天馬珠寶商老闆夫婦:晚會演出生平未見 無以言表(圖)

天馬珠寶商老闆夫婦:晚會演出生平未見 無以言表
【看中國記者明思紐約報導】記者在2月7日紐約無線電城音樂廳上演的新唐人全球華人新年晚會演出結束後採訪了天馬珠寶商(PEGASUS JEWELLER)老闆和他的妻子。
珠寶商老闆說:"中國文化深刻的影響了世界這麼多的民族和國家。(The oriental culture did so much to the world. The Chinese culture has influenced so much nationality in the world.) 他的妻子感嘆無法用語言形容演出的優美(It was absolutely beautiful. No word to discribe it.),說從未見過這麼好的演出(I have never seen such a wonderful show.)
他們認為晚會的音樂很美,舞蹈鼓聲很有氣勢,歌聲很迷人,戲服很華麗。(Wife: It was beautiful, colorful. The musical was beautiful. The singing was mesmarizing. The costume was wonderful. Husband: The dancing was terrific. I love the drums.)
當被問及明年是否還會邀請朋友和員工來看演出是,珠寶商老闆連聲說:"當然,當然.(Definately yes,yes.)"
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