傾畢生之力愛地球 94歲網紅引百萬追蹤(圖)


David Attenborough雖然年邁,但由於經常上山下海、四處奔波,體力仍維持地不錯。他不僅擁有劍橋大學自然科學學位,也曾在英國廣播公司BBC任職,他熱愛拍攝自然議題記錄片,多部作品《七個世界,一個星球(Seven Worlds,One Planet)》、《脈動地球(Planet earth)》、《我們的星球(Our Planet)》、《冰凍星球(Frozen Planet》都引起轟動!


One of the reasons we wanted to create the film and share its message with you on Instagram, was to highlight what a wonderful world we live in and to inspire change. As many of you have been saying since seeing the film: if we take care of nature, nature will take care of us. We'd like to know what you will do to help protect our future and our planet? A Life On Our Planet film is produced by @silverback_films and @wwf_uk

A post shared by A Life On Our Planet (@davidattenborough) on Oct 9, 2020 at 6:59am PDT



After watching the film last week, it was inspiring to listen to David and Prince William talking passionately about their projects for the environment, such as @earthshotprize which they launched today.

A post shared by A Life On Our Planet (@davidattenborough) on Oct 8, 2020 at 6:01am PDT



