


一,北京沒有資格舉辦奧運會,其理由如下:(1) 中國人權狀況是臭名昭著的,特別是活摘法輪功修煉者器官。(2) 中共政權保護和支持蘇丹和緬甸軍政府屠殺蘇丹和緬甸人民。


三,為瞭解決上述問題,我們向帕莎迪納市市長建議:(1) 邀請達賴喇嘛作為2008花車遊行的共同大檢閱官。(2) 增加法輪功天國樂團參加2008年花車遊行。(3) 邀請中國著名的人權律師高智晟和他的家庭參加2008年花車遊行。

《未來中國論壇》 發言人 伍凡

The statements for the issue of the 2008 Rose Parade float for celebrating the Beijing Olympic Games

Oct 08, 2007

1. Beijing does not have the qualifications to hold the Olympic Games, due to following reasons: (1) Chinese human condition is notorious, particularly, the harvest organ from Falun Gong’s practitioner. (2) The Chinese Communist Regime is protecting and supporting the Sudanese and Burma Military regime to slaughter Darfur and Burma people.

2. Many people in the world is boycotting the Beijing Olympic Games, on the same reasons as we are boycotting the Chinese float celebrating the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in Rose Parade.

3. For solve above issue, bring following suggestion to Mayor of Pasadena: (1) the action of having the Dalai Lama as a co-grand marshal of the 2008 Rose Parade. (2) Adding Falun Gong’s band in the 2008 Rose Parade. (3) Inviting Attorney Gao Zhi Sheng and his family, the famous human right activist in China, to attend the Rose parade.

Spokesman of 「Future China Forum」

Chris Wu

Tel: 626-458-1020
E-mail: chinaaffairs@gmail.org

