2008年3月28日,歐盟外長會議的「全家福」。 (圖片來源:路透社)
[看中國記者李婉君編譯報導] 據路透社3月29日(週六)報導,歐盟外長29日當天就西藏局勢發表聲明:
此外,受西藏事件的影響,一些歐洲國家元首已宣布不會出席8月份的北京奧運。據英國《衛報》3月29日報導,28日,德國總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)宣布她"沒有出席8月份北京奧運的計畫"。此前27日,波蘭總理塔斯科(Donald Tusk)及捷克總統克勞斯(Václav Klaus)亦表示"不會出席北京奧運"。法國總統薩爾科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)及比利時政府都表示,如果西藏局勢惡化,不排除抵制北京奧運的可能。
(Reuters) - European Union foreign ministers approved the following statement on Saturday on the situation in Tibet:
"The 27 ministers for foreign affairs of the EU and the (European) Commission discussed the situation in Tibet.
"They reiterated their strong concern over the events in the autonomous Chinese region of Tibet. The EU condemns all violence and pays its respect to the victims.
"It calls for an end to the violence and asks that arrested persons be treated in conformity with international standards.
"It wishes to uphold the transparency of information and hence free access by the press to Tibet.
"The EU notes the Dalai Lama's recent public commitment to non-violence and to the autonomy, not independence of Tibet. It calls for substantive and constructive dialogue which addresses core issues like preservation of the Tibetan language, culture and traditions.
The European Union will continue to pay close attention to the human rights situation in China."
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