


主持人-- 黃祖威博士 (Dr. Tsuwei Huang), 大紀元報紙華府日報總經理 (General Manager, The Epoch Times – Washington DC Branch)

郭軍 (Ms. Jun Gao), 大紀元日報全球總編輯 (Editor-in-Chief, The Epoch Times Daily)

Attorney Martin McMahon (馬丁馬克曼律師), International Attorney, Lead Counsel on the RICO Lawsuit against Chinese Government, McMahon & Associates Law Firm, Washington DC (國際著名人權律師,大華府馬丁馬克曼律師樓)

Attorney Christ Smith (史密斯律師) ), Human Rights Attorney in Washington DC (大華府人權律師)

Attorney Jason A. Dzubow (傑生祖保律師)(中), Human Rights Attorney in Washington DC (大華府人權律師)

Mr. Truong Quang Si (張光士先生), National Chairman, World/Asian Pacific League for Freedom & Democracy/United Nations NGO, Vietnam Chapter (世界/亞太自由及民主同盟/聯合國非政府組織 越南分部全國主席)

Mr. Karma Zurkhang (卡馬如康先生), 北美38個西藏團體總主席(General Chairman, 38 Tibetan Groups in North America) 及大華府西藏協會主席 (Chairman, Greater Washington DC Tibetan Association)

吳弘達 (Mr. Hongda Wu), 勞改基金會執行主任 (Executive Director, Laogai Research Foundation), 中國信息中心發行人 (Chairman, China Information Center)

Ms. Chi Nguyen VP of Vietnamese Communities in DC, Virginia and Maryland

李大勇博士 (Dr. Dayong Li) ,全球公審江澤民大聯盟 主席(Chairman, Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice)


