為什麼西方資本家親近CCP?因為左派想變成CCP那樣的皇家壟斷資本家,因為他們是同類,像馬雲,華為那樣,既有資本壟斷權,又有政治壟斷權,使財源滾滾而來,因此而恨民權,恨民生,難怪集結而舞弊。 川普是普惠大眾,左派只惠及壟斷特權 實際上,建立社會主義只是一個幌子,先用「共產大缸」收繳各路財富,然後再用「獨裁的口袋」包裹「共產大缸」塞入私囊。「私有權力」必定吃光「公有財產」,社會主義只剩下一具空殼 why Occident capitalist hobnob with CCP? because left wing wish become「imperial monopolistic capitalist」like CCP, they are same kind, like the "MA YUN" "HUA WEI" etc, both have power of monopolistic capital, and have political power of monopolization, enable get wealth roll into pocket of his own, therefore hate the civil rights, hate the people's livelihood. it's no wonder that them to mass cheat. TRUMP will widespread patronize public, but left wing only patronize few monopolizer. actually build up socialism that is simply a camouflage, first capture wealth everywhere with「communist vat」, then package the「communist vat」with「autocratic pocket」encase into purse of his own. 「private power」be sure eat up「communal belongings」,socialism only remain a em
why Occident capitalist hobnob with CCP? because left wing wish become「imperial monopolistic capitalist」like CCP, they are same kind, like the "MA YUN" "HUA WEI" etc, both have power of monopolistic capital, and have political power of monopolization, enable get wealth roll into pocket of his own, therefore hate the civil rights, hate the people's livelihood. it's no wonder that them to mass cheat.
TRUMP will widespread patronize public, but left wing only patronize few monopolizer.
actually build up socialism that is simply a camouflage, first capture wealth everywhere with「communist vat」, then package the「communist vat」with「autocratic pocket」encase into purse of his own. 「private power」be sure eat up「communal belongings」,socialism only remain a em