

 2020-04-10 21:15 桌面版 简体 打賞 1




The genetic sequencing shared by China enables more countries to rapidly diagnose patients.(從中國分享的病毒基因序列,讓更多國家可以快速的診斷病人)














要談歧視嗎?台灣並沒有歧視黑人,而是台灣長期被您的第二祖國歧視。可能是您不知道靠了什麼手段,才能當上這個秘書長的位置,對於台灣的情況一無所知。但是您得要知道,身處於最大瘟疫傳播國旁邊,我們花了多少力氣才能成功防疫?對您的批評絕對不是歧視,而是對於一個尸位素餐、毫無作為、逢迎諂媚、見風轉舵、牛頭不對馬嘴的高官,台灣人不假辭色的一種憤怒。(相關閱讀:譚德塞抹黑臺灣 「維大力黑人」揭幕後真相





對此,網友也紛紛留言點讚,「不愧是名律師,證據傳的很齊全,水噹噹」、「律師好厲害,把時間軸寫得好清楚」、「他還曾說過,世界欠中國一個道歉及一句感謝」、「還有,中國已經零確診,真是了不起的成就」、「除了讚,無法表達我對這篇文的看法了」、「台灣人的敦厚友善,不是用來讓人欺負的」。(相關閱讀:臺灣硬起來 YouTuber集資「拆掉譚德塞謊言」


English Edition(translated and contributed by Alex Lau )

MR Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,

Regrading your accusations to Taiwan and eager to settle the score so much! Great wits have short memories, let me recall yours and make sure who is actually racist here?

About 3 months ago, to be honest not that many Taiwanese know your name or even know who you are. Of course, Taiwanese have been segregated by the international community for so long, who would know WHO’s Secretary-General is when we don’t even know the United Nations Secretary-General or even remember you are part of this leadership?

According to WHO public announcement on 2020-Jan-13
The genetic sequencing shared by China enables more countries to rapidly diagnose patients.

You praise China the first time in public and express how much contribution China has made toward COVID-19 pandemic prevention. From then on every China-related topic is as good as it could be. Indeed China sounds more like your home country, your motherland then a member of unions.

Jan 18th, you seem to ignore the fact that WuHan hosted a 40,000 family banquet, which leads to an explosive growth of infection and the Chinese government has been covering and hiding the fact of since the first patients appeared. Shut-up the 7 early whistle-blowers including Dr. Li Wen Liang who dies from the COVID-19 himself. Allowing citizens to travel with no prevention or warning. If China stops all these at the time 95% chance pandemic will not happen. As WHO’s Secretary-general not only did you not warn them but also disgustingly care about China so much and ignore the rest of the world’s safety.

Disregarding the worldwide safety and spreads of this deathly virus pandemic. Then we, Taiwanese, start paying attention to you! Then on, your continuous and worsening evil acts had made Taiwanese hate you even more.
Jan 14th. Believe and following the Chinese Government’s information saying there is no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.

Novel Coronavirus - Thailand (ex-China)
This is the first exported case of novel coronavirus from Wuhan city, China. Since the initial report of cases in Wuhan…

Jan 23rd, China is responsive, cooperative and transparent! They are very successful and there is no threat to the rest of the world.

WHO Director-General's statement on the advice of the IHR Emergency Committee on Novel Coronavirus
Good evening once again to everyone in the room, and to everyone online. Once again, I'd like to thank Dr Didier…

Jan 25th, on going moderate risk level for the global level.
Jan 28th, against evacuation plan and belive China can handle this.

Feb 3rd, no need to overreact and reduce travel and gathering are unnecessary. No need to cancel the flight to China and no need for closing the border.

Feb 9th, in fact the COVID-19 can spread from Human to Human.

Feb 11th, China is not a disaster, the rest of the world need to pay attention and seriously fix this virus.

Feb 19th. Publicly praise the Chinese Government had sacrifice their people to save the world. Besides China, only 12 countries have 92 cases of COVID-19 Human to Human infection. Diamond Princess is a special case. There are no ongoing local infection happening.

Feb 21st, China's new cases are decreasing what a piece of encouraging and wonderful news.

Feb 24th using pandemic to describe COVID-19 now does not fit the facts, but it may certainly cause fear.

March 2rd, still insisted Not pandemic.
WHO will not hesitate to describe this as a pandemic if that’s what the evidence suggests.

March 11th, COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.

Want to talk about racism? Taiwanese have no racism against black people, instead, Taiwan has discriminated against by your second motherland for a very long time. Whatever means you hustle this Secretary-General position may still have no idea what is happening in Taiwan. But you must know, Taiwan is the nearest country right next to where the pandemic started. As a country, do you understand how much we sacrifice to successfully prevent this tragedy from happening? All the remark and judgments toward you alone is definitely not racism toward the black community. Instead, we are only judging an apathetic, incompetent, bootlicking, go with the flow, incongruous leader with pure and passionate anger bluntly.

To talk about racism, your beloved China in 2016 Chinese New Year Gala. There is one act “Together Joy, Together Happy” by artists 鄭愷、婁乃鳴、大兵 and many from Africa together. Those African speak fluent Chinese, praise about the Chinese Government help building the railroad in Africa. So many African fighting to study aboard in China and hoping to marry rich talk handsome Chinese, etc. Basically saying China and Africa government cooperation has benefited Africa so much that all shed tears of gratitude. Chinese actress 婁乃鳴 painted her face black and enlarge her butt to “pretend” to be an African, instead of another African actor act as a monkey to favor the Chinese audience. Now this is what we called racism! I hope you didn’t see this act.

At the end of March, we raised funds to help operation on an Ethiopian, your real motherland’s foreign student in Taiwan. World Vision International in Taiwan and the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families have adopted a lot of Children from your own country as well. What do you think about that?

As the Secretary-General of WHO, because of your incompetent, ass-kissing laziness, the world has over 1.44 million infected, 83,149 dead. Not including whoever that’s was covered up by China. You have the gut to stand in front of the world and said Taiwan is racist against you? Judging is not racism, you are inverting right and wrong. At last, please look closely at Taiwan's effort to stop this disaster and listen to advice outside of China. If you still believe we are politicalizing COVID-19, I can only reply to you with good luck and be safe.

責任編輯: 立明 来源:呂秋遠臉書 --版權所有,任何形式轉載需看中國授權許可。 嚴禁建立鏡像網站。

【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。






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