying-zi, Chinese writer, journalist ,editor;
In Memory of Old Friends in the Stormy Years,
1998 Shandong Pictorial Publishing House.

A 38: 有人说骑士时代已经过去,中世纪传奇中的豪侠精神已经死亡。但只要世界上还有一件冤屈没有得到正义的伸张,骑士时代就永远不会过去。(p250)
── C.金斯里(1819-1875),英国诗人。
Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long there is a wrong left unredressed on earth.
── Charles Kingsley (1819-1875), British poet.

A 39: 有新闻自由,并且人人都能读书报,这样的地方一切都是安全的。(p176)
── T. 杰斐逊(1917-2003),美国第三届总统。
Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe..
── Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), 3rd president of the U.S.

A 40: 约翰;布朗的遗体在坟墓中消亡,他的灵魂奔向前方。(p292)
── 美国歌曲《约翰;布朗的遗体》歌词(此歌背景见302页)
John Brown’s body lies a-mouldering in the grave. His soul is marching on! .
── from the American song john Brown’s Body (see page 303),
by Charles Spragre Hall (19th century), US song writer.

A 41: 允许人民有言论和出版 自由,不是为了让他们可以说些好听的话,说些已经得到认可的话,而是让他们有权说刺耳的话,有权说出可能传达某种新颖和出人意料的思想的话,让他们即使做了错事也有权说话。(p336)
── 塞缪尔 ; 冈珀斯(1850-1924),美国劳工领袖,出生在英国。

The freedom of speech and the freedom of the press have not been granted to the people in order that they may say the things which please, and which are based upon accepted thoughts, but the right to say the things which displease, the right to say the things which may convey the new and yet unexpected thoughts, the right to say things, even though they do a wrong.
── Samuel Gompers (1850-1924), US labor leader, born in England.

A 42: 在我们共和国,做个好公民的首要条件就是能够而且愿意克尽自己的本份。(p292) ── 西奥多 ; 罗斯福(1858-1919),美国第二十六届总统。

The first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight.
── Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), US 26th president.

A 43: 湛湛青天不可欺;是非善恶人尽知。(p46 )
── 京剧《徐策跑城》中唱词。

The profound heavens resemble an upright and wise judge that no one can deceive. All the right and wrong, good and evil, everyone will perceive.

── from lyrics of an aria in the Beijing opera Xu Ce Runs to See the Emperor.

A 44: 真正的爱国主义对于自己国土上的不公正现象比对任何别处的不公正现象都更痛恨。(p70)
── C. 达罗(1857 -1938),美国律师,演说家及作家。

True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.
── Clarence Darrow(1857 -1938), U.S. lawyer, lecturer, author.

A 45: 知识分子的思考和思想突破才是中国的希望所在。(p98)
── 李锐,中国作家,

China’s hope lies in her intellectuals’ deep thinking and its breakthrough .
── Li Rui, Chinese writer,
remark from s Beijing interview by Stone, the host of
China Crosstalk, a Chinese TV program in San Francisco.

A 46: 作为爱好和平的人民,我们并不蓄意报复。我们愿意宽恕,但是我们不会忘记过去。我们必须提醒世界各国人民对战争贩子和侵略者提高警惕,防止历史悲剧重演,捍卫人权,自由,和世界和平。(p18)
── 美国华盛顿大华府地区华人在马里兰州举行的

We, as peace-loving people, are not seeking revenge. We want to forgive, but we will not forget. We must warn the citizens of the world to guard against the warmongers and invaders to prevent a replay of history and to safeguard human rights, freedom and world peace.
. ── “To Our Audience”, from a Concert of Remembrance, Fifty Years After Victory of Resistance against Japan,
held in Maryland, U.S.A. by Chinese communities in the Washington metropolitan area.

Part B : 生活,家庭,学习 / Life, Home, Study

B 1: 爱人者人恒爱之。(p198) ── 谚语

All the world loves a lover. ── Proverb

B 2: 把肉体交给命运的安排吧,但灵魂要掌握在你自己手里。(p164)
── 弗兰西斯; 培根(1812-1889),英国诗人。

Leave the flesh to the fate it was fit for! The spirit be thine.
── Francis Bacon. (1812-1889), English poet.

B 3: 白雪已经溃退,恰似战败的军队。(p164)
── 威廉; 华兹华斯(1770-1850),英国诗人:《写在三月》。
Like an army defeated, the snow has retreated.
── William Wordsworth. (1770-1850), English poet, Written in March.

B 4: 报复的最佳手段就是好好生活。(p296)
── 摘自美国电视情景喜剧《赛因费尔德》

The best revenge is living well.
── from Seinfeld , an American TV sitcom (situation comedy).

B 5: 不打破鸡蛋做不成煎蛋卷。(谱80)。 ── 谚语

You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. ── proverb

B 6: 不浪费就不短缺。(p332) ── 谚语
Waste not, want not. ── proverb

B 7: 不能从封面判断 一本书的内容。(p296) ── 谚语
You can’t tell a book by its cover. ── Proverb

B 8: 不要追悔过去,过去了的不会再来。要妥善地改进现在,现在是属于你的。无所畏惧地,勇敢地奔向朦胧的未来吧。(p190)
── 朗费罗(1807-1882),美国诗人。
Look not mournfully into the Past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the Present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear, and with a manly heart.
── Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. (1807-1882), American poet.

B 9: 不知名的后来人:…… 无论多么苦,无论多么难,你都要坚持着活下去。…..世上没有过不去的火焰山。(p 8)
── 金敬迈,中国作家,文化革命期间受冤坐牢十年;
To the unknown would-be new comers:… Be sure to persevere and try hard to survive no matter how beyond forbearance the situation and life may be. … In this world there is no burning mountain that cannot be surmounted. (p 9)
── Jin Jing-Mai, Chinese writer,
unjustly jailed for ten years during the cultural revolution;
So Big Is the Moon and So Boundless the Sky,
(Jin’s account of his bitter experiences during imprisonment),
China Film Publishng House.

B 10: 沉默是轻蔑的最充分表现。(p206)
── 萧伯纳(1856-1950), 英国剧作家,批评家。
Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.
── George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish dramatist and critic.

B 11: 大家为一人,一人为大家。(p196)
── 大仲马 (1802-1870),法国小说家,剧作家;《三剑客》。
All for one, and one for all.
── Alexandre Dumas pere (1802-1870), French novelist, dramatist;
The Three Musketeers.

B 12: 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?(p276)
── 雪莱(1792-1822),英国诗人;《西风颂》。
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?
. ── Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), British poet;
Ode to the West Wind.

B 13: 地球上最广阔的是海洋。天空比海洋更广阔。而比海洋和天空还要广阔的是人的胸怀。(p276)
── 雨果(1802-1885),法国诗人,小说家和戏剧家。

The sea is the vastest on the earth. The sky is vaster than the sea. A human mind is the vastest among the three.
── Victor Hugo(1802-1885), French poet, novelist and dramatist.

B 14: 东西南北,家中最美。(p14) ── 英国谚语
East, west, home’s best.. ── English proverb

B 15: 对往事的回忆给人一种凄凉却又是美妙的沧桑之感。(p312)
── 萧伯纳(1856-1950),爱尔兰戏剧家,批评家和小说家;
Reminiscences make one feel so deliciously aged and sad.
── George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950),
Irish dramatist, critic and novelist; Nobel prize 1925.

B 16: 读书对人 心灵的作用就好像体育锻练对人身体的作用。(p376)
── 约瑟夫•艾迪森(1672 - 1719),英国短论作家和诗人。

Reading is to the mind that exercise is to the body.
── Joseph Addison (1672 – 1719), English essayist and poet.

B 17: 对我来说, 可有可无的东西有多少!(p142)
── 苏格拉底(公元前469 - 399),雅典哲学家。

How many things I can do without !
── Socrates (469 – 399 B.C.), Athenian philosopher.

B 18: 坟墓本身不过是一座有盖的桥梁,它通过一段短暂的黑暗将人从亮光带到亮光。(p300)
── 朗费罗(1807-1882),美国诗人;《金色的传奇»。
The grave itself is but a covered bridge
Leading from light to light, through a brief darkness.
── Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), American poet;
The Golden Legend

B 19: 感到孤独寂寞,感到没有人需要自己,这是最可怕的贫穷。(p34)
── 阿格尼斯(1910-1997),出生在南斯拉夫的女传教士,
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
── Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhui(1910-1997),
a Yugoslavian missionary in Calcutta,
a humanitarian known throughout the world as Mother Teresa
for her charity towards the poor;
Saints Among Us, Time magazine Dec. 29, 1975.

B 20: 工作是人生不可缺少的条件和人类繁荣昌盛的真正源泉。(p34)
── 托尔斯泰(1828-1910),俄罗斯小说家和社会评论家。

Work is the inevitable condition of human life, the true source of human welfare.
── Leo Tolstoy(1828-1910),
Russian novelist and social critic.

B 21: 患难中的朋友是真正的朋友。(p264) ── 谚语
A friend in need is a friend indeed. ── Proverb

B 22: 欢笑是最好的医药。(p354) ── 英国谚语
Laughter is the best medicine. ── English proverb

B 23: 交朋友的唯一办法就是自己做个朋友。(p150)
── 埃默森(1803-1882), 美国短论作家,演说家,诗人。

The only way to have a friend is to be one.
── Ralph Emerson(1803 -1882),
American essayist, lecturer, poet..

B 24: 仅仅有钱谈不上真正的幸福,幸福存在于成就的喜悦中存在于创造性的努力导致的那种激动和快乐里。(p322)
── 富兰克林; 罗斯福 (见316页)

Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money, it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.
── Franklin Roosevelt (see page 317)

B 25: 今日事今日毕。(p268) ── 谚语
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. ── proverb

B 26: 快乐分享则快乐加倍,忧伤分担则忧伤减半。 (p198) ── 瑞士谚语
Shared .joy is double joy and shared sorrow is half sorrow.
── Swedish proverb

B 27: 快乐是唯一分享者越多每人所得也越多的东西。(p272)
── 杰里 ; 里伯曼,美国作家;
Happiness is the only thing that multiplies by division.
── Jerry Lieberman, American writer;
Good Jokes for Speakers.

B 28: 灵魂饥饿比身体饥饿对人的打击要沉重得多。(p158)
── 亨利W.比彻 (1813-1887), 美国作家。
Hit’s a lot worse to be soul-hungry than to be body-hungry.
── Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887), American writer.

B 29: 旅行能将偏见,顽固,执拗以及胸襟狭隘等毛病统统扫除。(p250)
── 马克; 吐温(1835-1910),美国作家。

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.
── Mark Twain (1835-1910), American writer.

B 30: 旅行增长见识。(p306) ── 谚语
Travel broadens the mind. ── proverb

B 31: 每个人都是他所处时代的产物;很少人能够将自己的思想提升到超出他的时代局限的水平。(p354)
── 伏尔泰(1694-1778), 法国哲学家,历史学家,戏剧家和散文作家。
Every man is the creature of the age in which he lives; very few are able to raise themselves above the ideas of the time.
── Voltaire (1694-1778),
French philosopher, historian, dramatist and essayist.

B 32: 美好的生活包含三种成分:学习,辛劳赚取,渴望。(p24)
── 克里斯托夫;墨里(1890-1957),美国作家。
There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning.
── Christopher Morley(1890-1957), American writer.

B 33: 每一位忠诚的女性心中都有一粒天国的火种,在顺利兴旺的光明时刻,这个火种潜伏着,而在黑暗的逆境中,它便会熊熊燃烧起来,发出强烈的光和热。(p126)
── W. 欧文(1783 -1859),美国作家和历史学家。

There is in every true woman’s heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.
── Washington Irving(1783 -1859),
American writer and historian.

B 34: 没有辛劳的生活是罪过。没有艺术的辛劳是野蛮。(p24)
── 约翰;拉斯金(1819-1900),英国艺术和社会评论家。

Life without industry is guilt. Industry without art is brutality.
── John Ruskin(1819-1900), British are and social critic..

B 35: 母亲的嗓音是世界上最甜美的声音。(p350)
── 但丁(1265-1321),意大利诗人。

A mother’s voice is the most beautiful sound in the world.
── Alighieri Dante (1265-1321), Italian poet.

B 36: 耐心是一棵苦树,但是它结出的果是甜的。(p206) ── 古老的谚语
Patience is a bitter plant but it has a sweet fruit. ── Old proverb

B 37: 能用手解开的,绝不要用刀去割。(p206)
── 约瑟夫;如伯(1754-1824), 法国伦理学家,小品文作家。

Never cut what you can untie.
── Joseph Joubert (1754-1824), French moralist and essayist.

B 38: 人们绝不应当羞于承认自己的错误,要知道,承认错误就说明今日的他已经比昨日的他聪明了。(p328)
── 亚历山大; 波普 (1688-1744),英国诗人,作家;

A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.

── Alexander Pope (1688-1744), British poet, writer;
Thoughts on Various Subjects.

B 39: 人生有两种悲剧。一种是失去了心中想要的东西;另一种是得到了心中想要的东西。(p332)
── 萧伯纳 (1856-1950),爱尔兰戏剧家,批评家和小说家。
There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it.
── George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish dramatist and critic.

B 40: 认为自己没有时间进行体育锻炼的人迟早都会不得不花时间来治病养(p112 )
── 爱德华;斯丹利(1826 -1893),英国政治家;

Those who think they have not time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.
── Edward Stanley(1826 -1893), British statesman;
The Conduct of Life, address at Liverpool College, 1872.

B 41: 如果想要别人爱你,你自己就要表现得可爱。(p332)
── 奥维德(公元前48-公元17),罗马诗人。

If you want to be loved, be lovable.
── Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso ) (48 B.C.-17 A.D.), Roman poet.

B 42: 三月的风和四月的雨带来五月的鲜花。(p80) ── 谚语
March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers. ── proverb

B 43: 生命的最大幸福在于深信有人爱我们。(p312)
── 雨果(1802-1885),法国诗人,小说家和戏剧家。

The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.

── Victor Hugo (1802-1885), French poet, novelist and dramatist.

B 44: 生命短促,艺术长存。(p146) ── 谚语
Art is long and life is short. ── proverb

B 46: 生命是不断燃烧的火焰,它会逐渐烧尽,但是每当一个孩子诞生,生命之火便又重新点燃,继续燃烧。(p300)
── 萧伯纳(1856-1950),爱尔兰剧作家,批评家,小说家;

Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but it catches fire again every time a child is born.
── George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), Irish dramatist, critic , novelist;
Nobel prize of literature 1925.

B 47: 书可以滋润感情,可以拂去思想上的灰尘,冲洗胸心间的泥沙。(第350页)
── 严怪愚(1911-1984),中国作家,记者;

Books can moist your feelings, brush off dust from your thought and wash away sand and mud from your mind.
── Yan Guai-yu (1911-1984);
Collected Works of Yan Guai-Yu, Hunan Yuelu Publishing House, 1999.

B 48: 书,是最安静最永恒的朋友;;;;;; 也是最有耐心的老师。(p30)
── 查尔斯;伊利奥特(1834-1926),美国教育家,哈佛大学前校长。

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends ; ; ; and the most patient of teachers.
── Charles W. Eliot(1834-1926),
American educator, former president of Harvard University.

B 49: 岁月不等人。(p34) ── 谚语

Time and tide wait for no man. ── proverb

B 50: 他能正眼直视全世界,因为他不亏欠任何人。(p138)
── 朗费罗(1807 -1882),美国诗人;《村里的铁匠》。

Looks the whole world in the face, for he owes not any man.
── Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807 -1882), American poet;
The Village Blacksmith.

B 51: 疼痛会过去,而美丽会永存。(p202)
── P.A.热诺瓦(1811-1863),法国印象派画家;
The pain passes, but the beauty remains.
── Pierre Auguste Renoir. (1841-1919), French Impressionist painter;
Explaining why he still painted when
his hands were twisted with arthritis.

B 52: 为活着而吃饭,不是为吃饭而活着。(p358) ── 谚语
Eat to live and not live to eat. ── proverb

B 53: 未来不使赠送的,要靠努力争取。(p30)
── 亨利;劳德(1870-1950),苏格兰民谣歌手和作曲家。
The future is not a gift, it is an achievement.
── Henry Lauder(1870-1950), Scottish balladeer and composer.

B 54: 我曾旅行到海的那边,成天只和陌生人碰面;直到那时我才知道,英格兰,我对你是多么爱恋。(p88)
── 华兹华斯(1770 -1850),英国诗人;《我曾在陌生人当中旅行》。

I traveled among unknown men in lands beyond the sea; Nor, did I know till then what love I bore to thee.
── William Wordsworth(1770 -1850), British poet;
I Traveled Among Unknown Men.

B 55: 我们所爱的地方是家乡—我们的脚离得开但心却离不开的家乡。(p70)
── O. W. 霍姆斯(1809 -1894),美国诗人及小说家。

Where we love is home—— home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
── Oliver Wendell Holmes(1809 -1894), American poet and novelist.

B 56: 无法治愈的伤痛,就得去忍受它。(p180) ── 老话
What can’t be cured must be endured. ── Old saying

B 57: 希望,在任何情况下都是必要的。如果没有希望作为安慰,不论是贫穷,疾病或囚禁的悲惨和痛苦都将是无法承受的。(p264)

── 塞缪尔; 约翰逊(1564-1616),英国辞典编撰者,评论家,诗人。

Hope is necessary in every condition. The miseries of poverty, sickness, of captivity, would, without this comfort, be insupportable.
── Samuel Johnson (1564-1616), English lexicographer, critic and poet.

B 58: 小草要破土而出,任什么人也压不下去。(p112)
── 钱宗仁(1944 -1985),

No one whatsoever can stop the bud of grass from breaking through the soil.
── Qian Zong-ren(1944 -1985), a Chinese village youth who
dauntlessly fought his bad luck and became a college math teacher and
then, in his final year, worked as a journalist with People Daily;
Reporter Meng Xiao-yun quoted this saying by Qian in her report
Tears of the Hu Poplar, which after Qian’s death was entered into
The Hu Poplar Has Run Out Of Tears---in Memory of Qian Zong-ren,
1986 Hunan People’s Publishing House.

B 59: 幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。(p268)
── 托尔斯泰(1828-1910),俄罗斯作家;
《安娜; 卡列尼娜》;
All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
── Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), Russian writer;
Anna Karenina.

B 60: 血浓于水(p74) ── 美国谚语
Blood is thicker than water. ── American proverb

B 61: 学习是打开幸福之门的钥匙。(p 8 ) ── 美国谚语
Learning is the key to happiness. ── American proverb

B 62: 要是我们能将时间倒转,出生时是八十岁,然后逐渐活到十八岁,那么我们的生活比现在会不知快乐多少倍。(p280)
── 马克;吐温(塞缪尔;克雷门斯的笔名)(1835-1910),美国作家 。

Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.
── Mark Twain (pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens),
(1792-1822), American writer.

B 63: 一个人走遍全世界去寻找他所需要的东西,结果是回到家里找到了。(p306)
── 乔治; 摩尔(1852-1933),爱尔兰作家。
A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it. ── George Moore (1852-1933), Irish writer.

B 64: 一个人停止做任何贡献之日,就是他开始衰亡之时。(谱228)
── 埃莉诺; 罗斯福(1884-1962), 美国外交家和作家,
When you cease to make a contribution you begin to die.
── Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962), U.S. diplomat and author,
(wife of Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd U.S. president).

B 65: 一年有四季,春夏又秋冬,纵观人心境,与此恰相同。(p132)
── 济慈(1795 -1821),英国诗人;《四季》。
Four seasons fill the measure of the year; There are four seasons in the mind of men.
── John Keats(1795 -1821), British poet; Four Seasons.

B 66: 一切都是瞬息,一切 都会过去,
── 普希金(1799-1837),俄罗斯诗人;《假如生活欺骗了你》;

All is momentary, all will be gone,
What’s gone will be lovely and sweet.

── Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799-1837), Russian poet;
If You Are Betrayed by Life;
English translation by: Yang De-you.

B 67: 一切伟大的真理在开始时都被看成是对神的亵渎。(p328)
── 萧伯纳(1856-1950),爱尔兰戏剧家和批评家。
All great truths begin as blasphemies.
── George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950); Irish dramatist and critic.

B 68: “以眼还眼” 这个古老的规律使得所有人都成为瞎眼。(p188)
── 马丁; 路德; 金(1929-1968),美国民权领袖;
1964诺贝尔和平奖获得者 。
That old law about “an eye for an eye” leaves everybody blind.
── Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968), US civil rights leader;
Nobel peace price 1964

B 69: 英雄所见略同。(p102) ── 谚语
Great minds think alike. ── proverb

B 70: 有志者事竟成。 (p 38 ) ── 谚语
Where there is a will, there is a way. ── proverb

B 71: 欲速则不达。(p334) ── 约翰 ; 海伍德(1497-1580),英国戏剧家。
The more haste, the less speed.
── John Heywood (1497-1580),English dramatist
B 72: 招待朋友住宿的家是快乐的家。(p198)
── 埃默森 (1803-1882),美国诗人,哲学家,政论家;《论友谊》。
Happy is the house that shelters a friend.
── Ralph Walldo Emerson (1803-1882),
American poet, philosopher, essayist; Friendship.

B 73: 整个世界是一个舞台,所有的男男女女都不过是一些演员,他们都有下场的时候,也都有上场的时候。(p328)
── 莎士比亚(1554-1616),英国诗人和戏剧家;《皆大欢喜》;
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances.
── William Shakespeare (1554-1616), English poet and dramatist;
As You Like It.

B 74: 真正的友谊需要长时间的培养,必须是在经历并经受住了逆境冲击的考验以后,才配得上“真正的友谊”这个称号。(p222)
── 乔治; 华盛顿(1732-1799), 美国第一任总统。
True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.
── George Washington (1732-1799), the first U.S. president.

B 75: 知识就是力量。(p146)
── F. 培根(1561-1626), 英国短论作家,哲学家,政治家。
Knowledge is power.
── Francis Bacon(1561 -1626),
English essayist, philosopher, statesman..

B 76: 只有为别人而活,生命才有价值。(p142)
── 爱因斯坦(1879 -1955),德国物理学家,1940年成为美国公民;
Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
── Albert Einstein(1879 -1955),
German physicist, US citizen from 1940;
Nobel prize 1921.

B 77: 最朴素,最简短的道德格言就是:尽可能少要别人为自己服务,尽可能多为别人服务。(p376)
── 托尔斯泰(1828 -1910),俄罗斯作家。

The simplest and shortest ethical precept is to be served by others as little as possible, and to serve others as much as possible.
── Leo Tolstoy(1828 -1910),
Russian writer.

Part C : 爱情 / Love

C 1: 爱情不在于互相盯着对方看,而在于双方朝着同一方向看。(p8)
── 安托万;安克苏佩里(1900-1945),法国作家和飞行员。

Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.
── Franklin Roosevelt(1882-1945), US president 1933-1945.

C 2: 爱是人生的和弦,而不是独奏。(p66)
── 贝多芬(1770-1827),德国音乐家。

Love is a chord in life, not a solo.
── Ludwig van Beethoven(1770 -1827), German composer

C 3: 爱情尽管浪漫,但若单靠彼此之间的爱,感情是无法维持长久的。只有双方还共同爱着其他事物时,爱情才能持久。(p66)
── 瓦尔特;里普曼(1889年生),美国记者,作家。

The emotion of love, in spite of the romantics, is not self-sustaining; it endures only when the lovers love many things together, and not merely each other.
── Walter Lippmann(born 1889), American journalist and author.

C 4: 爱情是不用眼睛而是用心灵看着的,
── 莎士比亚(1554-1616),英国诗人和剧作家;
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind;
And therefore is wing’d Cupid painted blind.
── William Shakespeare(1554-1616), English poet and dramatist;
A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

C 5: 爱情是对一个人与一切其他人的不同之处的严重夸张。(p 42)
── 萧伯纳(1856-1950),爱尔兰戏剧家,批评家和小说家。

Love is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everybody else.
── George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950), Irish dramatist; critic and novelist.

C 6: 不成熟的爱情说:“我爱你,因为我需要你。” 成熟的爱情说:“我需要你,因为我爱你。”(p64)
── 埃里克;弗罗姆(1827-1905),德国出生,美国心理分析家和作家。

Immature love says “I love you because I need you.” Mature love says “I need you because I love you.”
── Erich Fromm(1900-1980), German born U.S. psychoanalyst and author

C 7: ...不论该与不该,你的眼光都流露出对我的爱
── 摘自歌曲《好事》歌词;

...Here you are standing there, loving me, whether or not you should. ...Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could. So somewhere in .my youth or childhood I must have done something good.

── excerpts from the lyrics of the song
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