
【川普】中國想達成協議 我還沒準備好 (全文翻譯 二)

 2019-08-21 12:48 桌面版 简体 打賞 0



以下是川普講話全文翻譯(全文翻譯 二)。

請勿錯過:【川普】贸易协定 习可能采取更快行动 (全文翻译 一) 
請勿錯過:【川普】随时可与习通话 会谈有实质性 (全文翻译 三)

Q    But if it were to slow down, could you win reelection?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, I’d be prepared for it.  We can do — sure, we can do a lot of things.  But if it slowed down, it would be because I have to take on China and some other countries.
總統:是這樣的,我已做好準備了。我們可以做 - 當然,我們可以做很多事情。但如果它放慢了速度,那將是因為我必須對付中共和其它一些國家。

Look, you have other countries that are just as bad as China, the way they treat us.  You take a look at what’s happening with the European Union; they have barriers, they have tariffs.  Take a look at other — I’m not going to mention all the countries because you’ll be surprised.  But we’re treated very badly — a lot of them by our allies.  We’re treated very badly.
你們看看,有些國家對待我們的方式也和中國一樣壞。你看一下歐盟正在發生的事情;它們有壁壘,它們有關稅。看看其它 - 我不會提及所有國家,因為你會感到驚訝。但是我們受到了很差的對待 - 其中很多是我們的盟友。我們受到了非常壞的待遇。

When all of that normalizes, we’ve got a rocket ship.  Our country is going to be stronger, by far, than ever before.  I mean, if I wanted to make a bad deal and settle on China, the market would go up but it wouldn’t be the right thing to do.  I’m just not ready to make a deal yet.  China would like to make a deal.  I’m not ready.

Q    Do you have an updated on the Iranian oil tanker in Gibraltar that has (inaudible)?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, no update, other than Iran would like to talk also.  I have to say “also.”  China wants to talk, but Iran would like to talk.  They just don’t know quite how to get there.

Look, they’re very proud people, but their economy is crashing.  It’s crashing.  Inflation is through the roof.  They’re doing really badly.  They’re not selling oil.  Even — I mean, we put the sanctions on.  The oil is selling much less — I mean, much less — than we thought.  It’s like a trickle.  And they very much want to make a deal.  They just don’t know how to call because they’re proud people, and I understand that.  But I have a feeling that maybe things with Iran could work out, and maybe not.
看,他們是非常驕傲人,但他們的經濟正在崩潰。通貨膨脹達到驚人高度,他們的表現真的非常糟糕。他們不賣油。甚至 - 我的意思是,我們實施了制裁。他們的石油銷售要比我們想像的要少得多。就像涓涓細流。他們非常希望達成協議。他們只是不知道如何寻求帮助,因為他們是驕傲的人,我明白這一點。但我有一種感覺,也許伊朗的事情可以解決,也許不會。

If you notice, they haven’t taken any of our boats.  They haven’t taken our ships.  They’ve taken ships, but they haven’t taken our ships, and they better not.

But I will say this: I really think that Iran wants to get there.  They have a great potential.  I say this about North Korea.  North Korea has tremendous potential.  Also, Iran has tremendous potential, and we can do something very fast, but they don’t quite know how to begin because they’re proud people.  They’re very proud people.  But their country is crashing.  Their economy is a disaster.  They’ve got to do something, so let’s see what happens.

Q    What about gun control, Mr. President?  Where does that stand?

THE PRESIDENT:  So, Congress is working on that.  They have bipartisan committees working on background checks and various other things.  And we’ll see.  I don’t want people to forget that this is a mental health problem.  I don’t want them to forget that, because it is.  It’s a mental health problem.  And as I say — and I said the other night in New Hampshire; we had an incredible evening — I said: It’s the people that pull the trigger.  It’s not the gun that pulls the trigger.
總統:國會正在進行這項工作。兩黨共同組成的各個委員會正在就背景調查和其它各種事務進行工作。我們會看到成果。我不希望別人忘記這是一個心理健康問題。我不希望他們忘記這一點,因為它是。這是一個心理健康問題。就像我說的那樣 - 我在新罕布什爾州前幾天晚上說過;我們度過了一個令人不可思議的夜晚 - 我說:是人扣動了板機,而不是槍扣動了扳機。

So we have a very, very big mental health problem, and Congress is working on various things, and I’ll be looking at it.  We’re very much involved.  We’re very much involved in looking at what they’re studying.

Q    Mr. President, the Dayton shooter had a 100-round-capacity magazine.  Would you support banning high-capacity magazines?

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, we’re going to look at a whole list of things, and I’ll make a determination then.  But I will say, Congress is now, as you know, meeting in a bipartisan way.  We’ll see what happens.  A lot of things are happening on the gun level.  A lot of things are happening.

But you have to remember, also, it’s a big mental — I was talking about mental institutions.  They closed so many — like 92 percent — of the mental institutions around this country over the years, for budgetary reasons.  These are people that have to be in institutions for help.  I’m not talking about as a form of a prison.  I’m saying for help.  And I think it’s something we have to really look at — the whole concept for mental institutions.
但你必須記住,這也是精神問題 - 我在談論精神治療機構。他們多年來關閉了這個國家的許多精神治療機構 - 大概92% - 由於預算原因。這些人必須在這些機構中尋求幫助。我不是在談作為監獄的一種形式。我是說尋求幫助。而且我認為這是我們必須要真正關註的問題 - 精神治療機構的整體概念。

I remember, growing up, we had mental institutions.  Then they were closed — in New York, I’m talking about.  They were — many of them were closed.  A lot of them were closed.  And all of those people were put out on the streets.  And I said — even as a young guy, I said, “How does that work?  That’s not a good thing.”  And it’s not a good thing.  So I think the concept of mental institution has to be looked at.
我記得,在成長過程中,我們曾有精神治療機構。然後它們被關閉了 - 在紐約,我正在談論的。許多這樣的機構都被關閉了。很多都被關閉了。所有這些人(精神有問題的)都被趕到街頭。我曾經說 - 即使是作為一個年輕人,我說,「那樣怎麼會起作用呢?這不是一件好事。」這確實不是一件好事。因此,我認為必須考慮精神治療機構的概念。

Unrelated to that, I believe that the concept also of voter identification has to be looked at, because you can’t have great security for the voter.  People that vote, you can’t have that national security unless you’re going to have voter identification.  It’s something people have to look at very strongly.

Q    Sir, what does that have to do with guns?

Q    Can you say who you golfed with, sir, and who else you met with at Bedminster?  I know you did a lot of work.

THE PRESIDENT:  Yeah, I did.  We had a lot of meetings, and the golf was the least of it.  I played two days.  The golf was the least of it.  I don’t care about — look, I like golf; it’s fine.  It’s so unimportant to me.  Usually, I’ll play with senators, I’ll play with people where it can help.  Golf is not important from that standpoint other than it’s a little form of exercise, and that’s not so bad.

Q    Sir, on Taiwan, any answer on — or response, rather, on the sale of F-16s to Taiwan?
問:先生,在臺灣問題上,有沒有回答 - 或者回應,對向臺灣出售F-16s戰機?

THE PRESIDENT:  Yeah, yeah.  Yeah, there is.  I mean, I’ve approved the deal.  The deal is approved.  Got to be approved by the Senate, but I’ve approved the deal.  It’s $8 billion.  It’s a lot of money.  That’s a lot of jobs.  And we know they’re going to use these F-16s responsibly.  But we approved the deal.  A lot of money.  And it’s a great aircraft.  And we really believe — or we perhaps wouldn’t have done it — they’re going to use it very responsibly.  But it’s tremendous numbers of jobs.  It’s $8 billion.
總統:是的,是的。是的,有。我的意思是,我已經批準了這筆交易。該交易已獲得批準。還必須得到參議院的批準,但我已經批準了這筆交易。這是80億美元。這是很多錢。這是很多工作機會。我們知道他們將負責任地使用F-16。但我們批準了這筆交易。很多錢。它是很棒的飛機。我們真的相信 – 不棒的話我們也不會這樣做 - 他們會非常負責任地使用它。但這有大量的工作機會。這是80億美元。

Q    And, Mr. President, you brought up voter ID laws in the context of the gun control debate.

THE PRESIDENT:  No, no, just — I said, “unrelated.”  I wanted to bring that out while I’m here with you.  I think voter ID laws are — if you look, voter identification.  So when people show up to vote — because, if you look, Judicial Watch made a settlement with California, I guess, or Los Angeles, where they found over a million names that was very problematic — a problem.
總統:不,不。我說,「不相關的。」我想是在我和你一起的時候把它提出來的。我認為選民身份法是選民身份。因此,當人們現身投票時 - 因為,如果你看一下,司法觀察與加利福尼亞,我猜,大概是洛杉磯有過一個解決方案,在那裏他們發現超過一百萬個名字是很有問題的, 這是一個問題。

And you just take a look at that settlement; that’s a lot of names.  You had people that were well over 100 years old that were voting, but we know they’re not around any longer.

So, you have a lot of voter fraud.  The way you stop it, the easiest way, is voter identification.  We have to go and think about that.  I hope Republicans and Democrats can vote, sit down, and work something out on voter ID.

Q    But your commission on voter fraud didn’t find any actual fraud.  It disbanded.

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, let the commission — the commission was having a tremendous problem, legally, getting papers from various states like California.  They were absolutely hard-lining.  They didn’t want to give this commission — it was just a quick commission, headed up by Vice President Pence, to look at voter fraud.
總統:好吧,讓委員會 - 委員會曾有一個巨大的麻煩,合法的,從加利福尼亞等各州獲得文件。委員會絕對是認真不含糊的。但這些州不想把文件給這個委員會 - 這只是一個快速成立的委員會,由副總統彭斯領導,要調查選民欺詐。

The problem the commission had is we had to have a vast amount of lawyers, which I didn’t want to bother with, because California and other states were giving up no information whatsoever.  And the reason they weren’t giving up information is because they were guilty.  They were guilty of it.  And they know they’re guilty of it.  Many, many people voted that shouldn’t have been voting.  Some people voted many times.  What I’m saying is we need voter identification.  We need voter ID.

Q    I know it’s not a top priority for you with Greenland, but when you go to Denmark, is this something you’re going to want to talk to them about?

THE PRESIDENT:  Maybe.  Maybe.  I don’t think Denmark has been absolutely set in stone yet, going there.  But if I did, I’d certainly talk about it.  But not — not top in the list.
總統:也許吧。也許。我去那裏,我不認為丹麥已經完全定下來了。但如果我去了,我肯定會談論它。但不是 - 不在要做的事列表中的首位。

Q    How much is it worth?  How much do you think it’s worth?

THE PRESIDENT:  We haven’t gotten there yet.  First, we have to find out whether or not they have any interest.

Look, they’re losing almost $700 million carrying it. That’s a lot of money for Denmark.  They’re losing a tremendous amount of money.  So we’ll see what happens.

Q    And I’ve got this — this Fox News poll the other day — I don’t know what to make of polls at this point, but it showed you underwater.
問:我得到了這個 - 前幾天福克斯新聞的調查 - 此時我不知道該如何解讀民意調查,但它向你展示了隱蔽的東西。

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, Fox has always given me — I’ll tell you, Fox is a lot different than it used to be, I can tell you that.  Juan Williams.  Then they have the wonderful woman that gave Hillary Clinton the questions.  That was a terrible thing.  And all of a sudden, she’s working for Fox.  What’s she doing working for Fox?  Fox has changed.  And my worst polls have always been from Fox.  There’s something going on at Fox, I’ll tell you right now.  And I’m not happy with it.
總統:好吧,福克斯總是給我這些  - 我可以告訴你,福克斯與以往有很大不同,我可以告訴你。胡安•威廉姆斯。然後,他們有了一個給希拉裏•克林頓提出問題的出色女人。那太可怕了。突然之間,她為福克斯工作了。她為福克斯工作的是幹什麼?福克斯改變了。我最糟糕的民意調查一直來自福克斯。福克斯正在發生一些事情,我現在就告訴你。我對此並不滿意。

請勿錯過:【川普】贸易协定 习可能采取更快行动 (全文翻译 一) 
請勿錯過:【川普】随时可与习通话 会谈有实质性 (全文翻译 三)

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