武漢肺炎引併發症 百老匯男星右腿截肢(組圖)

美國百老匯男星尼克柯戴羅(Nick Cordero)因確診武漢肺炎住進加護病房與病魔奮戰,孰料卻引發血栓併發症,已將右腿截肢。(圖片來源:Mike Coppola / Getty Images)

美國百老匯男星尼克柯戴羅(Nick Cordero)因確診武漢肺炎住進加護病房與病魔奮戰,孰料卻引發血栓併發症。他的妻子克魯茨(Amanda Kloots)19日在Instagram透露丈夫的病況,尼克柯戴羅已將右腿截肢,目前剛動完手術正在調養當中。

曾獲東尼獎提名的尼克柯戴羅已和武漢肺炎奮戰逾2周。尼克柯戴羅的妻子克魯茨(Amanda Kloots)持續在個人IG更新丈夫的最新病況,好讓擔心他的粉絲知道他的消息。


Heading into this week of shows like... Come see us @rockofageshollywood !! Link to tickets in bio. #rocknroll #aintnothinbutagoodtime #hollywood #california

Nick Cordero(@nickcordero1)分享的貼文 於 PST 2020 年 1月 月 22 日 上午 11:23 張貼

據《CNN》報導,克魯茨在IG寫道,今天是尼克柯戴羅住在洛杉磯西達斯西奈醫學中心(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center)加護病房的第18天,期間他的右腿出現血栓情況,但服用的抗凝血劑影響到他的血壓並引發腸內出血,血液仍無法到達腳趾,不得已於住進加護病房的第18天截去右腿。

尼克柯戴羅的妻子克魯茨(Amanda Kloots)在IG上發起「#讓尼克醒過來」(#wakeupnick)標籤,鼓勵粉絲拍下跳舞影片寄給她,替尼克柯戴羅加油。(圖片來源:Noam Galai/Getty Images for Beyond Yoga)




We did this photo shoot with our friend @ash_a_ley about a month ago. I remember at the time saying to her that I really wanted to capture this time right now. Wow, am I glad we did! It’s Day 17 since Nick went under. Today his body is adjusting. Adjusting to being off ECMO, adjusting to more medications and some sideways steps but we are staying positive. He is no doubt receiving the best care from the team @cedarssinai ❤️ Continued prayers for our guy. I’ll see you at 3pm to sing and dance to Live Your Life! #wakeupnick

AK! ⭐️(@amandakloots)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 4月 月 17 日 下午 1:45 張貼


