Mr. Wattana Bounthong (瓦特那邦宋先生), Representative, Washington DC Laos Association (大华府寮国同胞代表)
Mr. Keith Wares (凯斯威尔先生)(左), Program Host, Sound of Hope Radio Station – Washington DC, (华府希望之声广播电台节目主持人)
魏京生 (Mr. Jingsheng Wei), 中国民主运动海外联席会议主席 (Chairman, Overseas Joint Committee on China Democratic Movement), 魏京生基金会 (Wei JS Foundation)
张海联 (Mr. Hailian Zhang), 大华府退党服务中心发言人 (Spokesperson, Quitting CCP Service Center in Washington DC)
汪志远医师 (Dr. Zhiyuan Wang), 国际特别法庭筹备会召集人(Coordinator, International Special Tribunal on the Persecution of Falun Gong)
Ms. Hanh Pham(涵房女士), Representative, Washington DC Vietnamese Association (大华府越南同胞代表)
张建国 (Mr. Willie J.K. Chang), 大华府中华会馆 (二十九个同乡/宗会、同学会、同业公会等社团组成的侨社龙头, Greater Washington DC Chinese Consolidation of Benevolent Association, 29 Organizational Members) 外交, 全侨民主和平联盟巴城华府支盟共同主席 (Co-Chairman, Global Alliance for Democracy and Peace-DC/Baltimore Chapter) ,大华府黄埔校友会前任会长 (Former President, Washington DC Alumni of Huang-Pu Millitary Academy)
Anna Skibinsky (安娜司宾斯基博士), Russian American Scientist, Food & Drug Administration, DC (苏俄裔美国公民,华府美国食品及药物管理局科学家)
贺宾 (Mr. Bin He) ,告别中共 (Say-Bye-for-Good to CCP), 大华府代表
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