在美生存 常用習語

·I'll buy you a lunch (a drink; a dinner). = It's on me. = My treat. 我請客

·Let's go dutch. 各付各的

·My stomach is upset. 我的胃不舒服

·diarrhea [dai r'i ] 拉肚子

·吃牛排時,waitor 會問「How would you like it ?」 就是問「要幾分熟?」的意思,可以選擇 rare,medium 或 well-done。

·I am under the weather. =I am not feeling well. 我不太舒服!

·May I take a rain check? 可不可改到下次?(例如有人請你吃飯,你不能赴約,只好請他改到下一次。)

·I am not myself today. 我今天什麼都不對勁!

·Let's get it straight. 咱們把事情弄清楚!

·What's the rush! 急什麼!

·Such a fruitcake! 神經病!

·I'll swing by later. =I'll stop by later. 待會兒,我會來轉一下。

·I got the tip straight from the horse's mouth. 這個消息是千真萬確的(tip指消息)!

·easy as pie = very easy = piece of cake 很容易。

·flunk out 被當掉。

·take french leave 不告而別。

·I don't get the picture. =I don't understand. 我不明白。

·You should give him a piece of your mind. 你應該向他表達你的不滿。

·hit the road = take off = get on one's way 離開。

·Now he is in the driver's seat =He is in control now.

·Keep a low profile (or low key). 採取低姿態。

·Kinky =bizarre =wacky =weird 古怪的。

·klutz (=clutz) =idiot 白痴、笨蛋。

·know one's way around 識途老馬。

·lion's share 大部分。

·tailgate 尾隨(尤其跟車跟得太近)。

·take a back seat. 讓步。

·take a hike =leave me alone =get lost 滾開。

·hit the hay =go to bed 睡覺。

·Can you give me a lift? =Can you give me a ride? 載我一程好嗎?

·green hand 生手、沒有經驗的人。

·moonshine = mountain dew 指私釀的烈酒(威士忌)或走私的酒。胡說八道也可用moonshine。His story is plain moonshine.

·chill out =calm down =relax(來自黑人英語)

·rip off =steal;I was ripped off. 我被偷了;rip off 也常被用為「剝奪」My right was ripped off. 權利被剝奪(來自黑人英語)。

·我們稱美國大兵為G.I. (Government Issue) or GI Joe, 德國兵或德國佬為 Fritzor Kraut,稱英國佬為John Bull,日本人為Jap.或Nip,猶太人為Jew都是 很不禮貌的稱呼。

·mess around (with)瞎混;Get to work. Don't mess around. 趕快工作,別瞎攪和。

·snob 勢利眼。

·sneak in,sneak out 偷偷溜進去,溜出來。sneakers 運動鞋。

·She is such a brown-noser. 她是個馬屁精。

·This is in way over my head. 對我而言這實在太難了。

·I am an exam jitter and I always get a cramp in my stomach. 我是個考試緊張大師,一考試胃就抽筋。

·Keep your study (work) on track. 請按進度讀書(工作)。

·Did you come up with any ideas? 有沒有想到什麼新的意見?

·Don't get uptight !Take it easy. 別緊張,慢慢來!

·Cheese ! It tastes like cardboard. Cheese吃起來味如嚼臘!

·Get one's feet wet. 與中文裡的「涉足」或「下海」,寓意相同,表示初嘗某事。I am going to try dancing for the very first time. Just to get my feet wet.

·美國總統到底是比爾·克林頓還是威廉·克林頓?吉米·卡特和詹姆斯·卡特是否同一人?根據語言學家William Safire的分析,美國多數政客都喜歡使用昵名代替他們原來的名字,如Bill就是William的昵稱,Jimmy等於James等,好造成一種平易近人的形象。

