拜登在演講過程中,一再抨擊川普的粉絲,抗議「川粉」們的到訪「不禮貌」,一度還把「川粉」稱為「醜陋的傢伙」(ugly folks),並說在全國強制戴口罩是一種「愛國義務」。
There are currently more Minnesota Trump supporters lined up outside the Biden event than cars in attendance for the campaign event in St. Paul. pic.twitter.com/8GuRzuavbf
— Rebecca Brannon (@RebsBrannon) October 30, 2020
Joe Biden being drowned out by Minnesota Trump supporters right now. pic.twitter.com/gN4Y5Xcohq
— Rebecca Brannon (@RebsBrannon) October 30, 2020
If you’re doubting @realDonaldTrump’s ability to win Minnesota, check this out. While there’s almost no cars at the Biden event in ST. PAUL, there are hundreds of Trump supporters right across the street 😳 pic.twitter.com/MIdeUGBaLX
— Preya Samsundar (@psamsundar) October 30, 2020
有人拍攝到,拜登集會場外有近150名明尼蘇達州的川普支持者聚集在一起念誦效忠宣誓(pledge of allegiance),以抗議民主黨和左派要廢除效忠宣誓。
Nearly 150 Minnesota Trump supporters now gathered reciting the pledge of allegiance outside Biden event. pic.twitter.com/8KP4WP38fL
— Rebecca Brannon (@RebsBrannon) October 30, 2020
Your far-left Dem Attorney General, and your Dem Governor tried to shut down our rally, silence the people of Minnesota, and take away your freedom of assembly. They thought we would cancel – but I said NO WAY, I will NEVER abandon the people of Minnesota! pic.twitter.com/wF1uolGlf6
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2020
来源:Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who has done nothing but betray you for 47 long years - selling out to lobbyists, China, big pharma & foreign countries. He will stab you in the back. He only cares about political power & he will use that power to hurt you & enrich his cronies! pic.twitter.com/8B9kZ5sdEJ
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2020